About this page

I am a late comer on this ship, I know. I pretty much was turned onto Stargate when I was injured (for my own stupidity I assure you) and I took to the Netflix to find something to occupy myself. I discovered that one of my favorite movies of all time had been made into a TV show, so I started to watch. And fell in love. With Daniel Jackson. Madly. Not just Michael Shanks (although I am fairly certain that he is a Grecian God - oh dear lord....) but the character himself. Then came seasons 9 and 10 and I was just upset by the whole thing. I love Claudia Black and the scenes were fun, but really? Her? That is what they decided he would end up with? Ugh. I mean really, what would they talk about, ever? So, I made him someone. This is your warning. This is sorta a Mary Sue. Sorta because a Mary Sue is Ms. Perfect and while Adrienne seems perfect at first she is NOT. By a stretch. She needs someone like him as bad as he needed someone like her. This is their love story.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Daniel & Adrienne #55 - Fear and Reality

Daniel was just putting the dishes from dinner into the dishwasher when the phone rang. Hands dirty, or at least dirty enough where he didn’t want to touch anything, he turned his head and shouted over his shoulder, hoping that she was closer to a line than he was. 

“Ad,” he yelled, “ja -wer, can you get that?” She didn’t answer him, the phone ringing again and not one peep coming from down the hall.  Adrienne had excused herself to the bedroom after dinner, weakly, not having eaten much at all, Daniel not questioning considering what she had been though this week.  Throwing up a lot more, blaming it the fluttering, which he still could not feel, Daniel hadn’t followed her to the bedroom, giving her space until she asked for him. She hadn’t, so he had assumed that she was fine, but she must not be considering it was too early to go to bed and the phone was still ringing.  Quickly, Daniel wiped his hands on the dish towel hanging lightly on his shoulder, racing across the kitchen to answer the phone.  

“Hello?” he said and there was a pause on the other line but no answer.

“Hello?” Daniel repeated, hearing breathing on the other line, knowing that someone was there. He heard a throat clear, a swallowing and the voice finally spoke.  

“Imma surry; I dink I’avhe got da wrung numba,” a woman’s voice, thickly, accented, said on the other line. Shrugging, Daniel hit the button on the cordless phone, hanging up, continuing his rinsing of the forks and spoons.  

The phone rang again, moments later.  Sighing, Daniel wiped his hands, having given up on Adrienne answering at all.  

“Hello?” he said, tucking the phone into his shoulder so he could continue what he was doing, tired, wanting to get in the bed himself and read or at least relax before going to sleep. There was a pause once again, the person on the other line choosing not to answer. 

“Hello?” he repeated, and again, he could hear that breathing on the other line; again, there was a delayed response.

“Imma sorry shug.  I musta dailed the wrung numba.  Be dis 202-555-6173?” the voice asked. Still getting used to the new phone number, Daniel ran the digits through his head, confirming everything including the DC area code since his cell phone was technically still a Colorado number, Yep, he thought, that’s our, phone number. 

“Yes ma’am,” he responded, “this is 202-555-6173.” She didn’t sound like an elderly woman, maybe in her mid sixties, but she did sound confused.  There was shuffling on the other end of the line and a voice, that thickly accented voice reading his phone number back as if she had written it down. Waiting patiently, Daniel adjusted his shoulder higher, holding the phone in place while he dried the silverware, the woman on the other end taking a breath and shouting. 

“Rae, do ya ‘ave Addy’s cell phone numba, dis be da wrung numba for da ‘ouse!” the voice yelled, a younger also accented voice shouting something about being sure, well sho, that the number was correct. Daniel was about to hang up the phone when it occurred to him. Rae? Addy? Wait a minute, Daniel though to himself, this isn’t a wrong number call. 

“Ms. Verdin?” Daniel asked into the phone, the voice on the other line stopping her shouting the instant he said the name. 

“‘Ow ya be knowing my name?” it asked, Daniel chuckling quietly to himself as he put it all together. It was Adrienne’s Aunt Barbara.  The poor woman must trying to be getting a hold of Adrienne and had expected her to answer.  Adjusting the phone and putting down the dishes, Daniel grabbing the towel to walk the phone over to Adrienne, chatting along the way.  

“Ms. Verdin, it’s Daniel. Let me go get Adrienne for you,” he clarified heading for the bedroom in the hopes that Adrienne wasn’t violently ill and could talk to her aunt. Maybe she could even ask about this not-just-in-the-morning sickness his fiancee had been suffering for over a week now. 

“Daniel?” the woman asked, “Like Addy’s bahss?” Daniel laughed, wondering why she put it that way but dismissing the thought, figuring that she was teasing him.   

“Doesn’t really feel that way anymore though. Hang on just a moment, she’s in the bathroom, I need to make sure she’s alright,” Daniel said, holding the phone away from his mouth so the poor woman wouldn’t have him screaming in her ear. 

“Ad, ja-wer, your aunt’s on the phone,” Daniel yelled from outside the door, that loud cajun voice on the receiver in his hand yelling back to Adrienne’s cousin. Hoping she simply hadn’t heard him, he waited for Adrienne to respond, knowing in his heart what she was really doing on the other side. She didn’t, however, not a peep from her end, so  he knocked a second time.  

“Addy, do you want me to tell her that you’ll call her back?” Daniel shouted again at the bathroom door this time getting a response, although not verbal one; Adrienne was throwing up in the toilet, just as he feared. 

“It’s going to be a LONG night,” Daniel said aloud to himself, bringing the phone back to his ear.  

“Ms. Verdin, Adrienne’s not feeling well right now but I’m happy to have her call you back as soon as she’s better or first thing tomorrow morning,” he stated politely, after all, this woman was going to be the closest thing to a mother in law he would ever have and he needed to be nice.  

“Why ya be at ‘er ‘ouse dis late?” Barbara responded to Daniel’s complete confusion. 

“I live here,” he replied, not thinking, not playful, wondering why in the world she was asking him that question when he heard the woman on the other end gasp.  

“Whatcha mean ya live der? Addy lives wit ‘er bahss?” the woman continued, Daniel, at this point, totally lost.  What did she mean did Addy live with her boss? Daniel was trying to figure out what to say to that when he heard a flush and the bathroom door opened behind him, Adrienne standing at the door way.  Covering up the phone with his hand, he glanced at his fiancee, now doubly concerned. 

“It’s your aunt on the phone.  She seems a bit confused, can’t figure out why I’m here,” Daniel explained, worried something was wrong with Aunt Barbara, maybe she was ill, but Adrienne’s face turned white, her cocoa eyes widening and her jaw dropping.   

“Aunt Barbara?” she asked and Daniel nodded.  

“Yes, Aunt Barbara; is everything alright?” he continued, but Adrienne snatched the phone from his hand, not saying another word to him.   

“Hi Aunt Barbara. Yea, I’m fine.  Daniel, oh, he was just over here for dinner.  Live here? He was just playing with you Aunt Barbara, I told you how he is. Cameron? He’s doing great, really well,” Adrienne started right in, talking to her aunt, walking down the hall heading to her office.  Frozen in place, Daniel stood in the bedroom, unable to believe what he was hearing.  She hadn’t told her, her family didn’t know about them...

Confused, crushed, not sure exactly what he was feeling, Daniel pushed his glasses back up his nose and returned to the kitchen to finish what he’d been doing.  


Fifteen minutes later, Adrienne came into the kitchen, her eyes cast down toward the floor. Not speaking, she placed the phone into it’s base and went to sit on a bar stool at the kitchen counter, resting her forearms on the surface. Daniel turned, hearing the wood of the stool drag across their tile floor, leaning back against the sink, his sparkling blue eyes brimming with emotion.  

“Go ahead,” Adrienne started, the expression on her own face not much better than his, “Yell, scream, call me a coward.  Let’s just get it over with. I will start prepping the I’m sorrys.”  

“Does she know you’re pregnant?” he asked quietly, his voice even and calm. 

“No,” Adrienne replied, her cheeks getting red, her eyes looking for escape. 

“Does she know we’re engaged?” he tried, going down the list in his head, knowing her answer, knowing what her answer was going to be to all of them, but he just needed to hear it for himself. 

“No,” she replied, flushing further, her hands now clasped as she frantically picked at her fingernails. 

“Does she know that we live together?’ he ventured, this question eliciting a look down at the counter top.

“No,” Adrienne replied, sounding a bit like she was choking up but Daniel, didn’t approach her, keeping his calm and shaking his head.  

“Does she know we’re seeing each other?” he asked a fourth question, a question that Adrienne didn’t answer.  Daniel took a deep breath; he hadn’t misinterpreted her conversation, it was clear what her family thought. For as often as Adrienne talked about how much they annoyed her, he knew that she talked to her aunt and cousin at least once a week and he couldn’t believe that he hadn’t come up once. 

“Does she know Cameron’s not your boyfriend?” Daniel finally asked, remembering her story of what happened at her cousin’s wedding, the actual words tearing him up inside as he spoke them. Her eyes still downcast, Adrienne mumbled her reply, inaudibly. 

“Ad?” Daniel inquired, stepping away from the sink, he approached where she was sitting at their island, leaning closer to his fiancee.  Adrienne looked up, sensing his presence, the brown trembling in her eyes which were filled with tears, sitting at wait to be shed. 

