About this page

I am a late comer on this ship, I know. I pretty much was turned onto Stargate when I was injured (for my own stupidity I assure you) and I took to the Netflix to find something to occupy myself. I discovered that one of my favorite movies of all time had been made into a TV show, so I started to watch. And fell in love. With Daniel Jackson. Madly. Not just Michael Shanks (although I am fairly certain that he is a Grecian God - oh dear lord....) but the character himself. Then came seasons 9 and 10 and I was just upset by the whole thing. I love Claudia Black and the scenes were fun, but really? Her? That is what they decided he would end up with? Ugh. I mean really, what would they talk about, ever? So, I made him someone. This is your warning. This is sorta a Mary Sue. Sorta because a Mary Sue is Ms. Perfect and while Adrienne seems perfect at first she is NOT. By a stretch. She needs someone like him as bad as he needed someone like her. This is their love story.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daniel & Adrienne #29 - Ecce

**Author's Note: My meme maker broke. I am sad. If you love and are so inspired please make and post or tweet me @ladiosabri . Also PLEASE comment!!! ** 

Adrienne coughed loudly, throwing her hand in front of her face in a failed effort, she knew the instant Daniel shot a glare over in her direction.

“I told you to stay on base,” he scolded, a punishing look in his eyes. Sniffing in strongly,  and trying to ignore him, Adrienne jogged to catch up with Teal’c, leaving her closest friend to walk obliviously, file folder in hand without her. Reaching the strong dark man, she tapped him gingerly on the back noting his peek over his own shoulder before handing her a cough drop.  

“Thanks Teal’c,” she whispered, unwrapped the tablet low enough where Daniel wouldn’t see before popping it into her mouth.  

“AdrienneRowan, I do not understand why you have me hiding your medication.  Does DanielJackson know that you are ill?”  he asked, a half a smile on his face with raised eyebrows. She might have thought she was fooling Daniel, but Teal’c knew better. 

“Shh..” she hissed at him,  “DanielJackson does not know I am sick, because if DanielJackson knew I was really sick, DanielJackson would kick my cajun ass!” 

He hadn’t always been that picky on missions, in fact Daniel was one of the first to complain, loudly at times, about required medical examinations, but he had put his foot down after a mission just a few weeks ago to a planet coded P9Y - 430, a recently acquired ally.  Vala, stomach bug and all had decided that she was ok to go and despite falling asleep during the briefing had begged her way into the mission.  She seemed to be hanging in there, Adrienne slipping her a constant supply of vitamin water, throughout the talks and most of the day, that was, until dinner.  Right when Daniel was about to close on negotiations concerning mineral mining, Vala stood, unable to flee the table and threw up in the Prime MInister’s salad-like dish.  Needless to say, the SGC wasn’t setting up a new Naquada mine there and Daniel had made a new rule, that Cam had no qualms enforcing.

Teal’c made a face, shaking his head as Adrienne sucked strongly on the drop, continuing their hike forward toward Lucentum, the metropolis at the center of this vast empire.  The Stargate was located on the outskirts, in the ruins of the old city, so as usual they were in for a bit of a walk. Colonel Cameron Mitchell and Vala Mal Doran took the lead, laughing about some insane reality TV show they had been watching.  Recently, Vala had developed a frightening obsession with New Jersey and Adrienne could only imagine why, having found an entire population of people as loud as she was, in fact, Vala had become so enamored with the concept that she’d been calling herself a guidette for weeks. Close behind were Dr. Adrienne Rowan and Teal’c, walking together in silence, mostly quiet so Adrienne could keep her hacking under control and have easy access to her cough drops.  Dr. Daniel Jackson brought up the rear, reading through a file folder containing the preliminary information sent back from the MALP. Adrienne had loaded all of this onto the iPad for him, but he had slipped that back into her pack preferring old fashioned paper.  No matter how hard she tried to bring him into the 21st century he refused, his excuse being that as long as she was around to do it for him, he had no interest in learning.  

The first building of the city appeared on the horizon and Cam shouted back to the rest of them, announcing the obvious to their merry band as Adrienne elbowed Teal’c pointing enthusiastically ahead.

“Sick or not, how could I miss that?”  she stressed, the excitement in her captivating brown eyes like an explosion of light, magnified by the sun sinking into the distance. This was better then a Hebrew village to Adrienne, better than the Tower of Babel, this was the pinnacle of excitement for the young archaeologist, a young archaeologist whose own apartment looked like a classical temple, a fact Daniel would never let her live down.  As they reached the summit of the hill, the sight only grew grander, sending Adrienne into a near coughing spasm as a giant Roman-style coliseum appeared in front of them, that unlike the one on earth, was in pristine condition and according to the MALP information still in daily use.  Adrienne took one look and ran ahead like a child, pulling her camera from her vest pocket.  

Dr. Rowan’s speciality was classical studies in general, from the early Minoans to the fall of the Roman empire, but her love of ancient athletics was not a secret. A runner herself, Adrienne’s ultimate goal was to run a marathon, preferably dressed as an ancient Greek, but she had confessed to Daniel before on one of their movie nights, a few glasses of wine in that, she secretly would have wanted to be a gladiator. Glancing over at his assistant he could see the excitement on her face, mere moments before she dashed off, laughing to himself at her behavior. She had been on many missions with the team before, but this was different, this city was still inhabited and she could see up close the interactions that Earth Romans might have had with one another.  She would have hidden anything from Daniel for this chance.  

As they reached the outer wall of the city, Adrienne could see the senators that had been sent to greet them, three gray haired men in white togas and tunics with purple trim. Adrienne made a mental note to herself that the senators were wearing the royal color purple meaning that they were either emissaries of the Emperor or King, whatever title this Caecalius man had assumed, neither she or Daniel could figure out which when they had watched the MALP video, carefully translating the Latin greeting in the lab. It was either that or that the senate had assumed the power of the royal family, in which case Caecalius would be more like a president. However, the color choice was clear and deliberate, and it sent a message that these were powerful men.  Shutting the folder and moving Adrienne aside gently by the shoulders, Daniel stepped past her, making his way to the head of the group to greet the senators. 

“Salve senatores. Caecalum quaereo ,” he spoke in Latin, bad Latin, Latin so bad that it made Adrienne cringe; he had been translating Asgard so long his pronunciation was atrocious. Damn Indy, she thought to herself, it sounds like ancient shug, how do you mess that up? 

“Good day. Dr. Jackson I assume,’’ the senator replied, in English, something Adrienne had just come to expect even though Daniel never seemed to, “and please speak to us in the common tongue of the slaves so that we may better understand one another.”  Nodding in respect, Daniel pushed his glasses up his nose, turning to introduce the rest of the team, who were waiting patiently behind him. 

“Of course Senator, as our message stated, I’m Dr. Daniel Jackson.  This is our team leader, Colonel Cameron Mitchell, team members Vala Mal Doran and Teal’c and my assistant Dr. Adrienne Rowan,” he introduced, stopped at each team member with a wave of his hand.   

“Delighted, my name is Dominus Hortus and these are Magna Vocce and Clemens Fortis,” the man answered, his voice strong and low.  It didn’t matter how regal he sounded, Adrienne giggled, Vala looking over at her confused. Daniel continuing to talk, Adrienne took the opportunity to slipped over behind her friend, casually bringing their heads together. 

“Vala, may I present to you Master Gardner, Big Mouth and Strong Clem.”  Adrienne whispered.  

Vala cut her eyes, “Are you kidding me?” 

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Adrienne answered, that blasted cough clawing it’s way out of her chest, sending Adrienne into convulsions.  Without a word, Teal’c handed over a cough drop.  

“It appears that your assistant is feeling ill,” Dominus spoke, folding his hands in front of him as he directed his attention to Adrienne.  Whipping his head around, Daniel shot his assistant an evil look, his face reminding her clearly of his sickness rule as well as the general rule about not exposing new cultures to any more germs than their presences did already. Embarrassed, she sucked the cough drop harder, her eyes peering meekly at the ground. 

“Not at all, the walk was long. She tires easily,” Daniel answered smartly and Adrienne didn’t like his tone; if there was anyone out of shape on this team it was Mister sits at my desk and whines about fitness tests Jackson.   

