About this page

I am a late comer on this ship, I know. I pretty much was turned onto Stargate when I was injured (for my own stupidity I assure you) and I took to the Netflix to find something to occupy myself. I discovered that one of my favorite movies of all time had been made into a TV show, so I started to watch. And fell in love. With Daniel Jackson. Madly. Not just Michael Shanks (although I am fairly certain that he is a Grecian God - oh dear lord....) but the character himself. Then came seasons 9 and 10 and I was just upset by the whole thing. I love Claudia Black and the scenes were fun, but really? Her? That is what they decided he would end up with? Ugh. I mean really, what would they talk about, ever? So, I made him someone. This is your warning. This is sorta a Mary Sue. Sorta because a Mary Sue is Ms. Perfect and while Adrienne seems perfect at first she is NOT. By a stretch. She needs someone like him as bad as he needed someone like her. This is their love story.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Author's Note - Together

Just wanted to drop everyone a note to say that I am glad you are enjoying these so far. Nothing makes me happier than watching my numbers creep up, comments appear on the stories, tweet DM's, retweets, emails. It is just too cool. 

I know this seemed kind of final but never fear! There's more to come; do you think I would leave you hanging. Just a warning though, things might heat up, so please take this into consideration as you continue. 

Please feel free to comment so far at the bottom of this post. 



1 comment:

  1. Nicely done!!! Yay!!! More to come!! (When you say 'heat up'.... you are not talking about the 80 degrees in DJ's room, right? *g*). Solstice.