“Not exactly,” she muttered.  Nodding, biting his lip, Daniel stood back upright, averting his gaze away from her.

“Daniel, I’m sorry, really, I am, I just, well, she’s so hung up on marrying me off and I didn’t want to say anything about us until I knew for sure we were serious,” Adrienne starting, stammering, trying to apologize, to explain, but Daniel threw up his hands whipping his head around to answer. 

“Serious?!? Until you knew were were serious? Adrienne, we practically moved in with one another the night we got together. I cleared dresser drawers for you two weeks into our relationship.  For crying out loud, you are wearing my ring and carrying my child. At what point do you deem us serious?” he shouted, despite trying not to raise his voice.  Adrienne looked up like she was going to answer, tears streaming down her face, but shoved her hand to her face before she could speak, running back in the direction of the bedroom.  

“Please make it to the toilet,” Daniel said to himself and followed behind, her words still lingering in his mind.  

Adrienne sat on the bed, sipping a clear soda and breathing slowly, Daniel seated across from her, trashcan ready beside him on the off chance she had anything else left in her stomach to throw up. 

“I was gonna tell her,” Adrienne finally said but Daniel stared at her, unmoved.  

“When?” he asked calmer now, his concern equally divided between this latest revelation and the continued illness.   

“When we picked a date.  I was going to tell her everything. Well, almost everything,” Adrienne replied, peering down at her abdomen. 

“Except for the baby part,” Daniel guessed, conversations of old surfacing in his memory, jokes and comments she had made about relatives getting pregnant out of wedlock.   

“Yeah, that,” Adrienne confirmed, still not looking up, her left index finger now bleeding from being picked down past the first few layers of skin. Sighing, Daniel uncrossed his legs and scooted over closer to her. She didn’t seem very affectionate right now, so he just sat back, crossing his legs and holding onto her knees. 

“I’m not mad,” he finally said, Adrienne glancing up confused.  

“You’re a liar,” she smiled, trying to lighten the mood, ward off her tears and thankfully, Daniel laughed slightly.  

“Ok, so I’m really mad and really hurt, but I understand why you did it.  I just want to know if you’re planning on telling her now and when?”  Daniel asked. Adrienne, however, just shrugged, resuming her nail picking.

“Soon, you do realize that you only proposed three weeks ago, right? And I’ve been sick because of YOUR baby, we had a mission. I honestly haven’t had the time to think of what to say,” Adrienne explained honestly, looking up at him again. 

“Think of what to say? Adrienne, you call her and say Aunt Barbara, I have great news, I’ve fallen in love, we’re getting married and we’re expecting.  I don’t see how that is so hard,” he replied. Sighing out, knowing he was right, Adrienne sat up, crawling over into his lap. He didn’t push her away, just uncrossed his legs and took her into his arms, wanting to hold her close.  

“I’m sorry Indy,” Adrienne whispered, nuzzling closer and Daniel laughed, kissing her head lightly. 

“You used to call me Indy to mess with me, then it was my nickname when we were just friends, and now you call me Indy to get yourself out of trouble,” he teased. Smiling, Adrienne pulled her head up from his chest and gazed into his eyes, running her fingers lightly down his jaw.

“I love you,”  she said, pushing him onto his back and cuddling near him, instinctively kissing his neck. He tried to hold back, but he just couldn’t, hissing in breath and turning his head to give her access to what he wanted her lips to touch. He had to take advantage of this now when he could, considering her condition and after the events of this evening, he just wanted to be close to her, to know that she needed him and loved him.  

They could worry about telling her family tomorrow.  

Damn distracting Adrienne.    


Adrienne awoke the next morning, her stomach rumbling strongly.  She sat up slowly, peeling away the warm blanket that Daniel had tucked around her last night after they made love, thankful to be hungry at last. Slipping from the bed,she removed Daniel’s arm from around her and left him sleeping to go to the kitchen.  Her robe was tossed over a chair, so she secured that, shivering as she stepped onto the cold hardwood floor, making her way out of the bedroom.  He hadn’t moved, which was odd, but Adrienne was thankful.  She needed some time alone to think, she needed to think about what she was going to say to her family that wouldn’t make her look like a complete and total tchew. After years of mocking the girls that fell at the feet of boys, ran off, got pregnant, and then were shamed into marriage, she had gone and done the exact same thing. Except for the shame, marrying Daniel wasn’t something she was ashamed of in the least, in fact, it was her second happiest thought each day, second only to the fluttering inside her middle. The door pulled carefully behind her, but not closed all of the way, Adrienne tiptoed to the kitchen, running dozens of calling home scenarios through her head. 

There was an iced coffee in the fridge, but despite her burning desire to have at least one cup of something caffeinated, Adrienne grabbed the jug of juice and shut the door to the fridge, turning to grab a glass from their cupboards.  She smiled looking at the door to the cabinet, realizing that it wasn’t until she was pregnant and awake all night that she had really begun to appreciate what a nice home Daniel had bought for them, for her really. Even the cabinets were beautiful and detailed, the care and love that he put into this making her feel like she had never felt before. How could she have done this to him? This man loved her more than anything and here she was all concerned with her pride. 

Pulling a bowl from the cupboard to get herself some cereal, she stood and thought about, obsessing really, over what she had just done to him, after all of the wonderful things he had done for her. She couldn’t imagine what he was feeling. This wasn’t like hiding their relationship from their friends, from Woolsey, who could use it as justification to hand her a pink slip; Aunt Barbara wouldn’t be anything but overjoyed at the news. Adrienne stood staring at the cereal boxes, lambasting herself for her poor choices rather than taking care of the rumbling in her stomach.  Without thinking, she reached up and grabbed a random box from the shelf and took it, the bowl and the juice out to the table, setting it down robotically. Adrienne was turning to get a spoon when their house phone rang and she looked up at the clock, surprised, noting that it was six in the morning. 

“Who in the hell is calling at 6 a.m.?” she asked herself, reaching for the receiver, punching the button clumsily. 

“Hello?” she answered groggily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

“Hey Preggo, get your love toy out of bed.  We need to go on a trip,” it was Vala and she sounded very annoyed to be up this early herself.  She’d probably volunteered to call them, wanting someone to wallow with her in early bird misery, misery she was indeed sharing as Adrienne sighed.  

“Trip where Vala? I puked most of the night,” Adrienne lied, truth be told there were other reasons that she wasn’t asleep and vomiting was not one of them.  That memory made Adrienne smile.  

“To Langara. Elections didn’t go so well, little bit of an uprising.  Jonas says we need to put in a neutral appearance since our connection to them is part of the problem,” her friend explained.  Adrienne groaned.  These diplomatic missions were getting old, she missed exploring or hunting down ZPM’s.  Vala let her get her moaning out of her system before she continued.  

“Really, they only need Daniel, but since the two of you can’t seem to go five minutes without being physically attached to one another, you get to come too,” she explained, Adrienne’s heart stopping. Oh no, she thought, not Langara, not after last night. What in the fuck else could go wrong?

“Ah nah, mon ami, nah, ya canna do dis ta me,” Adrienne hissed into the phone, her panic and lack of sleep taking over her words. 

“Addy I’m nonna doing anything to you or whatever the hell you say when you slip like that, you have to go. Sam’s orders. She wants every last yappity nerd to go and yap to these people,” Vala replied, mocking Adrienne’s early morning accent. Standing and peering in the direction of the door, wondering if Daniel was awake, Adrienne tiptoed her way down the hall and back to her office, slipping inside and closing the door behind her. 

“Vala listen to me. Get me out of this. I can’t look at Jonas right now ok? I just can’t!!” Adrienne whispered, frantically, her eyes keeping close watch at the door.  

“Seriously Addy, it was one dinner. ONE dinner. Unless you fucked him... wait...did you fuck him?!?!” she asked, her curiosity burning. 

“Gah no Vala I didn’t fuck him,” Adrienne spat. I did kiss him though, she thought, or he kissed me or ugh, I can’t go to Langara.

“I don’t believe you,” she replied, laughing, Adrienne reaching to cover the phone with her hand hissing into it. 

“I did not fuck Jonas. I have not fucked Ronon. I have not fucked anyone but Daniel in forever. Now shut up, be a good friend and get me out of this!!!” Adrienne continued, her voice more of a growl than a voice. 

“Look Addy, Sam says you have to go. Sam is your boss. Sam makes sure you get paid. Unless you want to let Daniel make all of the money and you just stay home and have sex with him. But we know what that will make you,” her friend mocked evilly. 

“I’ll get him up.  We will be there shortly,” Adrienne replied and hung up, not wanting to discuss it further. Vala floated back and forth between support of their current status and all out jealous rage and it was just too damn early for Adrienne to try to decipher which she was experiencing right now.  Abandoning her breakfast, she turned to head for the bedroom, pushing the door opening lightly when she heard the shower running. She should have figured the phone would wake him; Daniel never slept as it was anyway, she just hoped he hadn’t heard any of the more interesting parts of their conversation. Walking toward the bathroom, opening the door and sticking her head in.  

“Daniel, that was Vala.  Duty calls,” Adrienne tried to shout over the water. There was a shuffle from the other side and then Daniel pulled the curtain back, sticking his head out.  