“Well, then right this way, we have set up a guest house for you on the Gran Via so you have easy access to both the forum and the senate.  We are very excited to meet the brave defeaters of the Gods and hope to make a great alliance with your people,” Dominus gestured for them under the small archway, his companions crossing the arched stone threshold before him. After scanning his surroundings quickly, Daniel looked behind him at the rest of the group and nodded, indicating it was safe, Cam complying by slipping his gun in his holster, leading the group through the passageway. 
The city was spectacular, there was just no other way to put it. iPhone to her lips, Adrienne blabbered away taking verbal notes on the sights around her, speaking so quickly that were it not for the fact the voice was female one might have sworn that they were listening to Daniel.  She noted that just like in the Roman empire of Earth, the roads were narrow and the shops were built right into the houses on the tiny sidewalk.  Vendors screamed from their booths in Latin and English, walking the streets with baskets of their wares, waving their goods overhead. Most of the citizens, a flurrly of multicolored togas and tunics, either saluted their group as they walked by or pointed and whispered, most likely at the presence of not one but two armed women, one of which was armed like a soldier of the Gods. Adrienne knew that this was a possibility, however she was hoping that this civilization was more like Ancient Rome on Earth in that women had considerably more rights than in other ancient cultures, that and they didn’t think she was a Jaffa. Hi, my name is Addy and I am not a reformed killer I just am armed like one, was something she tired of explaining.  

They walked for about 40 minutes, weaving in and out of the city streets toward their temporary home, the streets growing even more crowed the closer they came to the towering athletic arena in the city center. Starving, Cam stopped and bought some figs and passed them around the group.  Adrienne and Teal’c took one eagerly, but Vala spit hers out with a look of disgust the moment she bit down. 

“Isn’t this what is in those cookies?” she asked Cameron.

“Fig Newtons? Yeah, in theory.”  he answered.  

“Well, that is not what this tastes like,” she retorted. 

“You do know that cookies have extra sugar in them.  A lot of extra sugar.  That’s what makes it a cookie,” he responded.  

“Everything should have extra sugar in it,” she answered tossing the fig onto the ground to join the other bits of fruit and waste scattered at their feet. 

Adrienne was getting worried, having lost sight of Daniel, caught up in her own notes and observations, but as Cam led them around a corner she saw that Daniel and the senators were in front of a small doorway, flanked by two tiny windows rather than shop booths.  This must be the place, Adrienne thought, not that impressive for their honored guests. 

“Here is where you will be staying.  Should you choose, there is clothing more appropriate for you inside.  The senate will meet at dusk and then we invite you all to a banquet to welcome you to our home.  It will be held in the senate house shortly after our meeting,” Dominus spoke, the other two senators silent bodyguards, flanking him mere steps behind. 

“I only wear a toga in a frat house,” Cameron whispered to Adrienne, who immediately started to laugh, the light chuckle rudely interrupted by a fit of coughing. For the second time that day, Daniel shot her a look over his shoulder.  

“At what hour should we arrive at the senate meeting?” Daniel asked their hosts, his eyes peering over his glasses at the sky, trying to judge the hour himself manually. 

“That will not be necessary Dr. Jackson,” Dominus replied, curtly and without any explanation, pulling up his toga and sweeping off in the direction of the forum, the other two senators followed him without a word.  Confused, Daniel made a puzzled look, hanging back to watch the men walk away as the team proceeded inside. 

“Typical Roman set-up,” Adrienne shouted behind her as she dashed into the fauces, “Looks like we have a small home, two bedroom floor plan, girls can take one side and boys the other.” Giving her a thumbs up, Cam walked to the left, pulling back the ragged linen curtain covering the passageway to what Adrienne was claiming was their room.  

“That’s it?” he asked, sweeping his hand aside to indicate two simple and small beds, a table and a bowl, Teal’c following the gesture with his eyes as he peered inside. Adrienne scurried over, setting her hands on his shoulders to peek over them.

“Yeah, I mean, it seems a little more simple than normal,” she said, glancing at Daniel as he finally walked through the front door, “maybe we’re not as honored as we think.” Daniel shrugged, offering no solution, halting behind them to adjust his bag and reopen the folder.

“We didn’t get a lot of information from the MALP, just the greeting from Caecalius and the invite, pretty standard,” Daniel replied, his face still furrowed as he began to thumb through the folder. Reading his face, she was good at that now, Adrienne pulled away from Cam, standing on tiptoes to see if she could make out what he was reading. 

“Indy, shug, what did our video say? Was it your standard message or the new one?” she inquired wondering. Since their mission to the Hebrew settlement, on Adrienne’s suggestion, she, Daniel and Sam had been working on some more videos, explaining more clearly who they were and why they wanted to visit. The new version, featuring Daniel despite his protest, included an explanation that they were peaceful explorers and a brief explanation of who he was and what he did. 

“New one, no worries, not trying to be mistaken for the archangel again,” he answered without looking up, walking on past them into the main foyer of the domicile.

“Look, we can drag one of our beds over here to you guys, Vala and I can share one,” Adrienne offered, motioning blindly with her hand as she watched Daniel walk away, stopping a second time to read something in his hands.  As if she heard her name, Vala came running to the entrance hallway, breaking Adrienne’s own trance of worry. 

“We have a pool!” Vala shouted excitedly, pointing toward the garden area directly through the atrium.  

“Not exactly,” Adrienne replied, refocusing on her role on this mission, she was essentially Daniel on this one while he was going to play negotiator; worried about him or not, she had a job to do, “since there seems to be no impluvium in the atrium here,” she pointed to the bare floor in the main room, “this one outside is the source of all of the water in the house.  If we need to bath, we will either need to use the bowls in our rooms or find the public baths. That water will also be for drinking.”  

“Public baths?” Vala inquired, her eyes darting left and right from Cam, to Teal’c and back to Cam again. 

“Yeah, they’re separated by gender, but you bathe in a big tub together,” Adrienne explained. 

“Gross,” Vala replied.  

Adrienne shrugged, her gaze directing itself back onto Daniel, still not saying a word, resuming his walk across the atrium area as Teal’c was dragging the second bed from the girl’s room across the small hall.  Concerned he was angry with her, Adrienne tossed her pack into where Vala was trying to figure out how to best make the bed and followed behind him.  

“Indy,” Adrienne shouted, “looking for the tablinum?”  

“Yeah,” he replied indifferent, readjusting his bag and tucking the folder under his arm. Breathing out in frustration, she jogged a sec to catch up as he crossed the large room, turning to walk backwards as she poked her face into his.  

“Hey, stop, shug are you pissed at me?” she asked. 

“Why would I be?” he said as, pushed past her, continuing to walk.  Spinning on her heels to face forward, she jogged a few more steps, putting her hand to her mouth making a coughing gesture, but he quickly shook his head, not slowing his stride. 

“Honestly, I’ve given up on trying to get you to do anything I ask.  You want to go from a slight cold to pneumonia, be my guest,”  he answered shortly and out of character. 

“Ok, that was harsh....” she bit her tongue before she said anything else to set him off, pausing, hurt, when Daniel stopped in front of the curtain, reaching out for the torn fabric, sighing before peering back at her. 

“No, I’m sorry, I’m not angry with you Ad. If you’re feeling alright enough to be here I trust your judgement above that of others.  That’s not what is bothering me,”  he answered, that frown washing over his face, pulling back the curtain to the Roman study and making his way over to the table.  She followed him, pulling the curtain closed behind them as if the tattered thin textile would afford them any privacy at all. There was a bench in the corner, so Adrienne snuck around Daniel, taking a seat as he set up at the center table.  

Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?”  she asked, figuring that asking him in French what was the matter would at least make their conversation somewhat less public.

“Something’s just not sitting right.  The senators, this place and the meeting before the banquet.  The one they obviously didn’t want us to attend. And I am supposed to be meeting with Caecalius, who is the one is charge, not this Dominus character,” he replied, in English, pushing the things aside and sitting down beside her, looking over in her direction, his blue eyes shimmering in the dim light peering through the holes in their pathetic excuse for a door. She couldn’t help it, self control or not, even if he didn’t feel the same she loved him and something was wrong. Reaching her hand out to his, fulfilling the vow she made to herself the night she watched him die right in front of her, she carefully intertwined their fingers squeezing his hand in her own. 

