About this page

I am a late comer on this ship, I know. I pretty much was turned onto Stargate when I was injured (for my own stupidity I assure you) and I took to the Netflix to find something to occupy myself. I discovered that one of my favorite movies of all time had been made into a TV show, so I started to watch. And fell in love. With Daniel Jackson. Madly. Not just Michael Shanks (although I am fairly certain that he is a Grecian God - oh dear lord....) but the character himself. Then came seasons 9 and 10 and I was just upset by the whole thing. I love Claudia Black and the scenes were fun, but really? Her? That is what they decided he would end up with? Ugh. I mean really, what would they talk about, ever? So, I made him someone. This is your warning. This is sorta a Mary Sue. Sorta because a Mary Sue is Ms. Perfect and while Adrienne seems perfect at first she is NOT. By a stretch. She needs someone like him as bad as he needed someone like her. This is their love story.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Daniel & Adrienne #59 - Just know you're not alone

“Considering my condition Vala, don’t you think that white is, well, a bit inappropriate,” Adrienne asked as Vala stood in front of a huge row of dresses at their fifth dress shop of the day.  The holiday had passed, the mandatory break had passed and things were back to normal, the hunt for ZPMs being at the top of the daily agenda for everyone, well almost everyone. With the wedding just two weeks away, it wasn’t at the top of the agenda for Adrienne, much to her dismay, nor was it at the top of Vala’s, who had taken her appointment as wedding planner very seriously. 

“Do you really think anyone makes it to their wedding day deserving white anymore? Really Addy?” she replied, not looking back. Rolling her eyes, Adrienne looked at her watch, checking the time. Daniel and Jonas would be leading the briefing for SG-2 right now, following another ZPM lead, using slides she created for a meeting she could not attend and a planet she could not go to. Langara was being held hostage, Anubis wanted to take over the universe, her entire workplace had been turned upside down and here she was in a damn dress shop. 

“How many more of these do we have to look at? What was wrong with the last place? I kinda liked one of those...” Adrienne lied, unable to really remember anything at all other than disgusting piles of lace and tulle. It wasn’t that Adrienne didn’t appreciate what Vala why trying to do, it was just that in the grand scheme of everything this just seemed, so, pointless. 

“Addy, how many of these am I gonna get? Can’t you just humor me?” Vala pleaded.  Adrienne started to make a face, plopping herself dramatically into the chair when she realized her words and it saddened her. Vala and Ronon had been dating, quietly, for at least two months now by her knowledge and not longer, but her friend’s words and tone made it sound as if she still didn’t believe she would get her happy ending. 

“I’’m missing my meeting Vala, for a dress. And I still don’t think white is appropriate nor does it make sense. What about something non-traditional, like, I dunno, black,” Adrienne offered, trying not to add Ronon and Vala’s relationship to her list of obsessions, which seemed to be kicked into overdrive with pregnancy. Vala, however, simply scoffed at her, glaring over her shoulder. 

“Maybe if you and Glasses had kept your pants on you’d feel better about the color you are supposed to be wearing at your wedding,” Vala replied curtly, holding out another dress for Adrienne, this one long, white, straight and with a feathered bottom. Shaking her head, Adrienne pointed back at the rack, refusing to stand. 

“No feathers; it reminds me of home,” she replied, leaning back into the chair. Why is this so hard, Adrienne thought, checking her phone again to see how long they had been at it when there was a faint tinkle behind her.  

“Miss Rowan?” the sales assistant asked and Adrienne turned around to see the nice lady pulling back the gaudy pink curtain to the bridal dressing room, Sam walking in behind her.  

“Thank God,” Adrienne said out loud, thankful to see that the general had made it. Granted, it had only taken seventeen, yes she had counted, text messages begging for help, but here she was, thanking the saleswoman and slipping into the small curtained room. It seemed like ages ago, rather than only thirty minutes, when the same saleswoman had brought in that array of dresses Vala was picking through right now.  Smiling, that soft comforting look she always had, Sam came over and sat down beside Adrienne in an adjacent chair, eyeing the SGC’s lead spy as she dug through an explosion of satin.  

“Any luck?” Sam asked and Adrienne shook her head, desperation in her eyes.  

“Over the top?” Sam whispered.  

“The last one looked like a dozen swans gave their lives for its creation,” Adrienne replied, Sam chuckling as she glanced back over to try to locate said dress. 

“Glad I came then, allow me,” Sam declared, standing again, walking over to Vala.  Adrienne heard her whisper something about Greece when her phone buzzed in her pocket and she sighed, pulling the device out into the open.  

Apparently we are supposed to have colors...

It was Daniel, who was supposed to be leading a meeting. True, Vala had ordered him to go to the tuxedo shop when he was finished, but she knew that presentation had at least thirty five slides since based on the local lore the ZPM, if there, could have been in one of seven different places. That meeting should have taken a lot longer, and Adrienne’s nerves started up again, as she wondering if the mission had been scrapped, an entire week’s worth of restless work tossed aside.  Nervously, Adrienne hit reply.  

Why are you texting me? That’s a Vala question.  

Hitting send, Adrienne looked up to see what Vala was doing, hoping Daniel didn’t read through her bullshit message, which she wanted to say: Why are you texting me? Aren’t you supposed to be saving the world and not worrying about formalwear?   

The voices grew louder, maybe an argument even, and Adrienne peeked up to see that her wedding planner and her big boss were digging through the back of the large row of dresses pulling out things and arguing, yep that’s an argument, over which they should have Adrienne try on first.  She sighed, annoyed, bored, restless, trapped, when she felt the phone buzz again.  

Please don’t make me. Just declare something so I can get out of here. 

Reading the message Adrienne groaned.  This all would have been so much simpler if they had just let Jack do it in the lab like she had suggested.  Instead, to make everyone feel included, everyone who had felt slighted when Jack and Sam ran off to Vegas, they decided to have a small ceremony at some place called Westwood Sanctuary.  It was supposed to be some very posh location, but Adrienne had never heard of it, not that she had really looked, but Vala’s jewelry guru had suggested it. She’d also suggested getting a preacher, which Adrienne shot down immediately, reminding her that Daniel had promised Jack the honors, and was honestly scared of what kind of preacher Vala may find. Knowing that Daniel would just continue to text, endlessly, until he got his reply, she peeked up at her wedding planner.  

“Vala, what are the colors?” she asked, her friend spinning around, looking annoyed.  

“Caramel and Rust, Adrienne I’ve told you this a million times,” she replied, rolling her eyes and turning back to Sam.  Adrienne laughed, now remembering, deciding to have a little fun with Daniel to amuse herself.   

caramel and rust

She texted back, waiting, laughing quietly in the chair, wondering if her soon to be husband really knew the difference between lilac and lavender. The phone buzzed seconds later, Adrienne savoring the buzz for a moment before peeking at the screen. 

Nice try ja-wer. Fortunately for you I know that means gold and red.

Adrienne smiled.  She loved him, so much, more than she had ever dreamed, but the wedding planning, not so much.  She was sitting trying to think of something clever to message him back when she heard Vala shriek, loudly, the cajun looking up to see what all the squealing was about. 

Standing there, a huge goofy grin across her face was Vala, holding up a white gown, floor length that was gathered just slightly in the middle.  It was straight, no poofs, no thrills, just simple elegant satin, all held together at the top by a round Grecian style collar in gold. It was simple, elegant and looked like a statue of Aphrodite making Adrienne stands from her chair. mouth open and eyes wide.   

“It’s perfect...” she breathed, tossing her phone aside to approach the dress.  

“Told you I would find it,” Vala replied smugly, yet smiling, very proud of this feat, “Now go put it on so we can make sure that junior isn’t poking through too much.”  Laughing, although her eyes were scanning the archaeologist's waist as well, Sam took the dress out of her hand, passing it to Adrienne. 

“Ignore her.  Go try it on,” Sam said but Adrienne didn’t even bother going into the second curtained area, she just shucked her jeans and t-shirt quickly, throwing the dress over her head, pulling it to adjust, carefully around her swollen middle. Stepping forward, Sam pulled her loose hair away from the collar and Adrienne stood back, looking at herself in the mirror, barely recognizing the person standing there. She looked like every day dream she had ever had, her fantasy self standing right in front of her looking back and she felt the flutter in her stomach, not of nerves, but of the baby inside. Here she was, her entire world was changing and after fighting her family for so long, she was going to be someone’s mother, someone’s wife.  Without warning, hormonally induced she was sure, she started to cry.  

“No, stop it, we get it, it’s pretty, don’t get tears on the satin,” Vala came over fussing, trying to wipe Adrienne’s face before getting the gown off of her while at the same time trying not to smile. Touched,  Sam walked over, pushing her away and grabbing Adrienne’s hands, gazing in her dark mysterious eyes. He deserves this, she thought, after everything he deserves someone that really does love him this much. 

“Come on, let’s get this off, then we can go buy it and go get some lunch or something.  It is beautiful; he’ll love it,” she added at the end, knowing that is exactly what Adrienne was thinking. Blushing, already imagining his face, she let her friends pull the dress off of her head and walked back over to get her clothes.  As she was pulling her shirt back over her head she felt that flutter again, that damn insistent flutter and the resulting hunger she knew would come. It has GOT to be a boy, she thought, all I want to do is eat. Sighing, cursing her future husband in her head, she walked over to grab her phone and satchel, looking over at her friends.  

“Vala, you got this? I just need some air,” Adrienne said, lying, not wanting to hear her pick on her drastic change in eating habits, and she nodded, thankfully. 

“Yes, I’ve got this, don’t want you to puke in here anyway. Go feed the little monster,” she replied, Adrienne rolling her eyes and grabbing her stomach. Oh well, she thought, at least she didn’t start right in with the junk food mocking, leaving the dressing room heading straight for the door. She was glad the saleslady didn’t stop her as the baby flipped and turned wildly in her middle. 

“You’re about as patient as your father too,” she joked, pushing the glass door open. 