“I figured, hey would I ever think I could get more than a few days at home. Let’s disregard the fact that my fiancée has been sick all week long and we just got back from a mission,” he complained from the stall, shaking his head and reaching out his hand. 

“Come on, get in.  We can grab breakfast on the way,” he offered, wanting one last chance to be close to her before heading off world. Smiling slightly, Adrienne took off her robe, tossing it onto the toilet and letting him lead her into the shower.  


Heading into work solely based on the information gleaned from a whiny call from Vala wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but a return text from Sam that she was dealing with Lucian intelligence not only explained why Vala was the one calling from her office but also the lack of information. In addition, the general had made sure to add that she needed Daniel back on base and meeting with Jonas as soon as possible, so he hurried through getting dressed, not saying much to Adrienne. 

Last night hadn’t helped, the physical intimacy they shared had really only made him feel worse. He wasn’t an idiot, he understood that she was a proud woman and had become exactly what she had feared she would become were she to stay in New Orleans in the clutches of her family.  A small part of him felt bad, felt guilty as if it were his fault, but he couldn’t help falling in love with her any more than she could have helped falling in love with him. She had fallen asleep after, thankfully since the illness had prevented her from sleeping much lately, while he had laid there staring at the ceiling. Ok, baby part fine, he thought, that embarrassed him even, but the rest? She was marrying a fellow professional, one that she worked closely with, they had a very nice home in D.C. and were hoping to plan a real wedding not some shotgun ceremony in Vegas. True, she might be going down a path that she hadn’t intended, but it clearly wasn’t the path her plethora of trailer park cousins, as she so delicately like to put it, had taken for themselves. 

And it’s with me, he thought, shouldn’t that count for something? Shaking his head, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand, Daniel picked up his pace down the hallway toward where his Langaran friend was waiting. 


Jonas Quinn was sitting alone at the briefing table when Daniel entered. Hearing footsteps in an otherwise quiet room, he looked up, smiling. 

“I hate that it seems I only get to see you guys when something goes wrong,” Jonas admitted as he stood from his chair, stepping forward to shake Daniel’s hand.   

“Kinda the way things work around here; what’s going on?” Daniel asked, wanting the details from Jonas himself, shaking his hand quickly, and pulling out the iPad. Searching for the correct icon, Daniel frowned, determined to do this without Adrienne, Jonas letting out a sigh and waiting for Daniel to figure out the gadget.  

“I hear a congratulations are in order,” Jonas said just as Daniel found the correct icon for “records”  tapping it without looking up.  

“Thanks, yeah, it’s been an interesting,”  Daniel replied cooly, bringing up the record on Langara.  Leaning carefully over his shoulder, in an attempt to see what was on the screen, Jonas recognizing instantly Addy’s careful script on the notepad of the touch screen. 

“Well, I think after everything you’ve been through you deserve to be happy. You know, considering,” Jonas offered, the statement making Daniel look up.  

“I am, and really, thank you. It’s just a tad overwhelming is all. But I’m very happy,” Daniel replied. 

“Where is Addy? I thought she was coming?” Jonas inquired, noting her absence.

“She is, they’re coming in a few hours, Cam and Adrienne,” he answered, reading over the election information, Jonas smiling and nodding. 

“Good, I’d hate to think she was avoiding me. I really didn’t mean anything by it,” the Langaran man added nervously, thinking that might not be a wise choice of words considering to whom he was speaking them, but Daniel didn’t turn around or lash out at him, just cocked his head up, staring in confusion. 

“Didn’t mean anything by what?” the archaeologist asked in return, his eyebrows raised, the action making Jonas’ heart skip a beat. Oh no, he thought, he doesn’t know. His mind racing, he tried to come up with something, anything to cover, not wanting to give this man another reason to dislike him as he sometimes appeared to do. 

“When I called her a tough guy,” Jonas sputtered out, remembering the conversation from their dinner, “she was talking about training and I did not want her to think I thought of her as a man.” Ok Jonas, that was lame and unbelievable, you most certainly did NOT think of her as a man, but it worked, Daniel was laughing, his attention back at the screen. 

“I call her that or a variation at least once a week. You should see the way she acts pregnant. When she’s not crying or throwing up she’s about ten times tougher,” Daniel joked, his eyes finally reaching the end of the page. Jonas watched to see if there was any indication that he didn’t believe it, and there wasn’t, but something was clearly wrong, he just didn’t seem, well, like Daniel. 

“So, WE were the key issue in the elections?” Daniel finally asked, Jonas nodding slowly.   

“We’re still recovering from the Lucian attack.  The winning candidate, Jonathan Tulra, said the best way to avoid further attacks is to maintain contact with you all in order to be kept abreast on the latest intelligence.  The loser, Gilman Edmenton, believes you are the cause of all of the problems in the first place.  He threatened to cause an uprising should Tulra win, which of course he did.  President elect Tulra is hoping that if you come and address the people, on the open air, to assure them that our friendship is in their best interest that it might avert civil unrest,” Jonas explained.  Not pleased by the prospect, Daniel raised his eyebrows, furrowing his brow. Speaking on the Langaran equivalent of TV wasn’t something he was keen on doing. He tapped his pencil on the table and thought for a moment.  Addressing an entire nation was something that most definitely constituted extreme intervention, and while Daniel didn’t want to tell Jonas this just yet, he didn’t plan on addressing any nation or planet for that matter, it just wasn’t his place to do so. 

“Alright, let me get a better handle on things when we get there. I’ll head back to quarters, go tell Cam and Addy that they need to get moving a little faster, and I’ll meet you back at the gate,”  Daniel said, standing again, the expression of worry still on his face. Not liking the reaction, but not sure what else could be done, Jonas just nodded, fearing for his people as he watched Daniel leave the briefing room.  

“His mind isn’t on this, at all,” Jonas said to himself as he pushed the chair under, turning and heading to Sam’s office.  


Adrienne was in the lab packing up when she heard Daniel come in and turned to see what news he had.  

“How bad?” she asked as Daniel shrugged, walking over to his desk.  

“Bad enough. The information Sam sent to my email says there are fifteen confirmed deaths in less than twenty hours,” he replied, sitting the iPad beside him, beginning to gather his things, not saying much else to Adrienne.  Noting his quiet demeanor she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.  

“Ya ok sha?” she asked sweetly, leaning in to rest her head against him. Breathing out lightly, Daniel turned his head to kiss her forehead gently and moved her away, continuing to pack.  

“I’m fine,” he answered quietly.  Unconvinced, Adrienne reached for his hands.  

“No you’re not, how bad of a situation are we walking into over there?” she asked, now worried about going on this mission, one where there were apparent riots, pregnant no less, She trembled slightly in fear, Daniel sensing her apprehension, squeezing her hands lightly and letting go, continuing to pack. 

“It’s nothing to be nervous about, we won’t be leaving the main government facility, I won’t risk you or the baby.  It’s just going to take maybe a few days to clear up, if we can clear it up,” he answered her, not himself, quiet, gloomy.  Since when was Daniel upset about being gone for a few days? Adrienne thought, looking him in the eyes, studying his face when it hit her.  Leaning up to kiss his forehead quickly, she marched over to her desk and grabbed her cell phone, scrolling down the list of numbers.  She found the one she was looking for and walked back over to her husband to be, staring him straight in the eyes. 

“I’ll call her right now Daniel, right now.  Before we go and before we can have this looming over our heads,” Adrienne said, turning the phone to show him that she was about to dial her aunt but he didn’t agree, instead reaching out for the phone and shook his head, pulling it down.  

“No, let’s wait until we get back,” he said, “I don’t want you just doing that to appease me.”  He took the phone from her hands and slipped it back into her pocket and continued to pack, his last words lingering between them.  Adrienne didn’t want to start a fight, so she just walked back over to what she was doing resisting the urge to cry. 


The gate was already activated by the time they arrived, Jonas standing and talking to Cameron about the situation.  Without speaking to one another, Daniel and Adrienne had managed to get ready and come down to the gate room, but Adrienne was so preoccupied with her fiancee’s mood that she didn’t even notice Jonas running over to hug her once she was in his sights. 

“Addy!” he shouted as he approached, “Congrats!” He hugged her once he was close enough and Adrienne returned the action, shocked, butterflies racing in her stomach, and stepped back, forcing a smile.  

“Thanks Jonas,” she choked out, her stomach a complete disaster, for once not baby related. 

“Are you excited?” he asked and Adrienne just kept smiling, that stupid fake smile that was covering her internal screaming, screaming that was repeating over and over “JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!!”

“Actually, yea, a little scared but I’m just chalking it up as my next adventure,” Adrienne responded, trying to make sure her response was loud enough so Daniel would hear, and calm enough so Jonas would not sense her apprehension. She glanced over to her left to see if she could judge his reaction but there was none; he was talking to Cameron as though Adrienne had said nothing.  Sighing, wondering if he was ever really going to forgive her for this, Adrienne started to approach the waiting platform when there was a hand at her shoulder and she turned back around, thinking Daniel may have slipping in behind her when she wasn’t paying attention.

“Well, I’m really happy for you guys, truly I am,” Jonas, not Daniel, but Jonas was there, squeezing her shoulder before heading up the ramp.  Adrienne stood there, a flurries of mixed emotions coursing through her insides as Cameron and Daniel went to follow, Daniel stopping and looking behind. 