“Yea,” she agreed, “that’s strange, but we’re both working under the assumption that these people are like our Romans.  Without Etruscan influences or the wealth of the conquest, maybe they’re just different. Maybe this is their defensive protocol, keep us at a distance and work us in slowly,” she suggested squeezing again as she tried to peek around to catch his glance. 

“I suppose,” he answered, standing and pausing to meet her gaze, and for a fleeting moment she thought she saw something different in his eyes, something she wanted so badly to see, but then the moment was over, his hand was gone and he was looking back toward the atrium. “We should find that clothing before dinner.  You know how to put those things on right?” 

“Of course, I was just hoping we weren’t playing dress-up this time,” she smiled up at him. 

“Hey, you had to wear that so you wouldn’t be stoned as a whore,” he grinned back at her, glad she could now make light of a situation that had almost cost her her life, a situation that he still remembered, with chills, carrying her to the gate in his arms, hoping she would be alright. He hadn’t realized it then, but it was his love for her that gave him the strength to fight that man, a man she had pointed out later was much larger and stronger than even her, and had given him the strength to carry her, her big curvy cajun hips and all as he ran back to the Stargate.

“Shug, It’s not me we need to worry about getting stoned, just try to remember that,” she  chided him, cocking her head in the direction of the doorway, Vala’s feet visible as she dashed around the house exploring every room.  

“True,” he responded, chuckling, and walked over to the desk, opening his pack.  

It took most of the afternoon for the team to get settled and for Adrienne to figure out how to get everyone properly togaed.  Vala was easy, she stood still and even seemed to like the outfit, despite how much of her it covered.  Not surprisingly, Teal’c was able to do most if his himself, the bottom most layers much like a Jaffa ceremonial robe and Daniel took a little help, but it was Cameron that gave her the most trouble.  

“How in the hell do they walk in this, this fabric must weigh 50 pounds!!”  Cam complained, loudly, lifting his arms to examine the folds and folds of white fabric Daniel’s assistant was wrapping around him. 

“About ten actually,” Adrienne countered, “And it makes you look dignified.” 

“Where do you suggest I put my gun?” he asked. 

“I don’t really think guns are necessary,” Daniel answered him, adjusting fabric over his own shoulder.  

“Look Jackson, I know this is you and Addy’s little area of expertise, but I read Julius Caesar in high school.  I’m taking my gun,”  he stated as he walked away from Adrienne, disregarding complete whether or not she was finished, pulling up the toga to find a place to strap his holster onto his leg.  Shaking his head, Daniel gave up trying to argue, burying his face into the folder as he waited for their leader to be ready. 

Dressed, finally, Adrienne glad for once the lateness could not be blamed on her, the team made their way out onto the street, torches being lit all around them as the sun began to sink into the horizon. Since the layout was so similar to Rome, Adrienne happily explained to them that they only needed to follow the main road toward the city and it would lead them straight to the city center which would take them straight past the coliseum, positioned close to the forum. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it the entire walk, only half listening to Daniel ramble on about things she had read in the file herself, things her eidetic memory had already recording, until he just walked ahead, letting her gaze around in wonder. And then they were there, standing at the entrance of the magnificent stone structure and Adrienne paused, staring upward in awe. 

“What’s that?” Vala asked, coming to a halt beside her friend, looking up as well. 

“That’s the coliseum.  It’s like a big tournament house slash entertainment center.  There are fights and performances, it’s the cultural center of a Roman city. I went to the one on Earth in graduate school and I just...” she paused...” I never thought I would really experience one like this. One that is a part of someone’s present and not their past.”  

“We should see if we can go inside,” Vala suggested as the boys walked on, noting the excitement in Adrienne’s eyes, an excitement she could understand. For every new discovery on Earth, lotions, foods, music that amazed Vala, there was always some rock  that just got Adrienne all in a dither. Just like Daniel, and that killed her still, especially now that she knew the truth, that Adrienne was in love with him, real love, pure love and she knew in her heart he felt the same. Amending her previous beliefs, this was the hardest thing she had ever done, not only stepping back but giving Adrienne her full support, giving her friend a chance at happiness she wasn’t sure she’d ever find for herself. 

“Maybe, if I get time,”  Adrienne replied softly, as she looked in his direction, trekking on ahead to the steps of the senate house. 

“Oh, just bat your eyes at him, you know he’ll say yes,”  Vala winked at her, teasing, watching her friend’s expression. It was tearing her up inside, she knew, but she understood why Adrienne’s was keeping it to herself, in fact, Adrienne wouldn’t even discuss what happened last weekend at Sam’s other than she drank too much and Daniel too her home, even holding her hair as she puked the next day. 

“Sure....”  Adrienne shook her head and they continued on after the group. Led by Daniel, taking his role in this quite seriously, they were making their way up a large, white marble staircase to the senate house, an eerily accurate miniature of about a hundred different buildings in DC. In a strange way, it almost seemed like home, even more so now that Adrienne considered Washington D.C. to be her home. Reaching the top of the grand staircase, Adrienne noted the open structure of the building, trailing behind her friends between giant marble columns into the foyer.  There was no separate room for the meeting area, walking past a second smaller set of columns, Daniel led them straight into a debate, men in different states of dress and position, some sitting on stone benches, others standing and shouting and a few leaning against inner columns shouting themselves.  Not all were wearing whites togas in purple trim, in fact some were not wearing white togas at all and Adrienne assumed that these men must be representatives from the farming class.  

It looked as if the senators were wrapping up their meeting and Adrienne could make out a few of them still arguing about shipping taxes on freight in and out of the city, and considering the request for the common tongue, she was almost caught off guard by the boisterous shouting in Latin.  Both Cam and Vala ganced over at her, Daniel being completely wrapped up in his own thoughts, worrying Adrienne further, but before Adrienne could open her mouth to translate anything, the meeting was adjourned, the man at the podium wearing a deep purple toga slamming the gavel down and ending the unfinished debate on taxation. Placing her hand gently onto Vala’s shoulder, Adrienne excused herself silently to join Daniel’s side as Dominus came to greet them, seeming to appear out of thin air. Daniel was right about one thing at least, the man was just plain creepy, that feeling of unease from earlier settling in her stomach. 

“Dr. Jackson, we are pleased that your group found your accommodations and attire acceptable,” he said, indicating with his hand that they were all wearing togas, Cameron shifting uncomfortably at the reminder.  

“Yes, thank you again. Now, I know that we have the banquet to attend, but we are anxious to meet Caecalius- “ Daniel started to speak but was interrupted by Dominus,  

“Yes, yes, in due time.  First, we have a feast.  Come,”  he placed his hand on Daniel’s back and indicated for the rest of the group to follow.  

They entered the room adjacent to the senate meeting place, a much smaller space, similar to a church fellowship hall and saw that the feast had already begun without them. Trying to shoot a glance at Daniel, to no avail as he was speaking to Dominus, most likely in an attempt to locate their leader, Adrienne added this to the list of strangeness forming in her head. However, party started or not, the layout itself was as she expected, the room scattered with small white marble tables and deep red sofas centered around large amphora vases filled with wine and water.  It was just as she had imagined, had shown students on countless slides in her lectures, and was just about to allow herself to get swept up in it all once more when she felt fingers lightly grasping her own, peeking over her shoulder to see that Dominus was gone, Daniel standing at her left holding her hand lightly. 

“Where do you sit?” Cam asked, and Daniel realizing what he had done, released his grip in his assistant, turning quickly to face him. 

“You don’t,” Daniel responded, “you recline.”  

“Where?” Cam indicated that there was no table of honor as they were accustomed to, earning a smile from Adrienne this time. 

“Everywhere,” she explained, slipping happily in her comfort zone of teaching, trying not to think about what Daniel had just done, the feel of his fingers on hers in such a different way, “You don’t stay in one place.  You mingle, lounge, pick food from some tables and grab other food off of serving dishes,” she wanted to continue, the excitement of having an audience taking over, but she could see across the room already, that mysterious senator was waving Daniel over in his direction, interrupting her train of thought.