The sunshine hit her face and warmed her instantly as she took a deep breath of fresh air despite the chill of the DC afternoon. Breathing out, the rush of vitamin D regenerating her instantly, she looked back at the bridal shop taking in all in. She saw Vala talking to the sales woman at the curtain and the sales woman leading her over to the bridesmaid dress area, shaking her head in amazement at the sight.  I specifically said no bridesmaids, Adrienne thought, letting out a groan and turned, walking down the sidewalk when she saw a street vendor selling some  hot chocolate and pastries ahead letting her hunger guide her.  She had just paid and sat down at a public bench when she heard footsteps approach her, barely having time to look up before the voice spoke. 

“See why we eloped,” it said as Adrienne glanced up happy to see Sam standing over her as she used her hand holding a cheese danish to block the sun. 

“Yeah, I just needed to get out of there,” she replied, looking down to protect her eyes, Sam taking a seat on the bench beside her. 

“Vala is inside deciding whether or not to have a bridal party solely based on the fact that she wants to be a bridesmaid and wear the dress that matches yours,” Sam informed her as Adrienne sighed again, the general reaching over to steal some of her friend’s sweet indulgence. 

“You know if you really tell her to stop, she will,” Sam continued, ripping her chunk into smaller pieces which she popped carefully into her mouth. 

“No, she’s having fun; it doesn’t bother me,” Adrienne admitted, shoving the rest of the pastry into her mouth, her stomach fluttering yet again.  She ate the piece hoping it would calm her little intruder down a bit even though her brain was already moving on to cheeseburgers. Growling just a tad, Adrienne chugged some hot cocoa, mentally scolding her unborn child. 

“Do you feel alright? I know you said the movement has become more frequent,” Sam asked, reaching for more, noting quickly that there was none left. Yep, that Daniel’s kid, she thought with a smile as Adrienne swallowed her beverage, nodding. 

“A little sick at times, little nauseous around certain foods, little ravenous around others, but I’m alright,” Adrienne replied, quietly, reaching into her pocket and taking out her phone. Noting that the cajun was staring at the home screen, which only had a large digital time readout over a Renaissance painting of Dionysus, Sam made a face at her, leaning over to make eye contact.   

“You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” she asked but Adrienne shrugged not even trying to open her mouth to answer.  On no, Sam thought, peering over at her, you can’t do this to him...  

“Adrienne, please talk to me. What’s going on?,”  Sam pushed further, Adrienne wincing a touch, fighting back tears as she sipped her cocoa. Sighing, Sam took out her phone and stood, turning her back to Adrienne.  

“What? I’m busy,” Vala hissed as she answered, the saleslady in the back going on and on about color contrasts. 

“Hey, I’m gonna take Addy to my place; she’s looking pretty green. Did you need her anymore?” Sam asked, shooting a glance back at Adrienne who was still sitting on the bench, fortunately. There was a groan on the other end, Vala clearly not pleased. 

“I guess not. She just had to get knocked up didn’t she? Fine, I will do all of this myself,” she spat, speaking kindly to the other woman about shades of red. 

“Ok, just don’t go overboard, alright?” Sam requested, however certain that she had been ignored as Vala hung up, presumably to further discuss the color red.  First problem down, Sam shot off a quick message to Jack, asking him to see off SG-2 this afternoon that she was needed elsewhere, before turning back to Adrienne.  

“Come on Addy,” she said, extending her hand, “Let’s get out of here and escape dresses and flowers for a bit.”  Smiling, a better sign indeed, Adrienne stood, Sam pointing in direction of her Volvo, the cajun downing the rest of her hot cocoa.

 Adrienne waited until they were safely in the car before she said a word. 

“At this very moment a Langaran could be being tortured to within an inch of their life or Anubis could be creating some super mutant that makes the Kull look like wimp and here I am, here we are, debating dress style and bridesmaids,” she said simply.  Breathing in, now seeing where this was going, Sam started the car and began to carefully back out of her street parking spot.  She had reached the open road and went to respond when she heard a buzz to her side, Adrienne pulling her phone out of her pocket, dark eyes scanning the screen. 

I’m quite proud of myself and wanted to share. Are you finished yet? 

Sam could tell by the look on Adrienne’s face that it was Daniel that messaged her.  

“Are you going to answer him?” Sam asked, Adrienne sighing as she let the phone drop down into her lap. 

“I do love him, more than anyone else ever.  It’s not that,” she replied, “it’s just everything. I feel like I am riding a speed training headed straight off of a cliff with nothing to do but hold on.” 

“Tell him I’m taking you to my house to look over some things and you’ll call him in a while,” Sam suggested and nodding, Adrienne looked down, typing at her the screen before looking back up at her very kind friend and boss. 

“Done,” Adrienne replied, “but he is going to worry.”  

“That’s nothing unusual,” she responded with a smile, turning onto a side street headed to her house, the two women remaining in silence for the rest of the trip.  


Sam pulled the car into the driveway and clicked off the engine looking once more at her very nervous friend.  She didn’t try to get out, just sat back in the driver’s seat and waited for Adrienne to move first, although it seemed as though she had no intention of doing so, having quietly picked the skin on her fingers for at least a good 15 minutes. Deciding not to push her, to just let her sit here and feel like her life wasn’t spinning out of control, Sam clicked the keys to turn on the battery, reaching for the radio to find some music. Sam was flipping through trying to find an acceptable station when Adrienne finally stopped picked her nails, swallowing loudly. 

“I feel so selfish. I feel selfish for a part of me wanting a romantic memorable wedding while the galaxy is under attack but I feel selfish for even opening my mouth because everyone, Daniel, my family, hell, you guys, want this all so bad. Either way I’m the bad guy; I’m either the whiney martyr or I’m the jerk turning a blind eye to reality,” she sighed out, rubbing her face in her hands. Nodding, Sam reaching out her hand, taking her friends into her own, squeezing them. 

“Adrienne, you are the furthest thing from selfish. You’re still working, more hours than Daniel and I like, and you helped with the prep work for today’s mission,” Sam started, Adrienne already shaking her head. 

“Right, and are Daniel and I going on that mission? No, we’re buying formal wear,” she retorted, personal disgust clear in her voice. 

“No, and you weren’t going on that mission anyway. There was nothing to read, nothing to translate, and it’s nothing that SG-2 can’t handle alone. Were the two of you not purchasing formal wear you would just be going through MALP videos or more database, moving onto the next world,” the general answered quickly, Adrienne sighing looking back at her phone in her hands. Sam was right, everyone’s role in this had been made very clear, even Vala, who was to stay at command and lead intelligence, her real job in the first place, rather than go traipsing around the galaxy, a leadership she claimed could be maintained via a smartphone. 

“Do you think it will change me?” she asked Sam before her rational brain could stop her, that hormonal flux taking over her sense. There was fear in her eyes, a fear she knew she couldn’t hide as her other concern in all of this came rushing out. 

“Do you feel it’s changed you so far?” Sam countered, Adrienne peering at her fingers, noticeably redder from her anxious scourge. 

“A little. I used to just silently worry and wonder about him.  Now, I do it out in the open and drive myself insane in the process. You’re not supposed to love your boss, much less date him, let him get you pregnant and then marry him.  I’m afraid our entire relationship has made me soft and that the baby will just make me softer,” Adrienne explained, reaching for her stomach, but Sam shook her head, smiling again, feeling better that these were concerns she could easily address. 

“Technically, I’m your boss, and I haven’t seen anything to indicate a decline in your performance. I think Vala even told me that you two were together when you went on that Undercover mission.  That seemed to go well, however, I do understand now why he was so insistent to go. Vala said you took three men out yourself,” Sam continue and Adrienne smiled.  It was true; she had taken out three men herself while Daniel waited back on the ship.  

“But pretty soon I’m not gonna be able to do things like that,” Adrienne replied but Sam shook her head again.  

“What, a few months? A year at most? I plan on using you until Carolyn says I can’t and putting you back into action as soon as you can afterwards.  If that’s alright with you; unless you and Daniel have discussed something otherwise,” Sam replied while Adrienne just looked back at her nails.  

“We haven’t discussed it at all,” she admitted quietly, Sam reaching across squeezed her arm for a second time, offering support and hopefully guidance, not that she had expertise with babies and things but she did have experience with pregnant women in the field and certain overprotective male reactions. 

“I think that’s an important conversation to have Addy don’t you?” she added but Adrienne didn’t answer, just started to pick at her fingers again, biting her lip nervously like Daniel did. So many little things, the general thought as she awaited a response.  

“It is. I’m just scared of what he’s gonna say,” Adrienne asked.  

“What he says out fear and what he means by it are two totally different things, you know him better than that,” Sam continued.  

“He locked me in a box,” Adrienne noted, “in bubble wrap,” she tossed in to make her point.   

“You conjured up Eric Northman,” Sam retorted, Adrienne blushing. She had, accidentally trying to protect the baby, but her point was still the same. If she survived this wedding and if things on Langara or anywhere else in the galaxy went to hell, the bigger she got, the closer the birth came, her husband to be was going to get overprotective, hell, he was even protective of her when he supposedly hated her, what now seemed so very very long ago. 

“Look, you’re stressed, upset, overworked, planning a wedding, pregnant, need I say more. Let’s go inside before either of us are summoned away and not think about anything important. I’ve got some cheesecake in the fridge that I’ve hidden from Jack,” Sam said with a wink, pulling the key from the ignition.  Laughing, thinking cheesecake and no stress sounded like a fantastic idea, Adrienne grabbed her things, heading into Sam’s house.  


Daniel awoke, realizing that he had, in his sleep, almost rolled himself off of the bed.  He shivered, having completely worked his way out of the blanket, his leg was hanging precariously over the edge. Pulling himself back onto the sheets, he rolled over again, eyes closed and arms out, blindly in search of Adrienne. Yawning, he reached his arm out trying to pull close to her, take her into his arms before returning to sound sleep, his hand dropping to the cool cotton. She was gone.  His heart stopped and he sat up in bed, fumbling for his glasses and scanning the room nervously, his eyes resting on the soft glow of the bathroom light shone under the door.  Poor Adrienne, he thought as he stood from the bed, peeking over at the clock as he made his way to assist her, the soft green digital glow reading 3:05 a.m.  Shaking his head, he yawned again, dragging himself to the bathroom door, knocking softly. 