“Let’s go ja-wer,”  he said, sweetly, reaching out his hand. Thankful for some normalcy, Adrienne took his offering, smiling, and following him through the gate.  


The last time Adrienne had gone through the Stargate to Langara, she had been trying to save Daniel’s life.  She remembered making it about 10 steps down the very same platform before armed men had shoved her face first onto the ramp, bruising the inside of her mouth painfully.  Those memories came flooding back just as Adrienne passed through the event horizon and she flinched, her muscle memory expecting it once more, but instead of the slam she felt the gentle squeeze of her hand and felt herself being pulled slightly onward.  Glancing up, she saw the love of her life smiling at her, looking like everything was ok, so she breathed in and followed.  We’ll be alright, she told herself, I’ll call and fix everything as soon as we return home. He squeezed her hand once more and let go, proceeding more quickly down the ramp to meet the officials.  

“Dr. Jackson I presume,” a tall graying man dressed as Jonas was, only slightly better, his black suit neatly pressed, his shoes a perfect match, was at the base awaiting him. Taking a few steps further, Daniel extended his hand, receiving a similar gesture in return.

“President-elect Tulra, it is an honor to meet you. We’re sorry to hear of your troubles,” Daniel apologized, the man retracting his hand, offering him a solemn grin.  

“We are as well, but are hoping that your presence here can solidify my position that the Taur’i are our friends and allies in our quest to further our world’s position in the galaxy,” he answered. Daniel kept on his most professional face at his obviously rehearsed speech.  One thing he loved about Adrienne was her appreciation for the truth, no matter how awful it may be. She wasn’t blunt or rude, like some around the SGC thought, but direct, at least, that was what Adrienne used to believe.  Trying not to recall the events of the night before, he forced himself to focus on the mission at hand.  

“Likewise.  This is Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell, who will be serving as our military liaison and my assistant Dr. Adrienne Rowan,” Daniel introduced, immediately regretting that introduction.  If Jonas had not prepped their quarters, thinking Adrienne was merely his assistant, some other government official might place her into another room and then what if she got sick, what if she needed him.  Daniel forced himself to focus again; he needed to stop this unprofessional behavior as Adrienne was quickly going back to being a distraction again.  Smiling cordially at the other two team members, the president elect stepped forward, offering his hand to both Cam and Adrienne before quickly returning his attention to Daniel.  

“Dr. Jackson, if you will come with me, I would like to meet with you about the current state of affairs, things that Representative Quinn did not choose to take to Earth. He will take your team to their quarters,” the president said, looking at Jonas, who nodded at Daniel, giving him the sign that everything was alright. Cutting his eyes quickly at Adrienne to make sure she was feeling alright, Daniel saw her flush, noting his concern and turned to leave, allowing him to continue with the mission a little less worried. Jonas, after all, wouldn’t let anything happen to her. 

“You guys can follow me.  You’re staying at my residence. I thought that would be best,” Jonas said, leading them the other direction. 

Yep, Adrienne thought, that false smile still plastered across her face, It would get worse and it did. 


The president talked the entire way to his private meeting quarters mostly about what Jonas and Sam had already presented him with, just in greater detail.  The opposing candidate had been against allowing the SGC and Rodney to use the gate in the first place, and had spoken against it publicly, so the attack on Langara had given him the boost he needed to be elevated to a status in which he could pursue political office.  He was quickly elected as a representative in the public council and was encouraged to run for a higher position.  His entire platform was based on the idea of Isolationism, something Daniel and any Earth historian knew was not the best choice and the more disturbances from the Lucians, the more fuel to the fire.  By the time they arrived at the council chambers, Daniel was honestly at a loss as to what exactly he was expected to do.  Pausing at the large wooden double doors, Tulra entered a code into a keypad and they swung open automatically.   

Evidently, Daniel noted, they were not going to be alone. Inside of the chambers was an entire council who looked like they had been waiting sometime for Daniel’s arrival.  Tulra  entered quickly with Daniel following, wondering what information the Langarans had withheld from he, Sam and the rest of the SGC.  He seemed to be surrounded this week by people withholding information, like Adrienne.  Damn Adrienne.  Why couldn’t she have at least told him what was going on and they could have worked through it together. Taking his seat, Daniel tried to ignore the thoughts that were running through his head, thoughts about how the woman that he loved more than anyone else in this world didn’t feel that telling her family about their life together was very important.  

“Dr. Jackson, we are pleased that you have been able to join us,” a dark skinned man in a red sweater spoke, the tight neck at his collar appearing very uncomfortable, choking him even. 

“I’m not sure how much help I can be, but I’m willing to try,” Daniel answered honestly, still trying to figure out how exactly they expected him to fix the problems of their planet with just one speech. 

“You will be a great help,” a women spoke next, tall, broad shouldered, brown hair that were it not so short she would have reminded him of an older Adrienne. 

“Yes,” the president spoke this time, tapping a few buttons on the table, some sort built in control panel, and a opening appearing in front of the archaeologist, a presentation folder inside. 

“Dr. Jackson, with Representative Quinn’s assistance, we have located the surveillance cameras from the incident on our planet in which you were involved,” the man began, a screen popping out from a side wall. Daniel’s stomach sank, he didn’t want to see this, but there it was, grainy and black and white, a shot taken clearly from the far corner on the room, himself, bursting through the glass and heading to the device. Breathing in, he had to look away, someone apparently noticing and switching off the feed.

“Our plan,” the man in the sweater continued, “is to show this to the people and then introduce you, have you speak to them, assure them that the sacrifice that you made for our people is representative of the sacrifice that your people will make to our planet.” 

Frowning, Daniel stared over his glasses at the three government officials, trying to figure out what they expected him to say. To begin with, he had never been the kind of person to ever seek out credit for doing things, and making a decision that had cost him his life was something that he not only didn’t want to brag about but didn’t want to discuss. 

“What would you expect me to say? I have to admit that while I’ve given my share of briefings and lectures, a television address, and a non-academic one at that, well, that’s...” Daniel started to explain, not quite sure how to say ‘no’ in a non-confrontational manner. This is why I need Adrienne in my life, his thoughts wandered, Adrienne would be able to inform all three of them that they were idiots, that they should destroy that video and there would be no speech, all the while with a smile on her face. Stop thinking about Adrienne Daniel, he scolded himself. 

“We’ve taken care of that, the folder, there, in front of you. We have taken the liberty to write a simple speech to insure that we are not asking you to take care of that as well,” the woman explained, indicating with a long varnished nail that he take the folder from the open slot in front of him. Pushing his glasses up his face, Daniel reached in carefully, pulling out the red plastic file, opening it slowly quickly scanning the first line. 

People of Langara. My name is Dr. Daniel Jackson of the planet Earth, the man who you just witnessed in the prior presentation....

Daniel didn’t need to read anymore. They planned to show the video, to the entire planet, before he was to speak and he was to start right away claiming glory for saving the planet. 

How in the hell was he going to get out of this?


“You do realize that Jonas it about fifteen feet ahead of us Addy, right?” Cam asked as he adjusted both of their packs on his back, puzzled by her behavior. At first he thought she was ill, Daniel said the other day at work she was throwing up practically everything, but her coloring was good so he wasn’t quite sure what her problem was. 

“Oh, yea, sorry,” she whispered, looking ahead and picking up the pace. Cam frowned at her, starting to speak when he saw Jonas stop, waiting for them. 

“I’m sorry guys, we aren’t big on cars here, environmental initiative but it really isn’t that much further. Addy, are you feeling ok? Sam said that you had been sick and we really appreciate you coming because I know they want to speak to you tomorrow as well,” Jonas began, walking briskly back towards them. 

“No, thank you Jonas, really, I’m fine, just hungry,” Adrienne replied, a somewhat honest response as her stomach rumbly strongly. 

“It’s just around the corner and I can get you two settled and head back out for some food. It’s just me, so I don’t have a lot at home, but what I have you are welcome to,” he said, making Adrienne feel even worse. He is seriously the nicest guy ever, she thought, feeling just horrible about what had happened.

“Sounds good Jonas,” Cam answered for them, glaring back at Addy. 

“Remember girl, you’re a shitty actress. We’re gonna talk,” he whispered, beckoning her to pick up her step. 

Jonas was right when he said his house was around the corner, a small simple structure  that served as a further reminder, to Adrienne at least, how much Langara looked like mid twentieth century England. It was a brown townhouse type layout, the homes attached to one another in a line. There was no key, despite their outward appearance the Langarans were very advanced, and Jonas walked up to a plate beside the door, pressing his palm lightly.  

“Addy come here,” he motioned from the small stoop, Adrienne hesitating for a moment. He is an adult Ad, she scolded, he is over this. YOU are the child. Get your big ass up those stairs. Smiling, a little less forced, Adrienne strode up the stairs to see what their host wanted. 

“Quinn, Jonas 34602. Request guest access. Prepare for imprint,” he spoke into a small speaker, a light by the panel turning purple. 

“Press here, gently,” he instructed, taking her hand and placing it in the center. Fascinated by the technology, Adrienne did as he asked, the smooth surface warming under her palms and then cooling suddenly, the violet light fading away. Nodding, Jonas looked down at Adrienne to explain. 