“Alright, let’s try to be smart.  Attempt to stay together, keep everything to small talk and try not to offend anyone,” Daniel instructed, glaring at Vala with his last statement. 

“Ok, ok,” she answered, running her arm under Teal’c’s, “Come on Muscles, show me a good time.” Smiling, the Jaffa complied, leading her off toward a table of fruits. 

“Keep an eye out,” Daniel whispered to Adrienne lightly, and she felt fingers again, his fingers intertwined with hers. What was going on with him? she couldn’t help but think, however rather than returning the gentle gesture she gripped his palm tightly, pulling him close to her face. 

“Indy, together does not mean you go off alone while we babysit each other,” she fussed, worried, more about what he might do if he was in one of his moods, but he pulled away, shaking his head, peeping up to check on Caecalius. 

“Ad, I need your eyes elsewhere; I need them on this crowd. Feel out what’s going on, please?”  She nodded and watched him turn and head for the direction of the senator.  

“Well, Colonel, looks like you’re my date,” Adrienne quipped at her remaining teammate. 

“With pleasure Dr. Rowan,” Cam responded offering her his arm, leading her in the opposite direction of their friends. 

As Adrienne and Cam made their way from lectus to lectus, the cajun grew more and more disappointed in how little information she was able to glean.  Everyone they spoke too, all members of the Lucentum upper class, were more interested in their battle stories than talking about their cities or way of life.  Cameron was happy to oblige, regaling them with tales of the final battle with the Go’ould, the execution of Ba’al, the defeat of the Ori and a long list of stories of events occurring long before Adrienne’s involvement with the SGC. Adrienne simply sat in silence, not only because she hadn’t been around for those events but in the hopes that if Cameron would keep quiet for just a second she could ask one of the questions burning inside of her, questions about  their lifestyle, government structure, their coliseum. After about the fourth group, Adrienne noticed Daniel sitting with one of the quiet senators, Magnus she thought his name was, and decided to make her way over to him.  Neither man was talking, which for Daniel was quite strange, she noticed as she came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. His hand reached hers before his eyes peeked back to meet her gaze, watching the togaed man in front of him for a moment longer before glancing up at her. 

“Ad, where’s Cam?” Daniel asked, scanning the room for trouble. Worried, like always, but other than the fact the people here seemed completely enamored by the team, the party wasn’t going that strangely, so Adrienne just smiled, climbing onto the lectus with him, and wrapping her arm around his waist to hold herself up, thinking nothing of the gesture until it was done, but dismissing her worry quickly when he didn’t flinch at the touch. 

“I never thought it possible, but I’ve finally found someone that can out talk you,” she teased, pointing her head over from where she had come. In her short absence a crowd had formed around Cameron and he didn’t seem to even notice she left, still taking away, dramatic hand gestures and all. Daniel laughed lightly, looking back at Adrienne as she rolled her eyes. At that moment, as if he had just noticed Adrienne’s presence, Magnus stood and left suddenly, without acknowledging the two of them.  

“Do you still have that feeling?” Daniel asked Adrienne once the man was out of range.  

“A little, maybe, and I haven’t been able to get in a word edgewise.  All they want to hear are war stories,”  Adrienne answered. 

“I know, the whole damn situation is odd. I’ve spent my entire night talking about Jack and Teal’c,” Daniel said a smirk of annoyance on his face. It wasn’t that he minded talking about his friends, but after spending all week in the lab, pouring over various ancient texts, Asgard mentions of the planet and anything they could get their hands on, a classic Jack O’Neill shoot out wasn’t exactly how he’d planned to spend the mission.    

“Well, in early Rome, the warriors of the legions became the first leaders and senators. Maybe they haven’t evolved past that yet?” Adrienne suggested and Daniel shrugged, instinctively reaching behind himself to hold her closer to him on the small couch. 

“Maybe so, but what gets me the most is that I still haven't met Caecalius,”  he whispered quietly, not wanting to arouse suspicions.

“Really?” That struck Adrienne as odd, odder more so than the fact he was quite literally holding her as they sat here. Focus, Addy, focus, she ordered herself, wondering exactly where Dominus had led him off to earlier, after all, the video the MALP had recorded had been from a well dressed man named Caecalius who claimed to be some sort of leader in the senate.  He was the man they were sent to meet.  Adrienne reached across Daniel, grabbed a cluster of grapes, returning to a position of leaning on him since the lectus was so small and he was right to pull her closer, she hadn’t even noticed that she was slipping off. There you go Ad, jumping to conclusions when the man just doesn’t want you to fall on your ass. Shaking her head she popped a grape into her mouth, the flavor exploding on her tongue, easily the best tasting piece of fruit she had eaten in her life. Lying there, clad in Roman guard, leaning against the love of her life, Adrienne could have been content forever, until the fantasy was shattered as Dominus interrupted their meal.  

“Are you not enjoying the party? Your comrades are regaling us with their tales of heroism and boldness,” Dominus asked, reclining himself on the empty couch in front of them.  

“No, we are, Adrienne and I were just talking about how similar your culture is to one from our home world.  In fact, Adrienne is a bit of an expert in the field, in particular she had a great interest in gladiators if this is a custom our worlds share, and would love to ask you some questions about your city here and your way of life” Daniel answered. 

“Interesting doctor, very interesting,” Dominus blew off the request as easy as he would blow off an eyelash. However, he did zero in on one piece of information, his expression clearly changing from one of boredom to one of excitement at the mention of the word gladiators, “Dr. Jackson, what does Dr. Rowan know of the munera exactly? ” 

Adrienne squeezed Daniel’s leg so that Dominus couldn’t see, hoping that he would catch how odd a question that was, why was he so interested in her opinion of gladiators, in such a way that his mood would change, and why wasn’t he talking to her when she was sitting right there?

“Senator, we both are historians of our world.  We study the nature of people and the past so that we may learn from our mistakes and best understand other cultures.  We are not warriors nor are we fighters, we are academics,”  Daniel answered, hoping to bring the focus of this mission back to knowledge, which was what he had been promised in the first contact message.  This had turned into something entirely different it seemed, the focus quickly becoming violence, Daniel's least favorite topic.  

“Sad, very sad.  Here in Lucentum, we value academia as much as valor, and do not separate the two.  Caecalius will be interested in knowing this,” Dominus countered, that excitement from just mere moments ago, carefully sipping his wine before leaning back onto his elbow but at the mention of the name, it was Daniel’s face that perked up, sitting forward and pulling away from Adrienne. 

“So, are we to meet him now?” he tried not to convey emotion in his voice, but was relieved that this game was finally over and he could get down to business. Dominus smiled and reached for a chunk of bread.   

“Yes, that is why I have come to get you and your lovely assistant here. Caecalius has invited you and Dr. Rowan to spend the night in his home tonight, which I can assure you is quite lavish,”  Dominus stood as he spoke, stuffing the bread into his mouth and Adrienne tried not to grimace at the sounds he made as he chewed and talked. 

“Senator, we’ll need to confer with our friends; our team likes to stay together when we work, I’m sure you understand,” Adrienne offered, reaching to grab Daniel’s hand in fear. As before, he carefully intertwined their fingers, squeezing her palm in an attempt to comfort her.   

“Of course,” Dominus continued, “but they have already been informed,” he motioned in the direction of Cam who looked up at the two of them, waved and gave a thumbs up.  Puzzled, Daniel glanced over at Adrienne and back at Dominus. 

“Alright, I’m still not sure if we will stay the night, but I’m looking forward to finally meeting Caecalius,” Daniel answered, sitting up but holding Adrienne lightly, protectively, giving her shivers as he gently squeezed her side. 

“As is he Dr. Jackson.  As is he.”  


Vala quickly grew bored with the party.  At first, everyone wanted to hear the stories of her adventures with the team and since Teal’c wasn’t exactly the most talkative person, Vala had the privilege of playing storyteller much to her delight. However, after repeating the same stories countless times, even she grew tired of talking and began to make excuses or avoid the more crowded tables.