“Ja-wer, are you alright?” he inquired, wanting to ask first just in case she was in the bathtub in an attempt to relax, alone and quiet, but he got no response.  Concerned, he grabbed the doorknob and turned, opening the door slowly to find his love positioned over toilet bowl, a towel draped on her arm, holding her finger up. He disregarded her warning, entering the room sitting right behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder.  She heaved a bit, so he pulled her hair back just in case, but there was nothing and she sat back, huffing in frustration.  

“Why didn’t you wake me?” he asked, pushing her hair behind her ears but she shook her head, sucking in tears from the efforts and leaning back against him.  

“Because when the urge hits it is a bit hard to wake you up and still make it to the bathroom,” Adrienne answered.  She started to relax when the urge must have hit her again and she pulled herself quickly toward the toilet, beginning to heave, like she had the first trimester.  Hoping this was just an isolated incident and not the start of another three months of illness, Daniel rubbed her back tenderly, waited for her to finish, but again, there was nothing. Near tears, she sat back grabbing the towel, wiping the saliva from her face before slamming it to the floor, when he caught a glimpse of deep dark circles underneath her beautiful brown eyes.  

“Did you throw up at all?” he questioned and Adrienne nodded, reaching to wipe more moisture from her eyes. 

“Yeah, for about the first five to ten minutes or so. It’s been like this since,” she replied quietly, Daniel taking her into his arms, holding her close.

“When did you come in here? Your side of the bed was cold,” he added and Adrienne shrugged her shoulders, cold also since she was just wearing a tank top and underwear.  

“I just ran; I didn’t look,” she responded, quiet, weak, she must have been very ill, glancing down as she answered, “but it’s been a while.”  Hugging her quickly, Daniel leaned over and kissed her cheek, standing while Adrienne just repositioned herself at the toilet.  He left the bathroom without a word, walking to his nightstand and grabbing his phone hurrying back to her side to discover her head in the bowl, once more, dry heaving.  

“Sam, hey it’s me,” Daniel said into the phone, “I’m sorry to bother you so early but Adrienne and I are not coming in today.  No, everything’s alright, she’s had a rough night and I don’t want to leave her.  Oh, nothing like that just stomach issues.  Alright. Yes, I promise to call if we need anything and please tell Jonas to do the same, I’ll shoot him a message.  Thanks. Bye,” he finished, hanging up to see Adrienne was looking back at him.  

“You didn’t need to do that. What do you think I do when you’re off world? What about when Jonas goes back to Langara? I can take care of myself,” she argued, but Daniel just shook his head.  

“Well, I’m NOT off world right now, Jonas IS still here and perfectly capable and I WANT TO stay and take care of you. Come back to bed.  I’ll get some ginger ale and crackers and get the bucket and we’ll try to get you to sleep some,” he replied, reaching to help her up and she took his hand, secretly grateful that he was staying and stood, holding her stomach as she glared downward. 

“Damn mini-Jackson. Pic kee toi,” she hissed, Daniel laughing as he sat her down, handing her a trashcan while he got ready.  Taking a play from her book, Daniel grabbed the bucket and the same sorts of things she had gotten when she took care of him that time, which now seemed so long ago.  He remembered like it was yesterday, when he wanted to tell her how much he loved her but just lacked the courage and he smiled, not only because he no longer had to worry about that anymore but because in just two weeks she was going to be his wife.  His wife, he thought, pausing at the fridge, and although he had been referring to her as just that for a while now, admitting to himself was just magical. 

“Dr. Adrienne Jackson,” he said out loud to no one but himself but quickly his smile turned into a frown.  That had been a sore subject with Adrienne, the name change.  She had given him an entire speech about how she had fought so hard to be seen as more than just his assistant, worked so hard to become a member of the team in her own right, and had taken a lot of heat when they had gotten together. He understood, remembering that night she came stumbling into his apartment, some staff member having accused Adrienne of sleeping her way into that coveted SG-1 spot, a spot that she earned long before he even realized that he had fallen in love with her.  Regardless,  it did hurt his feelings just a bit, not that he was old fashioned, that he felt a woman should necessarily have to take her husband’s name but he had just hoped that Adrienne would.  In fact, he wasn’t sure why it meant so much to him, but it just did.  

“Indy,” he heard Adrienne shout weakly, realizing suddenly why he was standing at the fridge in the first place.  Shaking himself back to reality, he grabbed a small bottle of ginger ale from the fridge, saltines from the cabinet and the bucket from underneath the kitchen sink, dashing back to the bedroom to find Adrienne with her head over the trashcan dry heaving. He walked the drink and crackers over to the nightstand and reached over to her back, rubbing lightly, waiting for her to finish.  Tears in her eyes, wiping saliva from her face, she pulled her head up and looked over at him, desperate.

“Nothing, again,” she stated, “ I thought I was over this,” she cried, painfully.  Wishing there was something he could do, Daniel leaned over and kissed her head, pulling the trashcan from her hands, switching it for the bucket. She took it, nodding, glancing over at him, and Daniel could see the tears that had escaped her eyes streaking down her face in long unforgiving red paths. Tenderly, he wiped them away and urged her forward, slipping himself behind her, pulling her back between his legs and holding her in his arms.  Content with this position, he really didn’t care if he slept at all tonight, but he wanted to make sure that she was alright, he reached over to the nightstand to grab the crackers when he saw a stack of pictures, pictures he hadn’t noticed before, with things that looked like advertisements for flowers.  Peeking back at Adrienne, who looked paler than normal, he grabbed a few crackers and opened the ginger ale, forgetting the pictures for just a moment.  

“Alright Ad, one at a time and a swig and we’ll go from there,” he said, ordering her as if she didn’t know her own remedy, but she didn’t argue or even tease, simply took the cracker from his hand and started to nibble lightly. His fiancee otherwise occupied, Daniel took the opportunity to reach over and grab the stack of photos, thumbing through.  They were bouquets of flowers, bridal bouquets, with little pictures in the corners showing options for aisle runners and bridesmaid bouquets, a plethora of assortments that he could have never imagined. 

“What are these?” he asked, knowing what they were, but wondering why Adrienne had them and why they were on her nightstand, especially considering her insistence to everyone that she and Daniel were keeping it simple. Frowning, Adrienne reached for another cracker, rolling her eyes. 

“Stupid shit Vala brought over after Sam dropped me off,” Adrienne answered, “She wants to do the entire fucking thing.” There was a tone of disgust in her voice, one that made Daniel feel bad instantly at how much work she was putting into this while he himself had very little to do. 

“Not into the flowers?” Daniel inquired, somewhat jokingly but secretly not surprised. Hell, he didn’t even give her flowers on Valentine’s Day, but he had done sundaes. Maybe he should suggest an ice cream truck, but just as he was about to kid, Adrienne grabbed the bucket again quickly, heaving, although this time a little less forceful. She was able to take a few deep breaths and control herself, nothing coming out and her expression less pained. Daniel was pleased that his little treatment was working, especially when she passed the bucket back to him empty, and took the ginger ale he was offering gratefully, sipping a little, handed him back the bottle. 

“Nah into flowas, dresses, music, culas or fuckin’ food,” Adrienne swore, leaning back into his chest, miserable.  Not having a response, he smoothed her hair and kissed her head, holding her close to him. 

“I just can’t take it anymore.  I feel like shit, I have to make ten thousand different decisions, I still have work to do, shit to do around here,” Adrienne started to rant, tearing up again, her head falling into her hands.  

“And I have a splitting headache!” she added, mumbling, Daniel holding her tighter. 

‘Why don’t you take off work for the rest of the week, next if you have to, to get everything together?” Daniel offered.  She didn’t need to be worrying about everything else that she was worrying about, especially things that really were out of their hands while she was trying to plan their wedding, it wasn’t fair, and he and Jonas could do just fine for two weeks without her. Kissing her again, he leaned over to hear her reply, hoping that she would take his suggestion, take time to finish this task and then return back to their lives like normal, but she didn’t respond.  

And so it begins, Adrienne thought, I’m the little woman.  Marry me, plan the wedding, have my child, take off work honey it’s too much to handle. What’s happening to me, she cried inside, I can’t handle this and I can’t even help my friend or those people; I am falling apart. 

“I’m going to try to sleep,” was all she said to him, the crackers working; she no longer had the urge to vomit.  

“Alright, I will stay up for a while in case you need me,” he replied and stood, letting her lay back down on her side of the bed and as she scooted down, he reached over to cover her gently. It was strange, she looked like something was terribly wrong and it wasn’t like Adrienne to hide something from him, but she was sick, hormonal and just a mess right now, so he let it go, planning on talking to her when she was better. 

“I love you ja-wer,” he whispered, kissing her softly. 

“I love you too,” she answered weak, tired, closing her eyes.  Sighing, Daniel stood, walking out to the kitchen to get something to drink so his movements would not disturb her much needed rest.  He went to the fridge for the second time that night and grabbed the milk, pouring himself a glass which he took it over to the dining room table and sat, staring at it.  It had all seemed like such a good idea having a wedding, including everyone, celebrating something in a place that lately seemed to need a LOT of celebration. True, things had been different before, different when they were just exploring like the old days, Anubis only an occasional bother. They’d lay in bed together, naked, close, whispering about forever and making plans for the future, a future that was supposed to be this fairytale they had both hoped for. Now here she was, however, having nothing in this relationship seem to go right, and she was miserable pregnant, miserable planning a wedding, miserable working, miserable at home, just plain miserable and most importantly, not Adrienne. His Adrienne was optimistic and fun, so much like him but so much his foil in so many ways but the Adrienne that lay in their bed was not, she was depressed and hopeless, she was, well, him before she had walked into his life. 

Frowning, Daniel reached across the table to her computer that she always left lying around, opening the lid carefully.  

Safari requests passcode

The familiar message appeared on the screen and he typed in his birthday, what she had changed it to once they had gotten together and the screen opened in front of him and his jaw dropped. 

Her desktop was a complete and total disaster, documents all over the screen with planet codes, notes beside them linking them to both Asgard and Earth mythology, a list of all of the names and current residences of each and every Langaran that had come through with Jonas including notes on their condition and how they were related to one another. There were blueprints at the tool bar for every ZPM that was in their possession, even the broken and drained ones, with notes made in pink text on how she thought she could piece meal them together like a computer. Her web browser had at least ten tabs open including the wedding venue, three caterers, some website just dedicated to colors and two calendars, one that seemed to combine it with honeymoon ideas and another that had every meeting and mission that had been planned for the next six months, June 7th circled with the words “DUE DATE” typed carefully underneath. 