“Alright, this gives you access to the entire house, whether I am here or not. Cam,” he turned to look at the colonel, “I can code you in too if you like, but I figured Addy would be best given the baby and all.” 

“That’s fine, I’ll either be with her or Daniel, so I’m good,” he answered from the bottom of the stairs. Understanding, Jonas, reached for the doorknob, opening it to let them in, looking back at Adrienne before stepping in the home. 

“Please Adrienne, treat this as your home while you are here, and if there is anything I can do don’t hesitate to let me know,” he added, turning back to step inside. 

Two alien men Ad, she thought, two kind, caring sweet men and you end up with Daniel. Oh how life just LOVES to screw with me, she thought, laughing, wondering what her grumpy significant other was doing right now. 


“I can’t do this,” Daniel finally said, taking the Adrienne approach, albeit missing the fluffy professor speak of which she was quite proud. 

“Dr. Jackson, we need you. We need this to unite our people, to understand that the incident with Dr. McKay was isolated and that you will protect us from the Lucians,” the president insisted, standing from the chair he had taken and approaching Daniel. 

“Mr Tulra, with all due respect, this isn’t how we do things on Earth. Standing in front of an entire populace proclaiming oneself a hero and then using that very deed as leverage is not something I would feel comfortable with, nor would my superiors be comfortable,” Daniel argued, shaking his head and closing the folder. They had spun the story enough, sure, made sure to leave out details he was sure Jonas had given them, his death and how he came back to rejoin mankind, but either way the document in his hands was not something he felt comfortable saying ever, much less in front of a planet full of people. The president however, didn’t seem convinced, shaking his head. 

“Dr. Jackson, Representative Quinn told us that this technique is used very much on Earth, especially during your elections. We are not asking you to lie or persuade anyone  to do anything malicious. We simply want a non-violent solution to our current state of civil unrest,” he argued, politely. Jonas told them way too much about me, Daniel thought, and way too much about his perception of Earth. 

“Like I said, I am very willing to help, but I am not comfortable with this approach,” he reiterated, opening the folder again and scanning the text for at least the third time, the following sentences discussing how he had made the decision to do what he did for Langara without thinking, which he had, but that wasn’t something people just went around saying. Tulra walked over slowly, his face solemn, not threatening but sad, placing his hand gently on the table. 

“I don’t know how else to put this without begging doctor. This isn’t just about who won or lost an election. This is about innocent people dying and frankly we don’t know where else to turn,” the man explained, the most honest and non-political answer he could have given. Not responding verbally, Daniel’s sapphire eyes worked their way back to the folder in his hands, the words they wanted him to say, thinking to himself yet again about the truths people choose to tell, all for the supposed sake of others. 


“So, I don’t know how long Langaran take-out takes but girlie you ‘d better get to talking if you know something that is going to blow up in our faces. I don’t like where this is going,” Cam started in on her the minute Jonas closed the door, his face making it clear that he meant business. 

“Oh shug, it’s not like that,” she answered quickly, “I’ve got about as much info as you do. It’s something personal.” Rolling his eyes, Cam sat, guessing this was probably related to the crazy hormonal mood swings that she was experiencing making him feel for Daniel everyday he witnessed them. 

“Personal how? The baby ok, you and Daniel at each other’s throats again?” Cam pushed, hoping that if he was to get an extreme reaction from her that it would be anger rather than tears. 

“No, we’re not at each other’s throats,” Adrienne replied, growling, “I fucked up yet again, a prime reason why I don’t belong in any kind of relationship,” she added, tears brimming up in her eyes. Oh no, Cam thought, damn hormones, don’t cry. 

“What happened? Do I need to bust him in the face for you? I have no problems laying him out,” Cam joked, smiling, leaning over in her face. Thankfully, Adrienne smiled, looked back over at him before turning to walk to table that was set up in what looked like the kitchen area. Adrienne noticed that  Jonas’ house was set up very much like a home on earth, entryway, living room with a large rectangular sofa like object positioned around the fire which opened up into a small kitchen and dining area. She wondered if every Langaran did it like that or if it was just Jonas’ Taur’i influences. Sighing she pulled out a chair, indicating Cam take a seat beside her. 

“So...remember our little trip to the Bayou?” Adrienne led, her dear friend and running buddy nodding his head. 

“Yeah...where I learned that you were dropped off by the stork because there is no way you came from those people,” he teased, getting a glare in return. 

“Ok, so, remember how they thought we were together, those cute little notes and gifts in my care packages...” Adrienne continued carefully. 

“Yeah...” Cam replied, starting to put this together in his head. 

“They still do,” she spat out quickly, closing her eyes and screwing up her face. 

“They still do what?” Cam clarified. 

“Think we’re together...” she answered through gritted teeth. Shaking his head and looking away for a moment Cam waited to compose himself. He understood the ruse, he’d suggested it in fact, but the fact that she had kept it up after they became public, after they had moved in together, after he had gotten her pregnant, that he could not understand. 

“Let me guess, Jackson’s pissy mood?” and mine now, he added internally, trying to remember the difficult situation she was in.

“Bingo,” she answered, smartly, trying to blow off what he was sure was going on in that crazy head of hers. Ok, Addy, ok, he thought, looking at this mess that was his friend sitting before him. He couldn’t be mad at her, damn the poor woman had been through enough growing up like she did and then dealing with her dad only to end up here and with Daniel no less. Taking a deep breath he reached across the table, gripping her hands lightly. 

“One question,” Cam finally said, leaning over for her to make eye contact. 

“Yeah,” replied, a little worried about what that question might be. 

“If Aunt Barb still thinks we are together, where are the rest of my gifts?” he teased, pulling back and laughing. 

“Pic tee koi,” she spat, kicking him under the table, “Come on Cam, he’s really hurt...” Shit, the colonel thought, back to whiney. 

“Well I’d think so. You’re walking around with his kid in you and not even so much as one acknowledgement to your family that it’s his. Were you planning on ever telling them?” he asked, starting to wonder what kind of role he was going to play in this. 

“Yes, I was. I just needed to figure out how. Anyway, he’s distracted, I’m distracted and of all the fuckin places we end up we end up on Langara,” she added, letting her head hit the table. 

“Why the hell does that matter?” Cam asked quickly, back to worrying about the three of them walking into a ticking time bomb.

“Please don’t ask....” Adrienne replied, her head on the table a second time. 

“Addy, listen, I’m not gonna sugar coat this. It was shitty what you did to him, real shitty, and I hope you two can fix it, but we’ve got to focus here, Jackson family drama or not. Now is there something you need to tell me about Langara, something that can effect the mission, you have to let me know,”

“I kissed Jonas,” Adrienne mumbled from the table, her voice echoing off of the wood, “Daniel doesn’t know that either.”


Daniel sat at the desk, the red file folder at his left hand and a legal pad waiting underneath his right. There was no way that he was reading that speech no matter how much begging and pleading they did and no matter how long he sat in Jonas’ office, where they had sent him to work on his own version, what he felt was the best compromise at the moment. He still didn’t want to give the speech at all, but agreeing to give a speech given that it was his own would at least buy him enough time to think of a way out of this. 

“Daniel?” he heard a familiar voice at the door and a light knock, looking up to see Jonas entering, that unsure smile of his on his face. 

“Hi,” Daniel answered flatly, glancing up only to acknowledge the man’s arrival, his eyes quickly diverting back to the empty note pad, save for a few scribbles on the margins. 

“I just wanted to stop by, let you know I’ve got Cam and Addy settled, got them some dinner and brought you some by,” he explained, indicating a small brown box in his hands. Looking up again, Daniel smiled, the smell of something that had the faint resemblance of chicken wafting up as the box making his stomach rumble. 

“Thanks,” Daniel said, setting the pen aside and reaching for the box, noting it was still hot.  Opening the box he saw that it contained what did look like some sort of chicken tenders, a piece of bread and a small blue piece of fruit. 

“No problem, I knew this wasn’t gonna be easy. Like I said before, I hate that we only seem to see one another when there’s a problem,” Jonas apologized, walking over to the corner of his office and grabbing a chair, pulling it over to Daniel. 

“It makes all of those negotiations and meeting with government officials that less awful though,” Daniel replied, raising his eyebrows at the Langaran man. Jonas froze. It had been a long time since the last planned meeting, a long long time, the last time was only a few weeks before he had brought a head in a bag through the Stargate . The last time it was he that had come through, a follow up to Daniel visiting a few months before, nothing special except for retooling the trade agreements, nothing special except for dinner. Why would he mention that? He must know...

“Listen Daniel, before this gets any further, I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry, I didn’t know, I didn’t know that you and Addy were...”Jonas began, his palms sweating slightly. 

“Were what? Is everything alright? Did something happen?” Daniel asked quickly, looking up, wondering if she was ill again, was if she alright, was if the baby alright. 

“No, no, no, not for a moment no, nothing happened,” Jonas answered, the words spilling out of his mouth, “I just read the signals wrong and nothing happened, absolutely nothing. Why? Did she say something happened?” 

“Who? Addy? Wait, she’s ok? What do you mean did she say something happened?” Daniel replied, confused, his food forgotten as he stared at Jonas, “What are you talking about?” 