She spotted Cameron across the room, a throng of people gathered around him, apparently he wasn’t sick of talking just yet, however, she did note that Cameron was alone; Adrienne was no where to be seen. Neither was Daniel and her first thought made her smile evilly.  Maybe Adrienne had finally listened to her, after all, everyone knows that alcohol is the serum of truth and Adrienne was certainly doing a lot of talking during girl’s night last week.  So much so that Sam had cut her off, but not before Adrienne had let the cat out of the bag.  Vala had been hounding her ever since, certain that Daniel felt the same and hoping, that in this drab boring atmosphere that Adrienne seemed to find so enticing, she had finally gotten the courage to pull him aside and at least talk to him, or, even better, see what he was wearing under that toga. Yet, despite her excitement for her friend, she did decide to use Adrienne’s absence as an excuse for her and Teal’c to break from the formation of lecti on which they were resting and make their way over to Cameron. 

“And see, the bastard thought he was really clever and he had made so many clones of himself that we had no idea which one was real - hey guys, I was just telling them about our old buddy Ba’al and all of his craziness,”  Cam said as he waved them over.  Vala rolled her eyes and let Cameron finish, leading right up to the big execution and the crowd erupted on cue, applauding and cheering loudly.  Barf, she thought, don’t give him any more encouragement.  The noise subsided, changed rather, the praise quickly turning into begging him for another tale when Vala reached forward, having heard enough, grabbing his arm and pulling him aside. 

“Let’s get out of here.  I’m sick of being the center of attention,” she whispered to him.  

“You? No way, those are words I never thought I’d hear come from you.”  Cameron laughed, taking his arm back and shaking his head. 

“CameronMitchell,” Teal’c spoke up, “these people glorify war and do not understand the permanence of death. They disturb me.” 

“Alright T, alright. We can go,” Cameron adjusted his toga, secretly thankful to be able to leave and take the damn thing off, heading for the exit as requested. 

“Cam!?!  What about Daniel and Addy? We can’t leave them.” Vala implored, looking around the room for the rest of the group. Unless they’re fucking, she thought, in which case, they needed to be left alone. It make take those two a while to figure out how everything works. 

“Them? Lucky stiffs, that senator, Fortis or something, he came by and apparently since they’re considered the big wigs of the group and we’re just the lowly grunts they get to go to a swankier party,” Cam rolled his eyes, the movement matching the movement in his stomach, since other than the fruit and a few pieces of bread he really hadn’t eaten that much; fish eyes were just something he didn’t find appetizing. 

“So, are they going to meet us back at the guest house?” Vala clarified, wanting to make sure that she wasn’t going to leave two of her best friends behind, literally light years from the place they all called home. 

“Yeah, that’s what Fortis said, so let’s get out of here,” Cameron pushed this time, his hasty hands already unraveling Adrienne’s handwork as he stepped out into the torchlit night. 

At first Vala was happy to have the room to herself, especially since the last time she and Adrienne had to share a bed Adrienne kept elbowing her insisting that she snored.  She didn't snore, she was fairly certain she would know if she snored.  However as the night dragged on and Vala saw the moons pass across her window, green and eery, she grew even more concerned.  They should have returned by now, hopeful hot sex or not, not even Daniel could be that good...or could he?   Worried, and trying not to think about what the two of them might be doing to one another, Vala threw back the blanket and made her way across the entrance way, quietly pulling back the curtain and peering into the opposite room.  It really was small with the three of them cramped in there, were all three of them actually there. Cam laying there silently sleeping on the bed closest to the doorway, Teal’c’s closer to the wall but the bed in the middle, Daniel’s, was empty. She had a slight hope she would find both Daniel and Adrienne tucked in there together, but that wasn’t the case, the two geeks were no where to be seen. Anxiety flooding over her, Vala crept quietly over to Cameron, reaching out for his shoulder. 

“Cam, Cam, wake up,” she shook him lightly and he stirred but before she knew it there was a Zat gun in her face.  

“Dammit Vala, don’t do that!”  Cam returned the gun to his side, “You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing in here?” 

“They’re not here yet,” Vala stated and pointed at Daniel’s bed, “See. Empty.” 

Cam rolled over, ignoring her, “Well good for Jackson, he needs to get laid,”  he answered, laughing. 

“Cameron, this is SERIOUS. Addy’s not back either,” Vala insisted. 

“My point exactly,”  Cam didn’t turn back over.  

“I think we should go look for them,” Vala said, a bit louder this time so Teal’c could hear, standing and crossing her arms.  Cameron rolled back over, cutting his eyes at her unamused. 

“Look, Vala, maybe this party was so posh that it had it’s own apartments.  Togas or not, we all have radios and mine has been silent. Go back to bed and we’ll head down there in the morning.   I’m sure we’ll find them both tomorrow with massive hangovers and embarrassed looks on their faces, ” Cam ended the discussion with one final glare, rolling back over onto his side. 

“Fine...” Vala answered, storming across the hall throwing herself back onto the bed. She tried willing her self to sleep but just tossed and turned before standing from bed again, throwing the blanket aside in frustration. Scared and worried, she walked over to the boy’s room and crawled into Daniel’s empty bed.  

She awoke not only to the sun the next morning, but to Teal’c looking down at her.  

“Is something the matter Vala Mal Doran?” he inquired, “You are not in your bed.” 

“No, Teal’c,” sitting up quickly when she remembered, “Did they come back?” 

“Nope,” Cam answered for him, arrogantly, as he came strolling into the room.  “But they stayed at the palace thingy just like I said they did.”  Vala stood from the bed, adjusting her clothes, looking to their leader for answers. 

“And how do you know that?” she inquired confused. 

“Because,” Cam continued as he stuffed something into his mouth, “the guys that brought breakfast told me.” He showed her a loaf of bread, making her stomach react before he mouth could, and making Teal’c leave the room immediately in search of food.  

“And...” Cameron continued, “apparently our little whiz kids did so well that they’ve called for a games to be held today.  Delivery boy sounded like it was pretty darn impressive too, since it usually takes a lot longer to throw something together at the Coliseum.”

Vala paused for a moment, remembering the conversation she had with Adrienne the night before.  Since their visit was only supposed to be for three days, it was entirely possible that Adrienne had charmed them into a special event to get her in the coliseum.  She was good at things like this, she played the sweet card like Vala played the sex one, which honestly Vala found quite impressive. 

“Ok, that sounds like something Addy could pull off,”  Vala relented, reaching out to take the bread from Cameron, “ Any coffee?” 

“Honey, this is ancient Rome.  There’s a flask of goat milk in the big room,” Cam answered, pointing behind himself. Making a face, and a mental note to root through Addy’s bag for those coffee beans her and Daniel were always munching, Vala headed out to the atrium in search of a beverage.  

The games were to start when the sun was at its highest point, which Vala had learned was 12 noon Earth time.  No one brought them any lunch since the boy this morning had told Cameron there would be food at the games.  Luckily, Daniel had left his pack behind and Vala knew he always had a stash of powerbars so she ate one quickly and stuffed another into her pocket.  Without Adrienne, there was no way she was getting that toga on again, so she switched out of the shorts she had slept in for her BDU pants, stepping out of her room and noting that both Teal’c and Cameron had chosen the same, each wearing their standard SGC uniform. Feeling a bit more normal, minus the absence of the two archaeologists, the three of them headed down Gran Via and to the Coliseum.  

The closer they got to the massive stadium, the larger the crowds grew.  People were pushing and shoving in the streets, or stopping to listen to small boys in tunics shout out into the crowd in Latin and English.  

Ecce! Look! The Emperor Caecalius has declared a special games! We offer Lions! Gladiators! A recreation of how our honored guests defeated the Gods! 

“A re-creation of us? Sweet!” Cam declared.

“That must be why we were asked to recount the stories of our victories numerous times,” Teal’c admitted.  

“See, I knew I liked those people!”  Cam slapped Teal’c on the back and kept pushing his way through the crowd.  They passed another young barker repeating the same message, this time however, with a different ending.  

And that is NOT EVEN the MAIN EVENT!   

Intrigued, Vala stopped and shouted up to him. 

“Then what’s the main event?”  

He looked at her clothes, his eyes widening in recognition, knowing her as one of the ‘honored guests’.  