“Adrienne, my god, you’re killing yourself,” Daniel whispered, peering back down the hall. This was complete and total insanity; how in the world was she even functioning? 

“No,” he said a little louder, “I’m putting a stop to this,” he declared, standing, walking to the bedroom. He checked on Adrienne first, who was fine, shutting off every light near her, unplugging anything that might cause an electronic glow of any type and drawing the curtains together tightly. He took her phone, her alarm, anything that might possibly disturb her and headed to the closet to grab a blanket, closing the bedroom door tightly behind him. 

For the first time since he had kissed her that night in his quarters, he slept apart from her, alone on the couch.  

Adrienne woke up in bed alone, in darkness and confused. She wasn’t sick, if anything she was well rested, but the room was pitch black and silent.  Sitting up, Adrienne reached for her nightstand, fumbling for the clock to discover it was unplugged, in fact, she suddenly got the sinking feeling that everything was unplugged.

“Asshole,” Adrienne swore under her breath, knowing this was his doing, her phone was gone, her back-up watch not in her nightstand; this was his way of getting her to relax. Swearing, every foul cajun word she had ever learned racing across her lips, she trudged her way to the kitchen, angrily grabbing the handle to the fridge when she noticed a note taped to the door. 

I made you some iced coffee if you are feeling up to it, decaf. Call me if you need me.  Vala called and said she’d be by around lunch. 

Adrienne let out a sigh, slipped the half sheet of paper from the textured surface, setting it aside on the counter. That was sweet, she thought, opening the fridge door to obtain her peace offering when she saw that there was the promised mug of iced coffee and a plate with crackers, cheese sticks and peanut butter. He had laid out her entire breakfast for her, exactly what Dr. Lam said she should be eating. 

“Dammit Daniel, you do shit like this and I can’t be mad at you anymore,” Adrienne muttered, laughing, a part of her appreciating this spoiling more than truly being angry.  A soft smile on her face, she grabbed her plate, walking back to the dining room table, noting that according to the clock on the stove it was a little past eleven. She’d slept another seven and a half hours, no wonder she felt so great. Fluttering in her stomach reminding he that she needed to eat soon, Adrienne took a seat at the table, her computer was right where she left it, so she opened the lid and cueing up her email as she sipped her coffee. As she was looking at some email offers for FREE SHIPPING from her favorite store her chat box popped up, the tiny bing startling her in the unusual silence of the house. 

Good, you’re up.  We have to get going ASAP!

It was Vala, the never-sleeping wedding planner and as she read the message a second time, Adrienne almost went back to bed right then and there. Instead, knowing that hiding in the bed from her imminent matrimonial fates wasn’t an option, she responded as bluntly as possible.  

What now? 

Frowning, she sat back in her chair, nibbling her cracker and preparing for the worst.  

The flowers you wanted, that Bear’s mess from Greece, no way we can get it in time, or those laurels.  You’ve got to pick something else.  

Ugh, Adrienne thought, what in the hell else. Vala made her pick a theme, so she had picked a theme, Ancient Greece, much to her fiancee’s eye rolling.  Now, the flowers that would perfectly compliment that dress, which she had to admit she did really like, were not available and Adrienne didn’t want the cliche wedding crap on the cards that Vala had made her take home, just in case.  Sipping her coffee, wishing it were caffeinated, Adrienne leaned forward again anxiously wiggling her fingers over the keys.  

Fine, we can go to the shop and see what they have?  When do you want to come by? 

Anticipating her answer, Adrienne began to down her breakfast a bit faster, much to her little passenger’s delight, the reply she expected came as she popped the last cracker into her mouth.  

Right now and that’s not our only problem. 

“I really should go back to bed,” Adrienne said out loud this time but touched her fingers to the keys trying to focus on solving a problem rather than prolong it. 

What else could possibly go wrong?

The response came back instantly, too fast, as if Vala was typing before she asked, Adrienne afraid to look.  

The cake.  No way to get it finished in time.  We need to go to plan B.  

Adrienne wasn’t even aware they had a plan B when it came to the cake, in fact, she wasn’t even sure if Daniel had tried the samples in the lab fridge; she was actually fairly certain that he had just eaten them, he AND Jonas, telling her almond because it was alphabetically first on the list when she asked for his choice.  Letting her head fall to the keys, she decided just to give in, not even try to go to work today and fix this insanity before moving on to insanity on base. Planning to take her computer with her so she could work on her myth/possible ZPM list on the road, Adrienne typed back that she needed to shower and change before Vala arrived.  Her friend wasn’t happy, but gave in, citing Adrienne only had the 30 minutes it took for Vala to requisition a car, a activity she relished now that Sam allowed her a license, and drive to the townhouse. Adrienne knew that would give her no time for hair and she would have to do her make-up in the car, but she just gave up on that, heading for the bathroom.  Figuring she needed to check in and at least thank him for being so considerate, she called Daniel as she walked down the hall to the bedroom. The phone rang and rang until she heard the familiar greeting that she had made for the voicemail, her voice stating he was out of the office, and apparently Jonas was a well since it had gone to voicemail.  Sighing, she tried his cell, which he wasn’t answering either, so she shot off a quick test as she warmed up the water. 

Thanks for breakfast.  Vala and I are on damage control. Will keep you posted. Love you. 

Mentally telling herself that there was no way that one, well, another afternoon of wedding mess would cause the implosion of the Milky Way, she tossed the phone to the bed and got in the shower.  

He hadn’t answered by the time she got out, which made her start to worry. Had SG-2 come back early? Had they found a ZPM? Were they ambushed? Did he and Jonas find some secret cache of ZPMs and had decided to go off world to secure them and were under attack by some crazy Anubis stronger-than-Kull enhanced clones while she worried about wedding cake!?!?

“Dear God Ad, you’ve GOT to get a grip!!!” she shouted, pulling at her hair and taking a breath. She guessed he was in meetings or something, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember any on his schedule, or hers, but maybe he and Jonas were locked into something with headphones and had forgotten that things like phones existed, which was a definite possibility.  Forcing herself to focus, she could reward a cake and flower selection with a run and begging Rodney to let her take apart a drained ZPM, Adrienne tossed on some jeans and a t-shirt, rushing back to the bathroom to try to make herself look human.  She had just gotten her makeup finished when she heard her doorbell, peeking at her phone to check the time. Thirty minutes, like clockwork and still no response from Daniel. Brushing out her hair quickly, Adrienne grabbed her things and shut out the lights, heading down the hall to the front door 

“Are you ready to go?” Vala asked, smugly, standing at the door hands on her hips.  Adrienne saw a red Miata parked in the driveway, her alternate to that Porche she wanted, trying hard not to laugh that the SGC even had a red sports car as an option.  Adrienne nodded without verbal response, stepping through the doorway but Vala caught her by her shoulder, shoving her face into her friend’s. 

“What did he do?” she asked, knowing Daniel and his smart mouth well enough to know he might have said something stupid but Adrienne shook her head.  

“Nothing, shug, calm your attack. He made me breakfast and took care of me last night. Can we just go?” Adrienne said, pulling the door closed behind her and walking toward the car but Vala didn’t move, just stood on her stoop, her arms crossed at her chest. 

“Then why do you have that ‘Daniel did something stupid’ look on your face?” she continued, Adrienne rolling her eyes at Vala, both the big sister and big mean ‘I will cream your boyfriend’ brother that she never had.

“He hasn’t texted me back, that’s all and that’s unusual.  It worries me,” Adrienne replied, every stupid time he had gotten himself shot or otherwise hurt flashing through her memory as Vala shook her head, walking to the driver’s side.  

“Don’t worry, when I saw him last he and Jonas were plugged into something,” she assured her, relief washing over Adrienne. See silly, she scolded herself, he was plugged in; he’s not dead, shot, or otherwise infirmed and they are still working away without you. Feeling much better, Adrienne pulled her computer bag strap from across her chest, climbing into the car. 

By the time they arrived back to the townhouse, it was almost nine and Adrienne was exhausted.  Vala had screamed at the owners of three floral shops to try to get Adrienne greek looking flowers and it seemed a generic cake was the best she was going to get with the ceremony less than two weeks away, but it was taken care of, for the most part, Vala vowing  to call the shops everyday until the actual wedding to insure they kept their word. Glad it was over, but disappointed that she had not gotten anything else accomplished, Adrienne just thanked Vala and went inside, noticing that Daniel’s Jeep was not there. Upset, worried and confused, Adrienne unlocked the door, the smell of Mexican food filling the air. She rushed into the kitchen, excited to see him when she saw only a plate of food, one of her portable plastic plates with the clear lid, on the table and a note folded carefully beside it. 

Sorry I missed your messages, long day. I got this and ran it over, hoping you would be back, but since you aren’t, here’s dinner. I’m crashing on base tonight, trying to get things done so you don’t need to stress about it but if there is a problem CALL ME!! DO NOT SIT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR AND SUFFER. Relax, try to keep some food in your stomach for my son ok? I may not get to eat like this anymore but at least give him that joy. 

“I hate that I love him so much,” Adrienne muttered as she eagerly sat down to eat. 


“Come on Vala, it fit, why do we have to do this again!?!” Adrienne whined officially fed up with all of the planning.  The phone rang at six a.m., a time which her body was not at all happy about, Vala insisting that she come to base for another dress fitting. She was mumbling something about matching colors and a few other things that needed the entire morning, only to then spend the afternoon at the venue to finalize plans. There might have been something about the caterer too, but Adrienne really wasn’t listening. She was frustrated. She hadn’t gotten any work done all week and she had barely seen Daniel, who she secretly knew was doing both of their jobs in order to give her time to deal with this. She hadn’t sleep more than for a few hours spurts for days since the one day Daniel tricked her into sleeping in and had thrown up so much this week Carolyn prescribed chemotherapy medication this morning. She felt disgusting, useless, restless and more than anything she didn’t want to put that dress on again.  