“Addy, I really hope that isn’t why she is acting a little distant, I didn’t mean for her to think anything inappropriate,” Jonas continued, even more panicked as he watched Daniel’s expression change. 

“Wait, Jonas, stop. I’m completely lost. What are you babbling on about inappropriate? What are you afraid that Adrienne thinks?” Daniel turned the questions back on Jonas, his eyebrows raised, peering up at him over his glasses. 

“Oh...” the other man whispered. 

“Oh what,” Daniel countered. 

“Addy didn’t tell you...” Jonas mumbled, the state of his nerves moving from slightly shaky to full blown convulsions. 

“Tell me what?” the archaeologist led, worry of his own creeping up into his gut. 

“Um, well, see, Adrienne and I kind of went, well, out,” Jonas started carefully watching Daniel’s face, his expressionless face, was he angry, upset, indifferent, what in the hell was going on in his head, “it was just one dinner, one dinner on my last visit, well my last official visit, but nothing happened, Daniel, I swear nothing happened, nothing, and I thought that you knew and that’s why you were so, well, distracted,” he paused, taking a breath, watching his friend carefully. 

Daniel paused himself for a moment, considering his words. Jonas’ last visit was well before they were together, granted not before Daniel realized he had feelings for her, but well before either of them had been brave enough to act on it. Peering up over his glasses at his very nervous host, Daniel did the only thing he could think of doing. He laughed. 

“It was a long long time ago, long before I knew that you two were involved, I mean not that Addy would ever do that to you I know but, Daniel if I had known I would have never...” Jonas just continued to blather on, Daniel holding up his hands, waving them, unable to control his laughing to get him to stop. He laughed for a few moments longer, partially due to his own lack of sleep from this night before, but this was just to ridiculous. Yes, the family thing, that was hurtful, that was something they would need to work through, but this? This was hilarious. 

“Ok, ok, so let me get this straight. You went on a date with Adrienne? That apparently didn’t go well?” Daniel pushed, his curiosity getting the best of him. After all, he had gotten a blow by blow account of Adrienne’s failed attempt at seeing Ronon Dex, but she hadn’t said a peep about Jonas and for a moment he wondered why, suddenly remembering when she had said she was in love with him, her date with Ronon. This had happened after...

“Well, I mean I thought it did, it was fine until I went to ki-,” Jonas started, shaking his head and screwing up his face, “this is, ugh, I mean she is carrying your child, this is awkward...”he fumbled over his words, but Daniel got enough to understand, laughing again, resting his forehead into his hand, shaking his head. He’d tried to kiss her and Daniel knew Adrienne, better than anyone. She’d gone out with Jonas probably to try not to think about falling in live with him, with her boss, so he could only imagine her reaction if he tried to kiss her. That alone made him laugh louder. 

“What? Why are you laughing?” Jonas asked, this not being the reaction he expected. 

“No, no, trust me, you wouldn’t understand, but I’m fine, it’s this speech that’s bothering me, a date you had with Adrienne before we were ever together is not why I’m distracted, it’s alright really,” Daniel answered, laughing some more. Somehow, after everything he’d been through in the past twenty four hours this insanely stupid revelation just made it all better. Grinning, he shoved the legal pad aside, reaching for the box of food again. 

“I hope you brought enough for you too. Join me. Let’s eat and then we have a speech to write,” Daniel offered, pushing the box of food at a very puzzled Jonas Quinn. 


Considering that it was only about three o’clock back home regardless of the time it was here on Langara, it was strange that Adrienne was tired, but she just chalked it up to the baby, hormones and her later than normal night before.  

The guest bed was comfortable enough, but small, not that she minded, it just meant that she and Daniel would have to sleep close and with her sickness it felt like forever since they had slept, their legs entangled, their bodies close even if it was just last night.    He hadn’t returned yet so she hoped he was alright, but she was comfortable, tired, the room was dark and without any reason to stay awake Adrienne let herself fall gently asleep. 


It was very late, by Langaran standards, Jonas trying to hide his yawn as they walked, so Daniel kept their chatting to a minimum. Once he had realized that Daniel didn’t think twice about he and Adrienne’s one dinner, Jonas had lightened up considerably, helping Daniel the best that he could in editing and altering the speech. He still wasn’t happy with it, but there was a chance that at the scheduled meeting in the morning, the one in which they wanted Adrienne to attend as well, given her surprise introduction to the Langarans as further evidence of the bravery of the Taur’i, that Daniel could talk his way out of this. Turning one final corner, Jonas pointed ahead, yawning openly this time at a simple but very nice looking brown townhouse.  

“I don’t want to be rude, but I’m exhausted, I’m gonna head to bed. I put you and Addy in the last room at the end of the hall and Cam on the couch. I hope that’s alright,” Jonas said weakly, reaching for the black railing as he trudged up the stairs. 

“Bed sounds perfect,” Daniel replied, “and I’d like to thank you again for putting us up.” 

“Anytime. I still feel bad about the position we’re putting you in but I thank you for not dashing out of here the moment you found out what we were asking of you,” Jonas added as he placed his hand over the lock, the purple light indicating that he could enter. 

“Not at all, I just hope we can talk some sense into someone tomorrow,” Daniel replied, stepping into the home behind him and closing the door. 

“Sleep well,” Jonas said as he smiled, heading up a side staircase to the second level. Glancing at his watch, it would have been only four in the afternoon were they on Earth, Daniel noted the lights were out all over the house, Cameron clearly asleep on the sofa. Knowing that Adrienne most likely was asleep herself, the baby taking more out of her than she cared to admit, Daniel tossed his bag beside the sofa type piece of furniture heading down the hall. 

When he opened the door to the bedroom, he saw Adrienne was curled in the bed in the center of the room, closer to the middle of the bed than one side. She looked so sweet and innocent laying there, not the kind of woman that lied to her family or to him, about stupid things like well, Jonas. He wasn’t mad anymore or hurt, honestly, at this point he just found it all so amusing.  Closing the door behind him, he reached for his waistband, stripping down to his boxers before crawling into bed. He pulled back the covers, slipping into the bed, leaning to wrap his arms around his love when he paused, bringing his lips to her ear. 

“Ja-wer,” he whispered lightly, “wake up. I need to ask you something...” 

“What time is it?” she questioned, her stock half-asleep answer, rolling onto her back rubbing her eyes. 

“That’s not important right now Ad, what’s important is that I’ve got to know, you have to tell me,” he mumbled, propping his head on his elbow as he gazed down at his beautiful bride to be or what he could see of her in the darkness. 

“Tell you what sha?” she asked, rolling over to reach out for him, nuzzling close. He paused for suspense, and to breath in before he cracked up too soon. 

“Is Jonas a better kisser than me?” he inquired finally, trying his hardest to contain his laughter. 

Adrienne’s eyes shot open, her head jerking in his direction and that was all it took to send Daniel into a fit of laughter again. 

“Wait, how do you know!?! Did he tell you!?! What did he say?! Nothing happened, not a damn thing!? Wait... Why are you laughing!?!” Adrienne began her whirlwind of questions, tripping over her words as she sat up, glaring at him. 

“Jonas told me ja-wer,” Daniel explained, coughing to stop laughing, “he thinks you and I are upset with him, which is just ridiculous.” He peered up at her sitting form, her face screwed in confusion. 

“You’re still laughing, aren’t you supposed to be angry? Jealous? Anything?” she asked, ignoring the fact that she was still a little upset being here and now growing slightly upset at her fiancee laughing hysterically at her expense. 

“Hmmm...let’s see, you’re wearing my ring,” he chuckled, reaching for her abdomen and rubbing it lightly, “and that’s mine too.” 

“You’re a tchew,” she spat laying back down staring up at the ceiling, “it’s not funny.” 

Grinning, Daniel reached to take her into his arms, pulling her close.

“Oh it’s very funny, very, very funny. This Ad, this, is what I needed in our relationship, fuel,” he laughed some more, holding her close and kissing the top of her head. Adrienne lay there for a moment, in the protection and love of his embrace, bewildered by his reaction, by this turn of events, before turning her head to try to look him in the eye. 

“Does this mean you’re not mad at me? That we’re fine?” she whispered softly, timidly, unsure if he really was better or just overwhelmed by everything that had been thrown at him in the past day or so. Letting go, he sat up, reaching for her hands to take them into his own. 

“Yes Adrienne, we’re fine. Look, regardless of anything that happened in our pasts, we’re both really new at this. I understand why you did what you did, I really do. And yes I was hurt, I guess I thought that because it was me that everything would be different for you, that you would realize this isn’t like one of your cousins getting knocked up in high school and living in a trailer park,” he tried to joke, but the hurt in his voice was unmistakable. 

“I do, I really do. I don’t know why I’m so frightened,” she answered, looking down at her hands, picking her nails. 

“Do you think they won’t like me?” Daniel questioned as the idea creeped up into his head. 

“No, no, trust me, they’re going to LOVE you, I mean they loved Cam and he’s a great guy, but you, us, oh just wait...” she smiled, finally, the scene playing out in her head. Trying to imagine it himself, from the few pictures he had seen in her apartment of her family, pictures that were now in her office, he stretched his arms forward once more, pulling her back to his body. 

“I’m not so sure I can get out of this speech,” he finally spoke, moments later, hoping she was still awake and hadn’t fallen asleep in his embrace. 