“It will be an event in your honor, in honor of all of you, and to demonstrate Lucentum’s power to the people of Earth,” Before Vala could ask for any more details, the boy looked away, back out into the throng of people, his speech starting once more from the beginning. She started to reach for his thin leg, to tap it, get his attention, but she saw that Teal’c and Cameron hadn’t stop when she had, Teal’c’s large figure towering over the crowd.  Swearing under her breath, she ran ahead, not wanting to be left behind in this strange place. 

Finally, after being shoved, having her foot stepped on and her butt grabbed, she reached the large archways that served as the entrances to the arena and waiting there for her were Cameron, Teal’c and that odd man Dominus who seemed to appear from nowhere.  A lot. He was just a bit creepy. 

“Vala, over here!” Cam waved to her.  Waving back in acknowledgment, she pushed past a few more people and was there in front of him, out of breath with a sore left foot.

“Get this!!” he said excitedly, “Not only did Addy convince them to hold the games but we get to sit in the Emperor’s box.  That girl’s got moves!”  

“Where is Adrienne?” Vala asked, “Or Daniel for that matter?” 

“They are the emperor’s special guests; they will join us soon enough,”  Dominus answered and set forward to lead the way. The crowed seem to part for him, as though he was Moses parting the Red Sea of bodies. This was a lot easier than getting here, Vala thought to herself, as she continued to lag behind the group.  

SG-1, or at least part of it, made their way through the archway entrance and to a large flight of grey stone stairs.  Despite it’s antique structure, the Coliseum seemed to be set up very similar to Fedex Field, where Jack had dragged them all last fall to watch some stupid football game that Vala still didn’t understand. Cam had tried to explain to her, but she had just shooed him away, grabbing some food from the table and reading one of those delightful vampires books Adrienne had bought her. In fact, when they reached the Emperor’s box itself, Vala noted the similarities between the boxes as well, minus the throne of course.  She should tell Sam to get Jack a throne for Christmas, he’d like that. 

His face friendly and ever so cordial, Dominus showed them to a series of seats situated on opposite sides of the throne, main chair, whatever it was called, Adrienne would have had some fancy name for it were she here.  As they sat Vala noticed that there were no chairs for her absent friends, something else she found to be quite odd.  Before she could turn to find Dominus and ask when they would be rejoining the group, he was gone again, replaced by a young serving boy with a bowl of olives.  Frustrated, but starving, Vala grabbed a few and sat back quietly in her chair.  

A loud, blaring, fanfare blasted Vala out of her daydream, one in which that lovely Mississippi werewolf was about to teach her all sorts a naughty things, and a legion of warriors was marched out onto the field.  There again was Dominus, leading the pack, proclaiming the games in honor of the people of Earth and to serve as a demonstration of the might of the Lucentems.  Cam and Teal’c applauded as everyone in the audience looked at them seeking their approval, Vala joining in as well as Cam elbowed her into participation.

For the first round, two chariots dashed out into the sandy arena, their drivers holding on for dear life with one hand while engaging the crowd with the other. The barker in the announcement box was shouting something about a battle between the Lucentems and the Barcinos, and not only did Vala not know who the Barcinos were, but was unable to hear the rest, if it was even in English, which it didn’t seem to be. If Adrienne were here, she would have just asked her, and that small worried feeling crept up inside of her again. Where was Adrienne; she would never want to miss this. Vala started to stand, intent on slipping away to find her when she heard a shout and out of the corner of her eye saw Cam rise to his feet, shouting and cheering. The two men below were engaged in some pretty rough battle, rough enough where even Teal’c was on the edge of his seat, Cam now standing at the edge of the box, his hands resting on the stone knee wall when they were not in the air in excitement.  Eventually, and eventually was the best word for it, as the violent stabbing match seemed to drag on forever, one of the men was able to knock the other off of his chariot and he approached him, pointing a spear at his jaw.  He paused and looked at the audience giving an exaggerated thumbs up and then a thumbs down as the crowd whooped and hollered and thumbs thrust into the air all over the arena.

“Damn! “ Cameron yelled out, “This is JUST like the movie!!”  Teal’c nodded in agreement but Vala didn’t care, she barely remembered those stupid movies the boys picked anyway, she was still scanning the crowd for her missing friends.

However, what started as a joyous scene of friendly competition started to change quickly, as the people began to chant, all thumbs now facing downward.  Riled by the roar of the crowd, the victor pulled back to deliver the killing blow when a voice shouted from the barker’s box and in an instant of climbing and scurrying, the young boy was on the podium again.  

“The Emperor Caecalius has agreed to spare this man’s life for his continuing honor and courage,”  he shouted loudly, in English, glancing back over his shoulder as if he were clarifying what he was to be announcing one last time. The audience booed, a few things, figs, bread and something that looked like shit flung out into the main competition area, while the winner helped the loser rise to his feet and collect his chariot.  

“You think they would have killed him?” Vala asked, wishing for once that she had watched some of Adrienne’s stupid boring movies so she would have a better understanding of what was going on.

“Maybe,” Cameron admitted, “we don’t know these people.” 

Her question was answered shortly as the second act began, and it was significantly more gruesome.  This time, three armed gladiators, that is what Adrienne had called them as Vala was starting to vaguely remember a movie with a hot guy named Maximus or something like that, entered the area, marching straight for the center, standing in a semi-circular formation, all facing what appeared to be a large piece of wood laying on the ground. His head shaking furiously, Cam looked over at her, trying to explain, but no words coming from his mouth and his waving hands just weren’t doing anything to help. 

“No freakin’ way!!” Cam finally spat out, dashing to the kneewall for a second time just as a huge lion came charging through the wood, shattering it to pieces, revealing a hidden hole in the arena floor. The animal paused for just a moment, roaring viciously, a desperate hungry roar that chilled Vala to the core despite the vast distance between them. It shook its head and charged, lunging for the man closet to him and ripping his throat out.  

“Dear God!” Vala shouted and leapt up, Teal’c standing as well. Instantly, the other two men were on the beast, stabbing and cutting the poor starving animal to pieces and Vala turned her head away so she wouldn’t vomit, the gore was too much, much more than she could handle. Teal’c wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from the massacre below, himself sorry for the poor suffering creature dying in agony on the earth. There was a massive cheer, the people in the stands around the box screaming in excitement, so she turned back carefully to face the crowd, still holding onto Teal’c as she peered over her shoulder. She could have watched, intently, every gory movie Adrienne could possibly own but nothing would have prepared her for the sheer carnage presented here for the crowd’s amusement. One man was left standing, just one, the second man, the one who had retained his throat, had apparently lost an arm and the poor lion had finally met his end through decapitation. It was too much and Vala started to heave again; this wasn’t violence like she was used to, violence in battle, this was violence for sport, violence meant to be as horrible as possible. Then, as quickly as it started, men came rushing out to clear up the mess, the audience settling as if nothing had happened. 

The third act was supposed to be a recreation of their defeat of the Gould, she got that much from the barker’s announcement. Since they could not bring in snow, ice or spaceships for that matter, chariots rode around with arrows used in place of Zat guns and water funneled onto the field to make the entire area a slick as glass.  Unlike the first round no one was pardoned death, but it was significantly less gruesome than the second demonstration and only after an acceptable, to whom Vala was not sure as the young man kept glancing over his shoulder into a darkened box, number of men dead the barker declared “Earth” the winners.  Eerily, as if on cue, the entire assembled directed their gaze at their booth for approval, Cam leaping to his feet and cheering loudly, encouraging her and Teal’c to do the same.  

“What are you doing?” Vala hissed at him, “At least 5 people DIED down there!?!” 

“Look,” Cameron pointed out through a thin forced grin, “If they’re killing people for fun what in the hell do you think they will do to us if we piss them off?” Quickly, Vala stood and cheered, her concern for Daniel and Adrienne growing. 

The barker took the podium once more and announced the final act of the games, his manner different and he held a scrolled parchment in his hands, removing a purple ribbon from around it and unrolling it carefully.  Shaking, the poor boy looked terrified, Vala could only imagine why, and cleared his throat to begin to read but before he could utter one syllable it a hush fell over the crowd.  