“Look, if we need alterations I need to know now so Teyla can get that started and in case you forgot Teyla lives HERE!” Vala shouted at her, handing her the dress which Adrienne yanked from her hand with a growl. Too lazy to walk to the locker rooms, she carried herself upstairs to Sam’s office, seeing the door ajar and hearing the general’s voice carrying down the stairs. It didn’t seem like she was in a meeting, just chatting, so she hoped her friend wouldn't mind the intrusion, or a good rant for that matter.  Reaching the top of the stairs, she didn’t knock, just opened the door to find Daniel sitting in the chair talking to Sam.  

“I’m really concerned Sam, I think she’s- “ he was saying but stopped as soon as he saw Adrienne.  

“Ja-wer, I was just talking to Sam about maybe you taking a break, at least until the wedding is over,” he explained, glancing back at Sam.  

“A BREAK!?!,” Adrienne screamed, her emotions taking over her rational mind, “Be I da only person on dis base dat understands dat the pic toi dat KEEDNAPPED me, dat be tryin’ ta kill ya ahn ‘as got Jonas’ entire plahnet unda ‘is dumb be jussa doin’ as ‘ee please while ah gotta take off wahk fo fuckin’ flowas ahn cake.” 

“I just came in here to talk to Sam, my friend and our boss. Adrienne, if you keep up at the pace you’re going Carolyn’s gonna put you on bed rest, or worse,” he replied, trying to keep an even tone.

“Bed rest? Worse? What in da ‘ell could be worse dan BED REST!?!” she screamed back, her face reddening, sweat appearing on her brow. 

“Adrienne, I’m worried about you, and the baby, you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re spread too thin,” he answered, standing and reaching out for her, but she swatted his hand away.  

“Worried? ‘Bout wedda ah nah dah dresses be mahchin’ da aisle runnas! WHY DOES ANY OF DIS MATTA!” she shouted as she stepped away from him.  

“Ja-wer, I’m not having a screaming match with you. We need to talk, you need to calm down, we can go to our quarters and really look at everything that you have on your plate,” Daniel tried to remain calm but Adrienne was too far gone for that, she was crying, face flushed, hands shaking.

“Talk!?! NAW ya wanna vay yay!?! Naw dat I’m pregnant ahn playin da madam ahn losin’ my entire existence NAW ya wanna talk!!” she raged, unable to keep it inside, that where she should be, at his side, solving problems, facing dangers, sending Anubis into the furthest depths of universe was not where she was. Where she was was stuck at home, picking through catalogs, feeding a demanding intruder that insisting on eating all day only to make her throw everything up moments later, alone, she was alone, actually wanting to just lay in bed.  

“I thought you said you wanted the baby?” Daniel said quietly, his heart breaking, that one silent fear he thought he had banished creeping back into his stomach. 

“Maybe I changed my mind!” she screamed loudly,“Maybe I changed my mind ‘bout everyding!!” This was just what he had been afraid of, she didn’t mean it, he hoped she didn’t mean it, but here it was, the breakdown, right here in Sam’s office. Daniel started to say something else, hoping that Sam would read his mind and call Carolyn when they were cut off by sirens and a voice over the PA.  

“Incoming team, SG-2, coming in hot, all available units report to the gate,” the voice began to repeat loudly, the voice in perfect rhythm. Sam, Adrienne and Daniel looked at each other confused, panicked given that the team wasn’t due back for another day and certainly not due back from and uninhabited planet, hot. Fearing the worst, the three ran for the stairs leading down to see Vala, rushing up the gate to help a man that collapsed there.  It seemed they had beat the medical team in arriving and Daniel’s instincts kicked in as he raced up the ramp, catching the team leader, who was staggering through, shouting for three more teammates who had yet to arrive. Shots were coming through the gate, small capsules of death heading straight for anyone in their path, and Adrienne screamed, those nightmare scenarios and memories coursing through her head. 

“Daniel watch out!!” she shrieked, bullets continuing to pour through.  Daniel was now bent over a man who had come staggering through, not the team leader who was over with Vala, tending to the first man, and Adrienne could see two women running in behind him.  More bullets flooded the gate, the last woman falling to the ground shot in the back, blood oozing bright against her green jacket. Hearing her cries, Daniel turned to help her as Dr. Keller was running in with a stretcher and some nurses shouting out orders, calling for more help. There was a shout, a man’s shout, a familiar shout, the cajun whipping around to see her fiancee, his body pressed close to the ramp holding his arm, bleeding; he was bleeding. Without thinking Adrienne rushed to him, crawling frantically on her knees, tears mixed with anger and determination. 

“Ad, what are you doing?” he scolded as the leader was shouting, demanding the gate remain open for his last two team members, which apparently were not the two woman who had come barreling through, they were from the science department, dear god, and it looked as if the one Daniel had tried to help may be dead, but he didn’t care, he was turning away from Adrienne, trying to crawl back to her. Bullets were still flying all around them, Adrienne desperately reaching for his leg, pulling him back, selfishly refusing to let him die. 

“Getting your stupid ass to stay down,” she hissed, reaching for his heavily bleeding arm that he was ignoring, “please, you’re a father now, please.”  It was bleeding pretty heavy, but it looked to be a gash rather than a direct shot, but nonetheless Adrienne pulled him to her, helping him keep pressure on it.  
Bullets continued to spray, shouts going on all around them and as if everything was in slow motion Adrienne glanced up to see a bullet coming through the air, straight at Daniel’s head.  She wasn’t sure how she saw it, how she did it, but she pulled him onto her body forcefully as it darted by, the sound of the small metal bit crashing into the wall echoing to one side and the sound of the iris slamming shut echoed on the other. Realizing where he had landed, Daniel sat up quickly, looking down at Adrienne, panicked. 

“Are you ok?” he asked reaching for her abdomen, pushing clothing out of the way and Adrienne held her breath, her heart stopping with worry as well when there was a flutter inside, as if the small person she was carrying was trying to answer his father’s question. 

“Adrienne plus one are good to go,”  she reported but Daniel was still looking at her with an expression of shock on his face.  Confused, Adrienne scanned herself, wondering if in her concern for Daniel and then their child that she missed a superficial injury, to discover that the entire front of her body was covered in blood. There was no wound though, the blood obviously from the spill pattern had come from the gash in Daniel’s arm, blood that was all over the long white dress Adrienne had tossed over her shoulder to put on in Sam’s office.  Daniel’s blood was all over her wedding dress.  Tears starting to well in her eyes, she gazed down at it, her eyes floating slowly over to Vala who was standing there shocked and then back to Daniel who just looked so lost and sad. Standing, she pulled the dress from her shoulder, walking it over and handing it to Vala.  

“I’m sorry mon ami. I know you tried. I think that maybe some things just aren’t meant to be,” she said, tears streaking down her face as she turned to face Daniel.

“I love you Indy, so much.  I’m gonna go home; we can talk after Jenn fixes you up,” she said, leaning up to kiss his lips gently and he stood in silence as he watched her turn and walk away.  

“I’m so sorry ja-wer,” Daniel whispered, feeling himself being pulled away, Dr. Frasier giving commands to orderlies and his jacket pulled from his shoulders. He didn’t even notice the flurry of action around him, that the woman who had been shot was alive, conscious, being tended to by Jennifer Keller, he only saw Vala and the dress, that perfect dress. It was so amazingly beautiful, it looked like something a goddess would wear, his goddess, his goddess who had just left. 

“I’ve got to go Cassie,” he said, pulling his arm, but the small woman held fast. 

“No Daniel, you need stitches,” she retorted, “no arguments, we’re going to the infirmary.” 


“I can fix this,” Vala said the moment Daniel was unwillingly escorted out of the gateroom. Sighing, Sam put her hand on her shoulder.  

“Vala, it’s not the dress. There is a lot more going on with the two of them that they’re going to have to fix themselves,” Sam replied but Vala shook her head.  

“No, Sam, there is nothing with them to fix.  Daniel and Addy are FINE, but they just think they’re not because everything keeps going wrong. They can’t get married like everyday people, they’re being expected to save the damn galaxy and you know as well as I do that kid is not going to be normal. I can fix this, let me fix this,” she pleaded.  

Glancing back at the doorway, the memory of her two heartbroken friends still fresh in her head, Sam nodded in agreement. Vala threw the dress over her shoulder, a smile across her face, and dashed up to give Walter some coordinates, pulling her phone from her pocket on the way up the stairs.  


“Mistress Qetesh!! You have come back to us!!” the small man at the gate shouted at Vala as she came through but she was shaking her head, powering her way down the ramp, waving her hands in front of her body. 

“We’ve been over this, I’m not Qetesh, you were lied too, blah blah, blah, but regardless I need your help,” she said flatly, looking around him for anyone else.  She hadn’t been to P8X-412 in years and she just hoped they had kept the things Daniel hadn’t let her bring her home. 

“Anything Mistress Qetesh,” the man responded, bowing low to the ground, Vala rolling her eyes.  

“Whatever, just tell me you still have those things hidden that I left behind.  The things the annoying bossy man didn’t let me take with me the last time I visited?” she asked, hoping that in the short time the Ori had taken control of the planet no one had gotten into her little hidden stores.  They had checked in on them after the fall of the Ori, but Vala had not had the opportunity herself to go back to check a few of her secret places.

“Yes ma’am, we hid them as you requested,” he answered from the ground.  

“Fantastic!” Vala exclaimed as the man rose from his kneeling position, leading the way, Vala gleefully following him into an adjacent room.  


At Vala’s request, Sam was on the phone with her husband, who had left a meeting to take her call.  

“Come on Jack, you’re all for using government resources for personal gain,” Sam teased, not exactly pleading because she knew he’d give in.  

“That place gives me the creeps Sam,” Jack countered, tapping his pencil onto his desk, loud enough where she could hear it on the other line. 

“YOU don’t have to go back to Argos Jack, but think of what it would mean to Adrienne.  She’s never even seen it, even on a return check-in, could you just imagine her face for one moment,” Sam added, trying not to laugh at his reaction to the mere suggestion; she loved anything that gave her husband the creeps.  

“I’m not in the business of pleasing Dr. Perky,” he replied, “That’s Daniel’s job.”  

“Well this is for Daniel too, it’s just a few days. They deserve this...” Sam smiled into the phone as Jack groaned.  