“Jonas told us about that,” she answered, evidently still awake, “is it that bad?”

“Yeah, they’re letting me rewrite it, but I’m just not comfortable with any of it. They essentially want me to be the face of an entire planet,” he muttered softly, his last words unsure. 

“Daniel, I don’t think there is anyone else that is a better representative of the planet than you,” Adrienne replied, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist. He sighed, kissing the back of her head, nuzzling into her hair not wanting to think about what he was expected to do tomorrow, stand in front of a sea of cameras, proclaim himself a hero and start barking orders to millions of people. But what if he didn't? People would continue to die and the SGC would lose yet another trade and technology partner and on the off chance that Anubis had lived, had figured out Daniel’s ruse, they needed all of the allies that they could get. 

“Thank you ja-wer. Good that at least one of us thinks that,” he said in return, rolling onto his back to get comfortable, hoping sleep would give him a better perspective in the morning. He felt Adrienne pull away and saw her turn to her side, laying her head on his chest, curling herself close to him and wrapping her arm around his waist. 

“Besides, think about how cool it is from my perspective. After tomorrow I’ll be sleeping with both a world famous archaeologist AND TV Star,” she teased, rubbing his chest. 

“You’re so awful to me,” he laughed, relaxing back and letting himself fall asleep. 


It should have been the noise that woke him and the light that woke Adrienne, but it was the reverse. By the time Daniel realized what was happening, Adrienne was up, face pressed against the window, her staff weapon clasped at her side, Jonas rushing in the door. 

“We need to leave, it’s not safe to stay,” the Langaran insisted, Cam racing in behind him, in full SG gear. Nodding and jumping from the bed, Daniel peered back at Adrienne who was already tossing her jacket over her tank top. Satisfied that she was alright, he should know better, she can take care of herself, Daniel reaching into the floor, grabbing his pants to pull them over, tossing the jacket over his bare chest. 

“What’s going on?” he finally asked, Jonas reaching for their things and stuffing them into their bag. 

“Take these. I’m going to secure the house but just in case we need to get you to the gate, I’d rather you have them,” Jonas instructed, handing Daniel the bags. He took them, a loud boom echoing out into the street the moment his hand made contact, shaking the house to its foundation. 

“It’s Forces Unite, Edmenton’s group, they’re trying to attack the government buildings,” Jonas explained, his face furrowed in concern as he approached the window.

“Jonas,” Cam started, his gun at the ready, “how are we gonna get out of here if they’re attacking where we need to go?” he asked, concerned about being trapped on what was supposed to be an allied planet. Turning around slowly, his eyes scanning his friends, Jonas was taking a breath when his expression changed and he looked up at them. 

“Back stairs,” he said, grabbing Adrienne’s hand and pulling her along, out of the guest room and into the hall, “the back stairs lead to an alleyway. No one ever uses it and we can make our way through the alleys to the side entrance. I can get us in and gate you guys home.” 

There were so many flawed things in the plan, the idea that no one would use a back alley, the fact that they were leaving shelter during a bombing, Jonas more concerned with getting them home than for himself, but Daniel didn’t care about any of that right now. Right now, more than anything, he wanted to get his future wife and child out of here. 


The back stairs were narrow leading to basement that Jonas had clearly set up as a research facility, a large metal door at the back of the room. Their Langaran friend didn’t say much as he led the way, dodging research tables and stacks of books, only looking over his shoulder to make sure they had followed.  Halting at the door, he glanced back before placing his hand on the security lock. 

“Alright this leads straight into the alleyway. When we get out there, turn left and just walk straight. It’s going to get really narrow, we’ll have to walk single file, but it will open up by the composters and we can use the path that the trash machines take all the way to the capital,” he instructed carefully, his friends nodding. The was another explosion, one that this time they couldn’t see, but the house shook once more, Daniel instinctively grabbing Adrienne’s hand. 

“Don’t leave my sight,” he whispered in her ear, getting a squeeze in return as the door opened in front of them, Jonas dashing out, hanging an immediate left.


He wasn’t kidding, the passage was narrow, so much so that in places Daniel had to turn to the side to make it through. He forced Adrienne in front of him, between himself and Jonas, Cam bringing up the rear, walking backwards, his P-90 drawn. Glancing at the sky above Daniel could see the fireworks of bombs and explosions, hearing the screams of innocent people as soon as the light subsided. This was awful, this was a disaster, this was civil war, and he had no idea how one little speech could make any of this better, in fact, he was starting to wonder if this was the result, if the alliance with Earth was worth keeping at all. 

He was lost in his thoughts when he felt a tug at his hand, looking up to see Adrienne glancing back at him, her face stoic and strong, determined to get her family out of this mess. Drawing on her strength he soldiered on, thinking of her, of their child and not of the chaos around him that he couldn’t stop. 

“We’re almost at the depot!” Jonas shouted back, Daniel feeling his hand squeezed and being pulled along faster. 

It seemed like a million steps but finally there was a light ahead rather than simply lights above. He heard Jonas yell something like here, but he wasn’t paying attention to Jonas any longer, nor Adrienne surprisingly, it was the people that caught his eye, the throng of people spread out before them. 

By a quick glance ahead it was clear that Jonas wasn’t the only person that thought of using the service alleys, in fact it seemed that every man, woman and child in the area were gathered here, pushing and shoving their way out of similar openings into the center area and toward a somewhat larger passageway which Daniel assumed led to the capital. There were screams, cries, fighting, and Daniel stepped back, shielding Adrienne with his body, scanning the crowd for an escape. 

“We can’t get through!” Cam shouted from behind, holding his gun low for fear of shooting into the crowd. Daniel turned back to look at the colonel, hoping that with his training he had a plan but instead caught sight of even more people flooding out of an alley to his left. He tensed, fearing what would or could happen in a mob, turning to pull Adrienne to him, both to protect her and the precious being that she was carrying inside. 

“I think we should go back to the house, or away from here. Someone’s going to see these people down here on the heat sensors, that’s going to make us more of a target,” Jonas tried to shout, Daniel catching only bits and pieces but understood enough that he wanted to head back. 

“Adrienne, now, in front, between Cam and I,” he ordered, and she complied, her arm nervously holding her stomach, protectively. He watched as the colonel disappeared into the relative darkness of the alley, Adrienne running close behind when there was a flight of light, bright blue and orange, so bright it made him close his eyes for fear of being blinded. There were screams, horrible screams, but not in front of him, in front of him were words, his name being called, by Adrienne, ordering him forward, swearing at him in cajun, telling him not to turn around and look behind himself, Jonas yelling run but he couldn’t, he just couldn’t. 

The world seemed to slow to a crawl as he turned, seeing Jonas reaching for him, pushing him forward, telling him to go and take Adrienne to safety that he would catch up, a woman behind him screaming for help, help me, I need a doctor help me please...

“Jonas take Adrienne back,” he growled, pushing his friend aside and walking to the woman, dropping to his knees, realizing that he hadn’t worn a tac vest on this mission at all, he had no first aid supplies, there was so much blood, but she wasn’t injured, she was now on her knees as well screaming, huddled over something, over a pool of blood. 

“Please...no...” she was wailing, reaching down again, Daniel pushing her away to see what she was talking about. 

There, on the cobblestones, so wet with red ooze it looked like it had been raining blood, was a girl, maybe ten years old, screaming and crying in pain. He was about to ask what was wrong, where did it hurt, scanning her unscathed torso for wounds...

Her unscathed torso...

Her legs were gone...

As he looked up at the despondent mother, unsure of what to say, he could hear Adrienne behind him, throwing up. 


“Dr. Jackson, I am glad that you have finally seen how badly we need your help. Now, as we discussed yesterday - “ Tulra began, Daniel shaking his head, not making eye contact. 

“No video,” he said simply, looking ahead at the curtain, the only thing that separated him from the sound stage, if that was even what they called it, the protected area where he would speak and address a planet at war. 

“I do think it would be best if -” the man argued a second time but Daniel was not to be persuaded. 

“No video,” he repeated, taking in a deep yet strong breath. 

“If you insist,” Tulra relented, “I will inform them that you are ready to begin.” He said nothing further; Daniel wouldn’t hear anything further. Reaching for the curtain, he pushed the fabric aside, stepping himself out in front of the cameras. 

“You don’t have to do this,” Adrienne pleaded, grabbing hold of Daniel’s arm to turn him to face her, touching his cheek lightly. He hadn’t said much since last night, leading her back to the house by the hand, his own covered in blood, back to what he felt was the safest place for his family. 

“No, I don’t, but I am. I’m going to have my say and then gate directly home to inform Sam and Jack of what is going on,” he stated sternly, strongly, his voice alone reassuring her that he was alright. Sighing, knowing by the expression on his face that there was no talking him out of this she instead wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, resting her head on his chest. 

“I’ll be right here waiting for you,” she whispered, peering up at him, “I love you.” 

“I love you,” he responded, kissing her head and pulling back, pushing his way through the curtain. She waited until the flap closed behind him before turning from where she had been standing, walking over to Jonas to watch the broadcast. He forced a smile, crossing his hands in front of himself as he gazed at the small black and white screen.

“You should come back with us,” Adrienne finally said, breaking the silence. Grimacing, Jonas let out a breath, glancing back at the ground. 

