About this page

I am a late comer on this ship, I know. I pretty much was turned onto Stargate when I was injured (for my own stupidity I assure you) and I took to the Netflix to find something to occupy myself. I discovered that one of my favorite movies of all time had been made into a TV show, so I started to watch. And fell in love. With Daniel Jackson. Madly. Not just Michael Shanks (although I am fairly certain that he is a Grecian God - oh dear lord....) but the character himself. Then came seasons 9 and 10 and I was just upset by the whole thing. I love Claudia Black and the scenes were fun, but really? Her? That is what they decided he would end up with? Ugh. I mean really, what would they talk about, ever? So, I made him someone. This is your warning. This is sorta a Mary Sue. Sorta because a Mary Sue is Ms. Perfect and while Adrienne seems perfect at first she is NOT. By a stretch. She needs someone like him as bad as he needed someone like her. This is their love story.

Monday, August 19, 2013

True Blood Season Six Finale Ficlet Dialog only

What's happening?
Ad, what's happening it's 6 months later.
Ad, what, why are you on the computer?
Wait a sec Indy.
Wait, you are NOT looking up that stupid vampire naked...are you?
Yes you are. Adrienne are you kidding me????? 
Did you find him?
Ad answer me...
Why did you wanna compare?
You're jealous that I'm looking.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
No I'm not that's a fictional character.
No, he's not, you took me to meet him. *cheeky smile*
Which I'm starting to regret immensely.
Daniel I'm just curious, just like men check out woman, all men.
But why?
I just am.
Indy? Sha, I was just wondering, oh my gawd you're really upset...
No, I'm not.
Fine, closed.
Ad, it's ok, I'm just messin' with you.
No, actually, I'd rather be messin' with you.
Oh really...
Really...why don't you grab a book and pretend to sit on a mountaintop.

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