“I’m sure that they’ll be thrilled, especially Dr. Tantrum, with more time away from work... Hey, I just realized that getting married, they can both be Dr. Tantrum,” Jack responded, “Fine, dial it up.” Grinning, Sam gave Walter a thumbs up as he leaned in from the doorway, relieved. 

“I love you sir,” Sam teased, standing, getting ready to hang up the phone and see to her arrangements.  

“Yeah, yeah.  You’re opening a can of worms here; I hope you know that,” he replied, hanging up and staring at the phone wondering when exactly had his life become a three ringed circus.


“Uh, yes, hi, I’m Dr. Quinn, from the Pentagon here to see Mr. Boruen,” Jonas stammered at the desk, trying not to giggle at the joke Adrienne made when he called himself Dr. Quinn as he was mostly certainly not a Medicine Woman. He didn’t even think that show was that good, but he wasn’t a big fan of her vampire stuff either. 

“Do you have an appointment sir?” the receptionist asked, thumbing through the pages of the book. 

“No, not exactly. My employer, General Samantha O’Neill, she called, I’m supposed to be following up on a bit of an emergency situation...” he trailed a little stunned this was all happening and wondering what his friends’ reaction would be and hoping they could pull this off, although he couldn’t understand for the life of him why here. Glancing at his watch, he noted it had only been a few hours since he had driven his crying mess of a friend and colleague home, her shirt covered in what she swore was Daniel’s blood. He was going to stay, at least get her calmed down a bit since Daniel had messaged him that he was currently being stitched up, but then Sam had called with this crazy idea. 

“I don’t see your name here, let me call down to him,” she answered, reaching for her phone, “you can take a seat over there.” Seeing a row of red, theater looking chairs lining the wall, Jonas went to take a seat, hoping this would work, grabbing a magazine, and noting the cover story. 

“The Top 10 Animal Superpowers” 

“Addy would LOVE this, I wonder if there is a copy in the gift shop,” Jonas mumbled under his breath as he peeked back up at the young woman, hoping Sam’s call had worked. 


“CameronMitchell, this is not a bakery. ValaMalDoran said we needed a cake,” Teal’c pointed out, glaring over at Cameron confused as they pulled up into the parking lot of a restaurant. Grinning, that look of mischief on his face, he popped the car into park and looked over at Teal’c, an expression of confidence on his face.

“Look T, Adrienne loves cheesecake and well, Daniel, he just likes food. Vala wasn’t specific and trust me, I know my girl better than anyone,” Cameron replied, opening the Cherokee door, hoping in this odd time between lunch and dinner, the normally popular eatery wouldn’t be packed, the cars in the parking lot not a good indicator with a metro station nearby. The hostess at the counter greeted him and his Jaffa friend as they rushed into the warmth of the building. Laughing, ok it did sound crazy coming out, he explained what he needed and was led over to a large counter.  

“May I help you?” the girl asked on the other side asked, her small stature exaggerated by the giant glass case of sweets positioned in front of her. 

“Yeah, I hope so.  So I need to build a wedding cake,” Cameron started and pulled out a pen, doodling onto a napkin.


“Teyla, we got the rings, why are we going to the toy store?” John asked and he checked the bag one last time, fearful of forgetting anything on their errand. Vala had called them in a panic a few hours ago saying that she wouldn’t be able to make it to the jewelry store before they closed and that they needed to go and pick them up, the jeweler not too keen on having to engrave quickly, two weeks early no less. Task successfully completed, with only a few extra fees and Teyla kind ‘thank you’s’ John thought they were heading back to base to see how else they were needed, but  apparently he was wrong.  

“Cameron called me and said he needs a miniature representation of both Daniel and Adrienne to go on top of the cake.  He called it a topper. I am going to get a cake topper,” Teyla replied, pulling Torrin along, not that it took much pulling to get the excited child to enter, and opened the door to the small shop, a bell tinkling as she entered.  Still bewildered, John reached out and got the door for her, holding it open for the pair. 

“At a toy store?” he clarified and Teyla smiled, giggling that she would have to explain an Earth concept to John. 

“Actually, I believe Adrienne calls this a comic book shop and yes, we are going to find a topper here. I have an idea,” she smiled, walking with her son to the man at the counter.  


“Ah choo!!!” Rodney sneezed loudly as Jennifer hurried around the store, tossing bundles of various flora into the basket she had grabbed as she rushed in the door. 

“Cover your face!” she scolded over her shoulder, looking back to the pile of flowers in her arms, counting and frowning. 

“Why did you bring me here, I am dying!!” he complained, emphasizing each word dramatically and Jennifer stopped, glaring back at him.  

“I was hoping that you would enjoy this, an excuse to do something romantic together,” Jennifer, her tone a strange combination of annoyance and hurt. Reading between the lines, which he was getting better at the longer they tried this, thing, they had, Rodney began to smile when he backed up, throwing his hand in front of his face, violently sneezing again.   

“Why couldn’t we have gone to get the cake?” he asked, “that would have been just as romantic,” and Jennifer laughed, rushing to the counter. 

“Hi, I need every red rose and magnolia that you have, not just what’s out on display,” Jennifer ordered politely.


“Carson, toss up another box,” Ronan ordered from atop the ladder, wishing there was an easier way to hang lights on marble other than tape. Nodding, Dr. Beckett reached into the box of decorations and tossed another upward, the Sateadan catching it easily. 

“I thought the wedding was in two weeks, at some house?” he asked as Ronan tore the box open, pulling out a string of white lights and tossing the box back down. 

“It was, but Vala said they had to move everything to tonight. I didn’t ask, she sounded kinda pissy on the phone,” Ronan replied, “I’ve learned.  

“Dex, are you following the diagram?” Carolyn asked from where she was hanging some tulle around the center piece of the atrium, a part of her thinking that only a wedding for Daniel and Adrienne would result in something as insane as this. He looked down at her making it face, tossing the lights back over the ledge.

“They’re little lights.  Why do I need a diagram for little lights?” he asked but the doctor made a face, sitting back on her heels. 

“Because they’re supposed to look like constellations, like the DHD,” she said, reaching for the diagram on the floor beside her.  Chuckling at Ronon’s confusion and Carolyn’s frustration, Cassie walked over from across the room and took the diagram from her. 

“I’ll fix it,” she said and approached the ladder.  


Adrienne was sitting in the bed staring at her computer screen. She had been watching some old bad movies trying not to think about her life falling apart, about how she was losing control over everything. Jonas had volunteered to stay before he got a text from Sam urging him back to base, him, not Adrienne, which left her feeling even more frustrated and depressed. Was she considered so inept now that she wasn’t needed to help with the situation? Did her outburst of frustration seal her fate? She hadn’t meant it,      she was just so frustrated and confused that it was just easy to lash out at Daniel, after all, he loved her no matter what, right?

It was ten this morning when Jonas had pulled into their drive and about ten thirty when Sam had whisked him away. She had been alone since not one word from the man that was supposed to become her husband. It was nearly three now, the ridiculous B movie ended, something bad about bee swarms but the lead actor was hot so Adrienne had suffered through it, when she heard a knock at the bedroom door, looking up to see Daniel peering around the corner. 

“Can I come in?” he asked, but not opening the door the rest of the way. 

“Yeah, I’m just tryin’ to amuse myself,” she answered, her stomach rumbling, the little growing person reminding her that she had forgotten to eat.  Smiling softly, cautiously, he opened the door the rest of the way. 

“I brought you a late lunch,” he said, holding a bag in his hands. It was a plain paper bag, but she knew that smell, mexican, as did the mini-Jackson in her gut. 

“Thanks,” she stood, smiling, shutting the computer lid and walking over to him.  He grabbed her hand and led her into the dining room, leaving the large bag there and walking into the kitchen to get some plates. Adrienne didn’t wait, diving straight into the chips and salsa, Daniel laughing as he came out, Adrienne nibbling away.  

“Hungry?” he teased, setting the plate down in front of her.  

“If I was ever unsure as to whether or not this was your child, that appetite has taken away all doubt,” she joked.  Daniel smiled, starting to unload the bag and make her a plate.  

“Are you alright? I was worried,” she asked, quietly as he made her meal, sweetly, like nothing happened. 

“Yeah, three stitches, but nothing major. She bandaged it well; I’ll show you when I clean it tonight,” he answered, tossing on some rice, salad and a few enchiladas for Adrienne before passing it over to her.  He started to make his plate when looked up at her, peering carefully over his glasses. 

“Are you alright?” he inquired carefully, noting that she was eating heartily and no longer crying. 

“Yeah, bit of a headache but I’m ok,” she replied quietly. 

“I think we need to talk, really talk,” he said, making his plate finally, treading lightly to avoid a repeat of this morning. 

“I figured that bringing home Mexican was truce food,” she answered, smiling, reaching for the bottle of tea he had opened for her.   

“Adrienne we don’t have to do this, get married I mean. Don’t get me wrong, I want to marry you, I do, but if you aren’t ready we don’t need to. We can raise the child together without getting married, if that’s what you want, but please don’t terminate.  Please. I’ll do whatever you need me to get you through the rest of your pregnancy, through work, through anything, just please don’t kill my child,” Daniel started with talking and ended with pleading, distress apparent in his face.  

“Your son,”  she corrected, Daniel’s mood instantly changing as he looked at Adrienne with shock.  

“My son? Son? It’s a boy; how do you know?” he stammered, puzzled, Adrienne trying to hold back a smile.  

“Carolyn slipped this morning when she looked me over to give me the meds,” she answered, dragging her fork through her food, biting her lip. That had actually made her day. Carolyn said that they could find out at twenty weeks but when she said, HE looks fine and HE is determined to keep you sick, Adrienne asked, just to be sure. That had been her plan when she was summoned to meet Vala right outside the entrance to Sam’s office, not trying on dresses, having a nervous break-down or getting shot at.  

“Isn’t it too early to tell?” Daniel asked, forgetting his speech from earlier, having the exact same reaction as Adrienne had, Adrienne who was laughing at his excitement. She knew he said he didn’t care, but he was just so happy; he really wanted this, he really wanted to be a dad.   

“Apparently not,” she said smiling, beginning to cut the enchilada with her fork. 

“I KNEW IT!!” he shouted out, pacing around the kitchen, “I TOLD YOU SO!! I KNEW IT WAS A BOY!! I just had this feeling, I just knew, and, and, Ad, I’ve already got a name, Carter, Carter Howard, it’s perfect, it’s...” 