A tall figure in a dark purple toga entered the field, accompanied by an entourage to equal the Queen of England.  Walking to the dead center, his robe dragging through blood covered sand, he came to a halt and held up a hand, sending the crowd into hysterics.  Shaking uncontrollably, his eyes darting around himself as if he had done something wrong, the barker spoke again, his gaze in the direction of the man. 

“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, the illustrious emperor of Lucentum, Caecalius Eratus, ” the boy announced proudly and the crowd went absolutely berserk. Turning to face the box, face them, Vala saw that he was a thin man, with wispy white hair and a sharp jaw, accented by deep dark eyes.  He took a slow, deliberate breath, before opening his mouth and In a low booming voice, Emperor Caecalius turned to address his people. 

“Citizens of Lucentum.  We have had many blessings on our people during my reign.  We have finally defeated the Barcinos....” 

More screaming...

“The Florentia” 

The crowd lit up again...

“And the Argenti.” 

The crowd began to stomp their feet.  

“And we did all of this with the blessing of the GODS!” 

The noise at this proclamation was unbearable, people screaming, stomping and thumping, it was a sound vacuum trapping Vala, encasing her, making her head throb. The emperor raised his hand and as suddenly as it started, the crowd dropped to silence and Vala felt a hand on her arm and breath at her ear. 

“I don’t like where this is going....”  the colonel whispered to his teammate and she cut her eyes over in silent agreement. 

“But then, we learned that the Gods were weak.” 

Silence be gone, the people started shouting obscenities, in Latin, in English, things Vala knew because Adrienne had taught her so many foul words in so many languages...dammit where are you Addy? her thoughts raced through her head, where are you and Daniel, why aren’t you hear?

“And were able to be defeated by the brave warriors of Earth and Chulak,” he announced and swept his hand to the box, the crowd now cheering SG-1.  Cameron sheepishly waved, not knowing what else to do. 

“Who have come here seeking friendship and an alliance. We welcome this alliance,” the emperor continued and the crowd went nuts yet again, to Vala’s relief. Maybe not exactly the kind of friends we want, but better than being lion food.... 

“However, not all of the people of Earth are as brave and as strong as the Lucentum.  They do not teach their people to fight, their people have to choose to fight.  This does not make a people strong.  It makes them weak,” Caecalius began to lecture and pace around the arena, the crowd murmuring their agreement. 

“So, before we are to enter into such an alliance with the people of Earth, we need to demonstrate to them what power is. What bravery is. Who their leaders and heroes should be,”  he declared, motioning behind himself and two large gladiators, the ones from the first act came out, dragging a man between them, tossing him to the ground.  It took them backing up and leaving the arena for Vala to realize who had been thrown at the emperor’s feet.  

“Daniel!!” Vala began to scream in hysterics, leaning over the edge of the box, staring down at her friend in a torn tunic, the outer toga gone, and what was left stained with dirt and blood. He was conscious, crawling to his knees slowly and she wanted to scream again when Cam grabbed her forcefully, clamping his hand over her mouth as guards entered the box behind them, lining up and blocking the exit.  

“This,” the emperor continued, “this is the leader they sent.  A weak man. A man of letters and not the sword. THIS is the leadership we cannot accept.” 

Vala bit down on Cam’s hand and he let go asking her the question that was on his mind now, “Where’s Addy?” 

“What is worse?” the emperor was continuing, “is that the woman that assists him, the woman who would be second in command, SHE is a warrior. On this planet, where one must CHOOSE to fight, the women are choosing to fight while the men read.” The crowd erupted into laughter at the statement and the man let them roar and rage before raising his hand to silence them again. 

“To prove this to you all and to demonstrate to the people of Earth the errors of your value system, our final contest today will be a fight to the death,” he shouted into the air. The crowed roared and Vala made a dash for the guards intending break free, to get down there when Teal’c grabbed her by the arm, jerking her towards him. While Vala was screaming and thrashing, Teal’c holding her in place, Cam scanned the soldiers, looking for an exit, any way out.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, Dominus stepped between the guards.  

“We will let you go, after this contest is decided.  You will take what you have learned of Lucentum back to your people and send back a more suitable liason,”  he explained, gazing out into the tournament area. 

A horn sounded and everyone cleared the arena, except for Daniel, who Vala could tell was not only beaten but appeared to be drugged as well. Her heart was racing as she looked all around her, desperate to find some way to save him.  And where was Adrienne? She choked back tears thinking what they might have already done to Adrienne, her friend, her teammate.  A second horn sounded and a door on the side of the arena opened, a figure appearing in the darkness.  The figure waited for a moment, as if waiting for a command before finally stepping out into the light. 

“Addy!!” Cam shouted and Vala could see that the figure was Adrienne, clad in full Gladiator armor, armed with a spear and a broadsword.  Vala could feel her stomach turn again.  What in the hell had they done to her? Like some bad Roman epic film, Adrienne pranced around the center ring, soliciting cheers from the crowd, pushing her spear clad fist into the air.   

“Why is she doing that?” Vala asked in disbelief, looking over at Cam and Teal’c.

“It appears that AdrienneRowan has been brainwashed to think she is a Roman gladiator,”  Teal’c answered.  

“Christ,”  Cam lamented, “she can kick Jackson’s ass when he’s actually trying to defend himself...”  

Hearing the noise of the crowd, Vala looked away from Cameron, seeing Daniel come to his feet, slowly, groggily, reaching for a support that was not there. The crowd must have shouted something in Latin to Adrienne, because she turned to face him and charged like a wild animal, sword and spear in the air ready to attack. Fortunately, he had a sword himself, it must have been tossed onto the ground beside him and he got it up just in time.  They heard the clang from the box, as loud as if it were right there not well over fifty yards, but the blow was too strong for Daniel in this condition, and he fell to his knees again, dropping the sword.  Smiling, shouting, Adrienne walked around him, looking back at the crowd for approval and got the response she was looking for, her audience raged like animals, cheering her, screaming strange things that Vala couldn’t translate. Her heart raced as she watched the cajun, approach Daniel, grabbing him by the tunic he was wearing and dragging him to his feet.  

“He won’t fight her,” Vala said, “he won’t do anything to hurt her.” 

“No,” Cam agreed, “and if he thinks that we’ll get to leave safely as long as one of them dies, he’ll let her kill him.”  Vala went to speak, to agree, she knew Daniel would die for Adrienne without question, interrupted by the raging of the crowd once more. There stood Daniel holding his arm in his hand, blood seeping from the sides while Adrienne danced behind him, speaking to her fans.  

“We can’t just sit here and watch him die,” Vala protested, Teal’c quietly surveying the area around him as Cameron was shaking his head.  

“Look, we’ve got to get to them, and get out of here. I can make it to the gate and get help if you guys can cause a distraction,” Cam muttered, his eyes checking to make sure the guards didn’t hear, and for once, Vala was secretly happy that he ran so much.  The audience roared again and Vala looked up, noting that Adrienne had tossed her sword aside literally punching at Daniel like they did during training. He seemed to be able to block most of her attacks, the two did train together often now, but about every third or fourth punch she would land a good one, on his chin, at his stomach.  Taking a heavy blow to the temple, he hit the ground again, his face smacking the sand, bloody dust billowing around his cheeks.

“Occide... Occide...Occide....” the Lucentums began to chant, a single word this time, organized, frenzied. 

“What does that mean?” Vala asked as Adrienne danced around the arena basking in their cheers.  

“ValaMalDoran, this language they speak seems similar to ancient.  In ancient it means ‘kill,”  Teal’c informed her.  

“No!!” Vala screamed out.  She couldn’t stand here and let this happen.  Not only could she not lose Daniel, but Adrienne, she couldn’t let Adrienne....

Without thinking, Vala leapt over the knee wall of the box and landed hard on the stone seats in front of it. Picking herself up as fast as she could, she ran down the seats, level by level screaming like a banshee in an attempt to be heard over the chants of the audience, still wildly screaming kill in that awkward ancient language. She tripped and fell on some loose stones of a broken step, but jumped up again quickly, seeing the wall to the arena in her sights. Guards were coming toward her, but she was too fast, making it to the last wall moments before the guards reached her, bracing herself with her right hand, launching her body into the arena. Landing painfully on her ankle, so much so she felt the pain soar up her calf and she crawled herself to a standing position, dashing over to Daniel and throwing herself on top of him.  The crowed must have alerted Adrienne, because she turned to face Vala and Daniel, grabbed a spear and walked purposely over to them.  