“I can’t just leave my people Addy, not with all of this,” he replied, appreciating her concern. 

“No, I understand. Felt like I should offer,” she whispered. 

“I appreciate it, really,” he answered, dropping to silence as Daniel’s face appeared on the screen. 

Hello. My name is Dr. Daniel Jackson and I am speaking to you on behalf of the Taur’i, the people of Earth. I am addressing you today to....” 

He’s pausing, she thought, why is he pausing? He had the legal pad, it was right there in his hands, but he’s lost and staring out into space. He’d seemed so strong last night, so determined, leading her back to the house, sitting her at the table with Jonas and Cam before taking himself down the hall...

Looking away for just a moment, Daniel shook his head, glancing back at the camera, continuing. 

“I understand that you’re going through a tough time right now, that there’s a divide between your people. Don’t think for a moment that my planet is perfect and has all of the answers, because trust me, we have problems like this on my world all of the time.” 

Adrienne cut her eyes at Jonas as he nodded, knowing that he might have come to get Daniel, to bring him here, but he knew, he knew better than any of these bureaucrats standing here that statement was the truth. It was the truth, not the speech he had read to them last night at Jonas’ table, not the one he’d rehearsed; it was the truth and Daniel was just choosing to speak it. 

But your leaders, they’re worried, on all sides, they’re worried about you as a people. This isn’t about who won or lost an election, this is about whether or not you’re going to choose to allow people to get hurt, innocent people. Women, children.”

Adrienne bit her lip carefully remembering last night, as he had held the bleeding little girl in his arms, the girl he could do nothing for as she lay dying, her mother’s heart breaking. Reactively, she touched her abdomen, knowing his thoughts from last night, knowing his pain. 

“There are a lot of things that happen in life, in your individual lives, on a global scale, and sometimes those things are awful and can shape and change our opinion. However, while history can repeat itself, it doesn’t have to, we should learn from our mistakes not live in fear of repeating them.

Mistakes, Adrienne thought, her mind going back home, selfishly, which it shouldn’t after everything she had witnessed, but it did, her hormones taking over her good sense. I screwed up, I always screw up, why do I keep screwing up??

Yes, our worlds have had our problems, but I know, at least on our end that we’ve learned a lot from those experiences. But we can’t be fearful of everything that might happen because what kind of life is that? Fine, an alliance with my world doesn’t benefit you, then cut ties, end our relationship, but don’t end what could be and in my opinion still is a mutually beneficial relationship because of the possibility that something bad could happen. Is that the existence you want? Living in fear? Fear that remaining friends with us will cost your further? Fear that closing the gate will leave you vulnerable? Fear that disagreeing with your neighbor will cost you your life? Either way it doesn’t seem that you’re really living at all.” 

I’m not, Adrienne thought, they’re not. Daniel’s right, you can’t spend you entire existence in fear, you have to enjoy what you have and work your hardest to make the world, to make everything better. I can’t be afraid of what they’ll say and why should I care. I found my place in this world, my home, my soulmate...

“I’m not going to stand here and tell you what to do, it’s not my place, it’s not anybody’s place. I will say that your planet is one of our closest allies and your friendship will be missed by many should you choose to terminate our relationship.”

“Jonas,” Adrienne said, reaching for his hand. 

“Addy are you alright?” he asked, noting the sudden change in her demeanor. 

“Yeah, I’m fine. Listen, can you tell Daniel I had to go home, everything is ok, that I just needed to gate back. Can you tell him to meet me at home as soon as he can?” she asked quickly, knowing what she needed to do. She couldn’t stop a war, Daniel couldn’t stop a war, but there was something for him that she could fix. 

“Of course, but are you sure everything’s alright?” he repeated, worried. 

“Yes, I’m sure,” she answered, squeezing his hand and turning to rush out of the door, pausing before she could twist the knob. 

“Jonas?” she asked, looking back one more time, “I’m sorry about everything. About the dinner, about acting funny, about, well. You’re a wonderful person and I want you to know that you’ve been missed on Earth, missed on the team, even by Daniel. If this gets bad, gets worse than we can help, please know that our door, that my door, is always open.” 

Touched, not knowing what to say, Jonas nodded, watching her leave quickly and then peering back at the screen as Daniel began to describe the horror from the night before. 


The meeting he had just had with Sam, a good three hours in length, was easily one of the hardest meetings of his entire life. After describing the events he had witnessed in that alleyway behind Jonas’ home in Langara to the people of the planet on live TV, he hadn’t had much else to say, leaving the stage, bidding farewell to his friend and collecting Cameron before gating home. He hadn’t really been shocked that Adrienne left, between the attack and her continual vomiting for hours afterwards he was quite surprised that she hadn’t begged to be sent home the minute that the military envoy had arrived at Jonas’ door to provide safe escort to the capital. He knew why she hadn’t, she had wanted to be there for him regardless of how she was feeling, support him, just one of the many reasons that he loved her. 

He thought about everything that had happened, everything that he had seen back on the planet the entire metro ride to the station, almost missing the stop for home. He shouldn’t beat himself up about it, he couldn’t fix an entire world, and it seemed that the people of Langara had been fighting each other in one way or another the entire time he had known them. Maybe he should give up, maybe it just wasn’t meant for that world to properly function. 

Reaching into the pocket of his jeans, Daniel grabbed his house keys, fumbling with them for a moment, exhausted, both mentally and emotionally, finally slipping the metal sliver into the lock. He turned till the click, reaching for the knob and opening the door. 

Stepping through the entryway, Daniel walked quickly down the hall, peeling off his leather jacket and walking past the coat closet, wanting nothing more than to come home, take Adrienne into his arms and pretend that just for a moment, that there was nothing else in this world but her, their love and their future. 

So, needless to say, Daniel was surprised to see his beautiful fiancee sitting on the sofa, two suitcases at her feet. 

“Put your coat back on sha,” she requested, smiling brightly. Confused, he frowned, walking over to her and tossing his jacket on the sofa. 

“Ad, ja-wer, please, I just can’t go on any sort of adventure now, you understand...” he started, Adrienne leaping up from the sofa and taking his hands. 

“This isn’t an adventure,” she said, reaching for his face, “it’s wedding planning. We need to pick a date and start planning before I get too big.”
“Wedding planning, Adrienne, please, I -” he started to protest, her finger hushing him. 

“I called my aunt. She’s expecting us in an hour. She wants to meet the man I’m gonna marry.” 


Sam had gotten the call from Adrienne what seemed like mere moments after Daniel had left her office requesting a few days so she could take him home to meet her family. Of course had been her answer, they needed time off after that experience and she couldn’t think of a better place for the two of them than with family thinking of happier things like weddings and babies and not worlds falling apart. 

Quietly sitting at her desk, Sam looked at the report she and Daniel hacked out, anxious for her husband to return her call, having left a message for his secretary over an hour ago. She didn’t want to take any action without him, this was too hostile a situation to ignore, and she wanted to put their heads together before calling in the IOA and the other paper pushers. 

“Attention. Incoming Traveler. Unauthorized. Planet Code P2S -4C3.” 

Recognizing the code as Langara, Sam leapt from her desk, racing through the briefing room straight to the observation deck where Walter was standing not sitting as the iris opened, the wormhole blasting into the room. 

“General, it was a distress call, from Jonas Quinn,” he explained, needing only to say that and nothing more, Sam already running out of the door and down the staircase. 

The event horizon stabilized only for a second before a flood of people came cascading through it, men, women, children, in various stages of disarray and injury, carrying nothing but the clothes on their back. SGC personnel flooded the gate room, weapons raised, pointing them at the growing crowd.

“Weapons down!!” Sam ordered, “They’re civilians!!” The guards did as they were told, looking to their superior confused, as she pushed her way through the people, men holding bleeding children in their arms, women coming through pulling their husbands. 

“Where is Jonas!?!” Sam shouted, searching frantically for her friend, her friend who had been fine and in her office less than forty eight hours ago. 

“Sam!!” she heard a weak shout from ahead, his hand reaching up from the back and then him standing, staggering, waving both hands now at Walter. 

“Kill the gate!! Walter kill the gate!!” he was screaming, jumping, suddenly falling to the ground. Her heart stopped and she pushed her way through the crowd, finding Jonas on his knees trying to catch his breath. 

“Jonas, what happened!?! Who are these people!?!” she asked, resting her hand on his back. He took a few deep breaths, rapidly, calmly himself before looking up at her. 

“They attacked, the capital, bombs, aerial attacks, I got who I could and came to the gate to come here, but, they, I was the last that made it through, they blew up the DHD, I thought the wormhole was going to close behind me but I just made it, the others, I don’t know, Sam, we didn’t even know they were coming, we had no idea...” he rambled, pausing and breathing heavily in between. 

“Who attacked Jonas? Edmenton’s people? The Lucians?” Sam questioned as Jonas looked her in the eyes shaking his head, his eyes wide in disbelief. 

“No,” Jonas took another breath, “it was the clones...” 


  1. Crap, not the clones! Great episode and the cliffhanger will keep us coming back! And can't wait to see what Daniel thinks of Addy's family, and vice versa! :)

  2. Thanks for really bringing Jonas into it. Think the whole awkwardness between them was fantastic. ~ C