“The dude that discovered Tut’s tomb, backwards at least, and Sam’s maiden name too. Uh, no,” Adrienne started, shaking her head, “and Howard was a Duck.” 

“And you have a better suggestion?” he asked, Adrienne peeking up with a smile.

“Eric William,” she responded as her fiancee finally took a seat, rolling his eyes. 

“Nothing from True Blood. Nothing. And I don’t care if Alcide is a common Bayou name,”  Daniel started, seeing her begin to protest, shaking his fork in front of his face, “ but for now, we going to have to put this battle on the back burner.”

“I’m not going to kill our baby cooyon” Adrienne scolded, cutting her eyes at him. 

“I’m not gonna lie, you had me worried this morning,” he replied, picking at his food some more.  

“But I’m not quitting the program either. I’m not saying that I want our son to spend his life at a sitter, but we’re two intelligent, creative and capable people who can figure something out and I know that Teyla would be very willing to help,” Adrienne continued when Daniel put up his hand.  

“No one’s asking you to quit the program, do you seriously think at this point I could survive without you, Jonas or not?  You’ve spoiled me, in more ways than one,” Daniel answered, finally eating his meal. 

“Can we just go to the Justice of the Peace tomorrow? Please?” she pleaded, Daniel nodding immediately. 

“Yea, they open at nine, I already looked,”  he answered, “we just go and get a number and wait to be called.” 

“I love you,” she said quietly.  

“I love you too. I just want you to be happy again,” he said.  

“Can I just blame it on hormones?” she asked. 

“That’ll only work until he’s born,” he responded, swallowing a mouthful of food. 

‘That’s fair,” Adrienne smiled back, going to eat when she heard a ringing from the bedroom.  Remembering her phone on her nightstand, she stood to retrieve it, seeing it was Vala, her eyes rolling already. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving Daniel. No one’s breaking up, it was just stress, I’m trying to do too much, but don’t worry, we’re fine,” Adrienne said instead of hello.  

“Good, I need you here by six,” Vala ordered and Adrienne frowning, confused, walking to the dining room again.  

“Six? Why?” she asked, mouthing to Daniel that it was Vala on the phone, his reaction much the same as her own. 

“Because I’ve fixed things so I’m glad that you and Glasses are all hunky dorey again, you just need to get here,” she explained.  

“Vala, thank you and I appreciate everything that you’ve done, but I’m not worrying about getting a dress, solving the cake or the flower problem.  We’re going to the courthouse the morning, sign the papers and be done,” Adrienne replied as Daniel continued to eat.  

“Whatever, just shower, brush your teeth and whatnot and drag your man down here by six,” Vala replied.  

“I don’t want to,” Adrienne answered, Daniel peering in her direction, cocking his head in curiosity, trying to eavesdrop.  

“I don’t care what you WANT to do, get moving or I’m coming to get you,” Vala responded, hanging up before Adrienne could argue further. 

“We’re being summoned, by six, showered etc.” she informed him, but Daniel just shrugged.  

“They’re probably just having a party for us. Sam came down to check on me when I was looking up info on the justice of the peace so I think she’s probably talked to Vala and everyone, gotten things under control. We should go down there,”  Daniel replied pointing his fork at her plate, “so eat. We’ll put in enough of an appearance and then leave.” Groaning, but figuring she at least owed her friend that, Adrienne sat back down to finish her plate. 


By 5:30 both Daniel and Adrienne were showered and ready to leave.  Adrienne put on a dress, just in case Sam had made it a nice party and Daniel a button up shirt over some dress pants.  They locked up and headed out to the Jeep, deciding to drive there instead of take the metro in case they wanted to go somewhere afterwards, cheesecake Adrienne’s craving of the evening. 

They were just pulling into the parking lot when Vala called again, Adrienne laughing as she answered the phone.  

“No worries mon ami, we’re here ok,” she chuckled sweetly into the receiver,  the knowledge that at least one good chunk of the insanity in her life would soon be over and she could refocus her attention on finding ZPMs and kicking Anubis’ ass. 

“Great, you need to get down to the lab and Daniel needs to stay put. Teal’c’ll be up there in a second,”  Vala replied.  

“Why is Teal’c coming up - “ Adrienne started to ask but Vala just hung up and she looked over at Daniel, phone in her hand, puzzled.  

“Huh,” she said out loud as Daniel walked over from the side of the car to join her. 

“Huh what?” he asked. Adrienne held up the phone, shaking it, her face screwed in confusion. 

“That was Vala. I’m supposed to come down to the lab and you’re supposed to stay here and wait for Teal’c,” Adrienne explained, Daniel’s turn now to look completely bewildered.

“Yeah,” Adrienne continued, “that was my thought. What’s she up to?” 

“Just humor her.  It must be a surprise party or something,” he answered, not really believing his own words, but nonetheless, walking up and pulling her into his arms.  Gazing down at her, relishing her touch and kissing her lips softly, backing away, their foreheads touching, “Just a little over fifteen hours.”  Her heart singing at the best countdown she could ever hear, Adrienne nodded and pulled away, heading down to the lab.  

The door to her workspace was closed, oddly, especially since she had been asked to come here specifically. Frowning, Adrienne typed in her code, the green light flashing and she opened the door to Vala sitting on top of the center table waiting for her.  

“No Daniel?” she checked, looking behind Adrienne who shook her head.  

“Nope, he’s waiting for Teal’c like you requested,” Adrienne answered and Vala smiled, leaping from the table and rushing over to the lockers.  

It was then that Adrienne saw it.  

On a hanger was a gown, a reddish colored gown with gold, silver and copper accents.  It looked as if it had been smaller, more revealing, but there had been fabric added underneath, shimmering white satin sewn on the inside, a familiar fabric. Adrienne eyes widened as Vala grabbed it from the locker, waltzing over to her. 
“Now, provided those damn huge hips of yours fit, this should match the color scheme,” Vala stated, handed it over, letting Adrienne get a better look. It was her dress, well, part of it was her dress, even the collar which has been carefully afixed to the top. She knew that Vala had learned to sew, she picked on her about it often, but this? This was amazing. 

“What did you do?” Adrienne asked, turning the fabric over in her hands. Better, she thought, it is better than the dress, this is like a combination of a lady and a warrior, this is perfect. 

“Raiding my Qetesh stash and salvaged your dress; just don’t tell Daniel I still have that stash.  Go put it on,” she ordered, pointing to the bathroom but Adrienne shook her head, still confused, more questions flying into her head.  

“Why? I mean, it’s gorgeous but why?” she continued. Vala, however, just turned her body, pushing her toward the bathroom.  

“Your wedding; and it’s not white, well, not totally white, so you should be happy,” Vala replied, continuing your advance, but Adrienne stopped in her tracks, peering back over her shoulder.  

“Vala, Daniel and I are going to the justice of the peace tomorrow, the ceremony’s off,” Adrienne explained.  Smiling Vala shook her head.

“Nope, everything’s ready and waiting.  The cake, the flowers, the venue, Jack, your guests, including Aunt Barbara and the rest of your clan, well, in a little bit, Sam had to get them on a rush military flight but they’re due to land any time now. Everything is waiting for you two,” Vala responded, Jaw dropping, Adrienne’s eyes filled with tears, she stood there stammering, shaking, not really understanding what was happening. 

“What about Daniel?” she questioned, her mind racing, so many questions, so much that had to be taken care of, but she just couldn’t say anything else. 

“Teal’c and Cameron picked up the tux today.  Cam is working on the cake so Muscles is getting your man ready, aright? So, go put that thing on so we can get you married,” Vala said.  Crying now, not bothering to hide her tears, Adrienne rushed to her friend, hugging her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.  

“Thank you Vala.  Thank you so much,” she whispered in her ear and the taller woman hugged her back, pushing her away. 

“You can thank me by putting on that dress and stopping making your face so damn red because I would like to have your make-up not look like a clown. Now go!” she shouted, pushing Adrienne again, who rushed into the bathroom, wiping the tears of joy from her face.


Daniel stood at the foot of the carefully stone scene, his feet tapping nervously at the marble. Trying to will himself not to shake, he started to rationalize. He had been married before, he knew how this went, how it worked to be someone’s husband, but he had figured that out after the fact and hadn’t really been married that long. This was totally different.  This was a real wedding, one where he would have to say things and promise things in front of his friends to then go home and start a real life together, as parents no less. Those thoughts making him more nervous, he turned his attention to the rest of the Rotunda, the grand entrance to the Museum of Natural History.  

White lights, Christmas lights, had been strung all along the careful marble and iron balconies, lighted shaped to looked constellations, constellations from the DHD, the order of the shapes to show the dialing sequence for Earth. Her family, Aunt Barbara smiling at him from the front row of small white chairs, wouldn’t understand, but it didn’t matter, it was the symbol of the gate itself that was touching. The gate that had made Adrienne take the job despite their argument in the interview and the gate that had been the central part of his life for so many years had literally brought him the love of his life.  It choked him up to think about it and he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Jack, in full general regalia. 

“Ya ready?” he asked, and Daniel nodded. 

“It’s perfect. I can’t believe you guys did all of this,” Daniel responded, now noting the red roses all around the rotunda, the state flower of New York, where he was born. He continued to scan and caught out of the corner of his eye a cake, a giant cheesecake with two toys on top, Daniel squinting to see what they were.

“Teyla found those and she’s pretty proud of herself. It’s Indiana Jones and waitress from her vampire fad,” he answered, his face telling Daniel his opinion on the matter. Daniel, however, shook his head and laughed, wishing Adrienne was standing right there to see it.   

“Well, Daniel I hope you’re ready,” Jack patted his shoulder, breaking him from his trance, “cause here she comes.” 