“Vala?” she heard Daniel moan under her. At least he was still somewhat conscious.  Wrapping her arms protectively around him, she looked up to Adrienne, shaking her head frantically. 

“Addy, listen to me. You have to listen to me.  They’ve done something to you.” she pleaded.  

“Agite” Adrienne spat. 

“Addy, you don’t know what you are doing, please,”  Vala begged. 

“Agite” Adrienne repeated and moved closer, kicking Vala’s hurt leg. She winced in pain, that shooting sensation moving up her leg once more.  

“Adrienne please, listen to me. This is NOT real. You are NOT a gladiator.  This is DANIEL here, DANIEL.  They want you to kill Daniel!!”  Vala was crying by the last sentence, trying to think of anything that could get through to her friend, to snap her out of it, make her stop. 

“Agite!!” Adrienne shouted, ripping Vala off of Daniel and throwing her violently aside, forcing Vala to land awkwardly on top of her ankle. The crowd was in a frenzy, chanting  ‘Occide, Occide”  as Vala grabbed her leg, the pain so intense she could barely stand it, and she was sure it was broken now. Dragging herself back over to Adrienne, she caught sight of the sword laying unattended on the ground and grabbed it quickly, slamming her friend in the back of the knee with the side of the blade.  Adrienne fell down onto all fours in the sand turning to face Vala in a rage, spear in the air when Vala saw Daniel grab the spear from her hand and pull her toward the ground on top of him. Redirecting her attention to Daniel, Adrienne punched him in the face, knocking him semi-conscious, blood spraying from the corner of his mouth. The cheers grew louder as Adrienne reached to her side, producing a knife, which she held over her head, waving it to her audience, eliciting roars of approval from all around.  

“No Adrienne....” Vala wailed, “You can’t kill Daniel. Please don’t,” she begged, racking her brain, the pain in her leg so great, it was paralyzing, what could she do, what could she say? 

“Adrienne you LOVE him,” Vala shouted the only thing she could think of, the thing that destroyed her the most inside, the words she had not allowed to cross her lips since she had heard them cross Adrienne’s. 

The knife stopped in mid-air.  Vala’s breath quickened, did she really stop? Did she stop because of her words? Because she loved him?  Taking the opportunity, Vala just kept talking, hoping her hunch was correct. 

“Adrienne, listen to me, do you remember, last weekend at Sam’s.  Do you remember what you said? What you told us?”  Vala asked frantically and Adrienne didn’t move but she did not put down the knife either so Vala kept talking.

“Addy, you said you loved him. That you loved Daniel more than you had ever loved anyone else before in your entire life.  You cried over him for crying outloud, and I didn’t even know you knew how to cry. You LOVE him Addy, you can’t kill him...”  Vala explained, finally letting her own tears flow freely.  Head falling back, Adrienne dropped the knife to the ground, Vala scrambling on all fours to retrieve it, just in time to look up and meet her gaze. 

“Vala?” Adrienne asked, looking like she had just awoken from a dream.  

“Yeah Addy it’s me,” she answered, stabbing the knife into the ground, out of Adrienne’s reach. Before Adrienne could grasp what was going on, a beam of light shone down into the arena.  


Adrienne awoke to Dr. Carson Becket shining a light in her face.  

“Well there’s my girl, back from the great unknown,” he greeted her in his warm scottish accent.  

“Dr. Beckett, what is going on?”  she asked, rubbing her face, trying to sit up and wincing in pain.

“Lass, you’ve taken a beating.  They drugged you pretty good and you didn’t do your body any favors with that crazy fight of yours,”  he answered. At his words, flashes of memory started to come back to Adrienne, a dinner, a smaller party, that sweet wine....but the last thing she remembered was...

“Daniel?” she pleaded, “Where’s Daniel?” 

“He’s fine, little banged up, but he’ll be ok.  He’s in ship’s quarters resting; I let him out yesterday,” Carson answered, smiling.  He knew Adrienne’s first question would be about Daniel’s well-being; those two were thick as thieves and she seemed relieved by the response, for a moment, until her expression changed and she cocked her head. 

“Yesterday? How long have I been out?” she questioned, wondering even more what they had done to her. What had been in that wine?  

He smiled, “A few days give or take.  We’re just making a slow orbit around Earth because Dr. Lam didn’t want to move you guys around too much until everything was ok. Now, rest up, I’ll check on you later,” he answered and stepped away from her bedside, pausing and turning again, holding up his finger. 

“He did come by though, checking on you, well, he’s pretty much been right here since he was released, but I made him leave and get some sleep. He left you a note on the table over there, but you relax for a while, before you call him, alright?” he added, pointing to a piece of paper on the beside table. Glancing to her side she saw the note, folded and tucked under a cup of water. She reached for it, grimacing as she did, unfolding in gently in her hands. 

See what I mean about not drinking outside of your apartment. Call me if you ever wake up. I’ll sneak in coffee. 

Not exactly what she had hoped for, but at least he had stayed. Deciding to listen to Carson, as least for a little while, Adrienne lay her head sideways on the pillow, her head and body aching.  

“You broke my ankle bitch,”  a voice said behind her and Adrienne turned to see Vala coming around the corner on crutches.  

“Sorry, I wasn’t myself,” Adrienne apologized sadly.  

“That was obvious,” she quipped, “you actually let Daniel get a few hits in.”  Adrienne chuckled, the throb in her cheek confirming that she had taken at least one good blow to the head. She’d have to give him a hard time about that later.   

“Thanks Vala, for everything. You saved all of us,” Adrienne said, smiling at her equally broken comrade. Shaking her head, Vala crutched her way over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“No, I just prevented you from killing Daniel. Your boyfriend saved us.  Apparently, he was able to get back to the MALP during the Emperor’s private party and send the distress signal.  It gave the Odyssey plenty of time to arrive,” she explained. 

Adrienne vaguely remembered Daniel asking a beautiful woman to show him around the city because it had made her sick with jealously, made her drink more wine and eat those divine sweets, making her poison herself further.  She felt stupid now, thinking he was trying to woo Lucentem women when it was all a ploy; he knew something was wrong.

“That man is too smart for his own good,”  Adrienne joked, now doubly relieved.

“Thank goodness,” Vala agreed, standing from the bed and adjusting her crutches. “You get some sleep; they said that was some serious poison,” she ordered and started to make her way to the door. 

“Vala?” Adrienne called out.  

“Rest Addy, I know that is something you don’t normally do...” but Adrienne interrupted her, shaking her throbbing head. 

“Did he hear?” she asked, her voice growing quiet. 

“Hear what?” Vala responded.  

“What you said?” Adrienne looked at Vala with fear in her eyes. She didn’t remember past the wine, the sweets, the cheeses, she didn’t remember anything other than holding a knife over her head, pointed at Daniel, Vala screaming behind her the words. The words she had only admitted to herself a few short weeks ago, the words she had said to Sam and Vala in a drunk confession, the words she could never say to the one person to whom they were intended. Vala shook her head kindly, a small smile on her face.  

“I don’t think so.  He was pretty out of it for a while there,” she replied. 

“Ok,” Adrienne answered softly, not knowing what else to say. 

“No worries, your secret is safe with me,” Vala smiled at her gently, her heart dying. It was so unfair, all of it, why couldn’t they just tell one another, why wasn’t he here, why did two people that she cared so much about have to be caught in an impossible situation? The woman looking at her was so very much in love, and the man she had checked on earlier in his quarters was much the same. It wasn’t fair, not only would they never be able to tell one another how they really felt, but that Vala was certain she would never have that. I guess we can just be miserable together, she thought, as Adrienne smiled back. Trying not to think about it further, Vala turned and left the infirmary, headed to get something to eat. 

Adrienne rolled her head over again to sleep, opening and reading the note one more time. 

“I kinda wished he had,” she cried softly, to no one but herself, clutching the paper in her hands. 

1 comment:

  1. That was a scary one! And hero Vala was very cool! Great adventure story, my friend. :)