Daniel wasn’t quite sure what exactly his face must have looked like to the crowd, but it must have been some expression of shock since he heard Adrienne’s cousin and Sam laughing lightly. Standing on a burgundy carpet, he was just now noticing there was a burgundy carpet set between the chairs, was Adrienne wearing a gown Daniel recognized, one he had seen Vala wearing on P8X-412.  What looked to be the collar of the dress Adrienne had draped over her should this morning was attached to a gold bodice with red skirts flowing all around it, white satin sewn in underneath.  It shimmered, red, gold, white, eerily mesmerizing as Adrienne stepped out of the doorway and onto her path to him.  She was breathtaking, absolutely, breathtaking, even more so that he could see the slight push of their son poking through the front of the dress. In her hands she carried a bouquet that was nothing fancy, just a collection of Magnolias, the flower of Louisiana, but to him that didn’t matter, she was the real flower of Louisiana.  Music started around them, something slow and classical, something he should have known the name of, but for him there was nothing else, no one else in this room other than the woman that was slowly walking forward to approach him.  Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she walked past their small assembly of family and friends, taking time to smile to each side, even reaching down to squeeze Torrin’s hand.  It was a short walk, but it seemed to take a life time when all of a sudden Adrienne was standing beside him, facing him.  She turned and reached behind herself handing Sam the bundle of flowers, before looking back at him, a bright smile across her face. 

“I’m here,” she joked.  

“I can see that,” he responded, “You look amazing.” He felt tears begin to well up in his eyes and she laughed, shaking her head.   

“Stop that Indy, you’re gonna make me start,” she said, her eyes filling as well. Breathing in, he reached out and took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs lightly across the top of her hand. 

“I ‘d like to welcome everyone and thank you for coming on such short notice,” Jack started, making sure to give a nod at the Verdin family, who seemed delighted even though they had spent four hours shoved in the cargo hold of an Air Force transport plane. 

“Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today in front of, well, a huge ass elephant. Really Jonas? An elephant? Isn’t there some famous rock here or something we could have done this at?” Jack continued, deviating his speech to scold Jonas, who Daniel noticed was sitting beside Sam, Teal’c, Cam and Vala, his team, his family.  

“Sir, you said columns, Sam said museum, and Vala said today,” Jonas defended, sheepishly, glancing over at Daniel and Adrienne in silent apology. 

“They’re arguing, at our wedding,” Daniel whispered to Adrienne. 

“Would you expect anything else?” she replied, giggling. 

“This is true,” he admitted, as Jack cleared his throat, signaling they needed to shut up. 

“Ok, fine, so here we are, gathered blah blah, with a giant stuffed pachyderm to bear witness,” he spoke again to the crowd, Sam mouthing for him to cut it out. 

“Do you think they’ll let us get on the elephant for pictures,” Adrienne muttered under her breath. 

“Can you behave?” Daniel laughed lightly, his eyes locked on her enchanting cajun brown. 

“Me behave? But it’s not too late to back out Indy,” she offered with a sly grin. 

“Never,” Daniel answered quickly. 

“Are you two finished? Can I continue?” Jack questioned, the quiet conversation evidently not that private. 

“Carry on,” Daniel replied, squeezing Adrienne’s hands. Clearing his throat again, Jack folded his hands in front of his body, taking that stance the reminded Daniel for all of the craziness that was Jonathan O’Neill, that he was an intelligent and respectable man who was here to perform a task that he was taking seriously.

“Sometimes in life things can happen that we can’t expect, could have never possibly imagined.  We work so hard to reach this goal, this plan, this layout that we’ve had for our lives when sometimes what was meant is right in front of you,” he paused, glancing over at Sam, who Daniel could see was crying already at her husbands words. 

“Some people, though, are hard headed, and it takes them a little bit longer,” he added, cutting his eyes at Daniel and Adrienne, both of whom were blushing furiously. 

“But you two finally clued in and here we are, in front of Dumbo, about to make this permanent, so is there anything that you two would like to say to one another?” he asked, unsure as Sam had cautioned whether or not they had vows already or would be able to come up with something on the spot. Wait, he thought, pausing, this is Daniel and Adrienne they can always talk. 

“I still can’t believe I fell for you Indy,” Adrienne said, the crowd laughed again, Aunt Barbara already wiping away tears. Daniel smiled, shaking his head but let her continue, holding her hands tightly.

“I never really thought that this, any of this, was for me, that I wasn’t meant to be happy.  And then this comes along, you came along and every rule I had ever made for myself just flew out the window.  You just had to mess up everything, didn’t you Daniel?” Adrienne tried to joke but she was already in tears, Daniel reaching out for her arms.  

“I had something written out, on my computer, which is obviously not here, so I’m just gonna have to wing it. Daniel, I love you, more than I could have ever imagined  was possible to love another person. I promise to never leave you, to try to behave myself and stay out of trouble and to make you not have to worry so much,” she and everyone laughed again, except for Carolyn Lam, who was smiling, biting her lip and shaking her head.

“I’m in this, forever, so there’s no more calling Sam to get rid of me or screaming at me in an elevator so I’d quit. In about five minutes sha you’re stuck,” she concluded, unable to hold back her tears any longer but Daniel wiped them away, holding her face in his hands, gazing down at her.  

“I wrote something too, and it wasn’t in English,” he said, chuckles passing over the crowd, Jack rolling his eyes where he stood. 

“Adrienne, where did you come from? You just blew in here like a storm and swept me away,” he touched his forehead to hers, lightly, just for a moment, and backed away, taking his hands from her face to clasp her hands.  

“I know I’m supposed to stand here and promise that I’ll never leave and that we’ll never be apart, but knowing my track record I think that we can both agree I probably shouldn’t try my luck,” he said, peeking quickly over at Adrienne’s family, who definitely would not get the joke.  Laughing, Adrienne wiped her face, sucking in invisible tears. 

“But what I can promise you is this. I promise you me, all of me, my heart, my soul, and my life and until it’s impossible for even my spirit to be with you, I will be with you and I will love you till my dying breath and beyond if I can. And I will do anything in my power to honor you as you have honored me agreeing to be my wife,” Daniel finished, starting to turn so Jack knew he was finished when Adrienne leapt up into his arms, kissing him on the mouth.  

“Wait!” Jack shouted out, everyone laughing again, “I’m supposed to say when it’s time to do that and I haven’t said a damn thing!” Adrienne back up embarrassed, wiping lipstick from Daniel’s lips as Jack shook his head. 

“Anyone have anything else to add?” he asked the crowd, scanning and tossing up his hands. 

“No one? Good. My turn. Daniel,” he started, making sure he had everyone’s attention, “I told you so!” he declared loudly, pointing out into the crowd, “and so did Cam, and Vala, and Teal’c and MY WIFE and Carolyn, do you see a pattern here, this was all about damn time!!” 

“Are you finished?” Daniel inquired, raising his eyebrows. 

“Yep! By the power given to me by some confused judge’s very poor judgment, I now pronounce you husband and wife. NOW you can kiss him Dr. Perky,” Jack announced but it wasn’t Adrienne that moved, it was Daniel grabbed her, pulling her into his arms, kissing her like it was the first time, and it was, the first time as his wife.  Smiling, Jack walked back over to join Sam, who grabbed his hand, pulling his ear to her lips. 

“I told him he would meet his match someday,” she whispered, and Jack wrapped his arm around her smiling.  

Adrienne had sent Daniel to get her some coffee under the guise of her stomach hurt too much to walk to the commissary.  It was a ruse; she needed to get to the uniform room, swearing Jonas to secrecy as she dashed off. Shrugging, Jonas grabbed a file, saying he had to take something down to Rodney wanting to leave before whatever Adrienne had up her sleeve came to pass. She returned quickly, setting up at her desk, peeking back at every footstep she heard behind her. 

When Daniel arrived back she was sitting at her desk wearing her SG-1 uniform jacket, trying not to smile.  He looked her over carefully, trying to figure out the reason for her mischievous grin, placing the coffee at her desk, decaf of course for the baby, pulling his  black t-shirt away from his back again.  

“That aloe is sticky,” he whined turning so she could help him and so he could investigate without her computer like eyes scanning him as well. 

“You’re the one who decided it was a good idea to forego sunscreen,” she scolded but stood, peeling the fabric from his burnt and aloed torso, as he frowned at her.

“I’ve been to Argos before; I didn’t remember it being that, sunny,” he replied.  

“You were on a mission in gear, not on your honeymoon in swimming trunks, cooyon” she retorted.  Daniel turned, making a fake angry face at her before reaching out to take her into his arms slowly, pulling her chin upward to meet his face, kissed her softly and slowly’

“Completely worth it; even if it was only a few day,” he whispered as he pulled away, turning and grabbing his cup of coffee to return to his desk. Sitting back at her own, Adrienne was disappointed, sad he hadn’t noticed.  Daniel just sat down and picked up the old desk phone, dialing someone, she didn’t know, she didn’t care, simply sighing, looking back at her computer.  

“Jack, hey, I win.  Nope, you can come down and see for yourself.  I didn’t say a word, she must have had it in the works without my knowing it.  Yep.  No, it was hundred bucks, Jack, don’t try to weasel your way out of it,” Daniel said, delighted, hanging up the phone to see his wife, standing there, arms crossed across her chest.  

“Ya a dammed tchew,” she said, trying not to laugh.  

“No, I’m not. I’m just smart enough to take advantage of the less skilled.  You, of anyone, should be able to appreciate that Dr. Jackson,” he replied, slowing his final words, as he ran his finger across the patch on the chest of her jacket, the new patch on the chest of her jacket.  

“It was supposed to be a surprise,” she retorted as sat in his lap, pecking his lips lightly. 

“Then when Jack comes tearing down with the hundred bucks you can surprise me with where we’re going to dinner,” he teased and started to kiss her again when sirens went off all around them.  

“Incoming travelers, P3X-888, scheduled check-in, Drs. Jackson and Rowan to the gateroom,” Walter’s voice echoed through the room, Adrienne resting her head on her husband’s shoulder. 

“Back to reality sha,” Adrienne moaned, standing, sighing loudly. 

“Yep, go check with Chaka. I need to go correct Walter. It’s Drs. Jackson and Jackson now,” he smiled, racing ahead to the observation room. 

Where DID they get married you ask?? Here: South Rotunda
What I think of now every time I think of Daniel & Adrienne Jackson. 

If you want to be able to visual what I see when I listen to this song, then please comment below. I can't make a video, but I can make one in your head.


  1. *sniff, sniff* You warned and were right--tears streaming! Beautiful!! <3

  2. awwwww... that was so nice. Quite the roller coaster of a chapter, but all's well that ends well :)
